
Dragon Age: Origins wins Best RPG and Best PC Game Awards at VGAs

Dragon Age: Origins has won the Best RPG Award at the Video Game Awards 2009 beating out Borderlands, Demon's Souls and Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. It was also awarded the best PC Game Award.

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Saaking5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

Damn it. I wanted Demon's Soul to win.

I haven't played DA Origins so I can't really say much about it. Demon's Soul is still awesome though.

OH and this also won best PC game.

sabestar5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

Believe me this is one helluva game. True, demon's souls was also awesome, but one has to win and I'm happy with whoever of the 2 wins, so glad it was DA:O

Saaking5284d ago

What's the game like? I heard it's similar to ME,but I never followed it. Is it a sequel or something?

Kalowest5284d ago

Don't worry, your not the only one to think DS was going to win, i thought it would be DS or BorderLands.

morganfell5284d ago

Saaking, it's as generic as it comes. It isn't a bad game but the title has no soul, no personality. It scored okay in reviews not because it did something great but simply because it didn't do a lot wrong...which isn't quite the same thing.

raztad5284d ago

It's clear that originality, innovation is not relevant for those awards.

Demons Souls (the hardcore RPG) has been robed. Long live the casuals.

Baka-akaB5284d ago

DA is actually awesome , but it's basically a creator owned (and 3d) baldur's gate . .. a 3d baldur's gate .

Does it even live up to Baldur's gate 2 ? Nope , still great but nope .

Anyway based on that alone , that DA is nothing new , and that DS is everybit as good , arguably better , and definitively more innovative and risk taking ...? Demon's souls should have won this .

But since when does proper taste and logic meets in such awards ? basically never , so no surprise .
Hell i was surprised DS made it to nominations

Redempteur5284d ago



demon soul is better on that point more original ..more risky ...

sadly ....

Nikuma5284d ago

DA:O is a good game but it has flaws. Demon's souls is overall the better game and is more innovative. Demon's Souls should of won IMO, but I love both games so it's alright I guess.

S4NDM4N5284d ago

wow all you people complaining about it are dumb sh*ts no offense.

The game is crap on consoles.

On PC, it is way better. Dragon Age is casual? When it was released it wasn't. Bioware had to release two patches to make the difficulty easier sadly.

lol it plays like Mass Effect? What the hell? If people can say it is worthy of being the spiritual successor to Baldurs Gate 2, then it is probably the best RPG this gen.

I wouldn't even call Dragon Age a multiplat game. The game is terrible on consoles. It was pretty much a PC vs. a PS3 exclusive.

Darkstorn5284d ago

Good choice. I had to choose this over Demon's Souls, but by an infantecimal margin.

Tony P5284d ago

True, you'll recognize the hallmarks of a BioWare RPG in DA, but had you ever had your hands on even one King's Field, you'd probably be calling Demon's Souls "generic" as well.

I know it's not a graphical powerhouse like Demon's Souls is, but I think it outweighs DS in content and goes the distance in replay value, which is saying something for a SP-only RPG.

Daver5284d ago

I preferred Demons souls over Dragon Age.. to each their own taste i guess

crck5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

I loved Dragon Age on PC. Probably the most fun I had with any game this year. I think an extremely important part of a rpg is story and character development and as far as I know Demon Soul has next to no story and npcs to interact with. Of course that's just my opinion and as others have said to each their own.

evrfighter5284d ago

Putting Gameplay > Graphics is how it should be. Bioware is NOT known for graphical powerhouses. They are however known for insanely in-depth RPG's.

Putting gameplay > graphics has made Bioware the top RPG developer in the world this generation. You know it, I know it, the Japanese know it.

Gameplay > graphics will ALWAYS net you the trophy in the end. I feel sorry for people that would rather have it the other way around.

PC gamers learned this lesson with Crysis. It's a good game but it was still considered a disappointment due to the fact the graphics was supposed to make Crysis the best game ever.

Console gamers will learn this lesson in time.

raztad5284d ago


It really cracks me up when someone feels like calling you names, instead of arguing in a civic way. WTF dude?

Demons Souls blows DAO out of the water in terms of gameplay/innovation. If you need to repeat the same thing over and over is because you suck at the game. Innovative gameplay > Lord of the Ring-cliche story.

S4NDM4N_V25284d ago


It really cracks me up when someone feels like calling you names, instead of arguing in a civic way. WTF dude?

Demons Souls blows DAO out of the water in terms of gameplay/innovation. If you need to repeat the same thing over and over is because you suck at the game. Innovative gameplay > Lord of the Ring-cliche story."

You haven't played Dragon Age on a PC. You said it yourself, you USED to be a PC gamer awhile ago. The game is different. It is actually like two different games. And no it doesn't innovate. It is a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate 3. They took the classic PC RPG mixed with micromanagement strategy, and mixed with an immersive story that gives you choices. Sorry, at least Dragon Age had a story.

And innovative gameplay? This is what I love about the PS3 fanboys on n4g. They are such hypocrites. I'm usually a PC-PS3 fanboy, but the users here makes me want to support the 360. I'm sure Uncharted 2 wasn't that good of a game either. I mean Lara Croft/Indiana Jones theme with nothing new or innovative.

I'm saying that each time you play DS, how different is it? Dragon Age is a massive game. There are so many different story arcs and choices.

You also can't judge the gameplay since you haven't played the PC version

"Anyone familiar with the Baldur’s Gate games will feel right at home with Dragon Age’s gameplay on PC, but it’s a very different experience between PC and consoles. On PC you can switch between either 3rd person over-the-shoulder view or a much more tactical isometric view. Combat moves can be selected from a skill bar at the bottom of the screen by clicking on them or using hotkeys. Combat can also be paused with the spacebar, allowing you to switch between party members and queue up actions. This is essential for survival on anything above normal difficulty.

Tactics are certainly the name of the game with Dragon Age. Careful combination of abilities such as freezing and shattering moves, and fire and oil traps will be necessary to surviving many of your fights. Often you will find your party outnumbered three or four to one, and poor micromanagement will get you quickly killed, even on normal difficulty. This combat system is engaging, and extremely challenging. Those new to the genre will absolutely want to start on Easy, at least on PC.

Consoles are another story. The isometric view is not an option, limiting you to the over-the-shoulder view. Instead of hotkeys, you use a radial menu to select your attacks, which works pretty well. You can also switch between characters, but without a wider view it can be hard to get them to perform the tactics you want. To compensate for this, the enemy AI and general difficulty of the console version is drastically reduced. Even the hard mode isn’t as tactically challenging as normal on PC, and friendly fire on spells is turned off by default. This makes for a game that’s fun to play, but feels more like an average action RPG than a challenging tactical experience."

raztad5284d ago


It's ok dude. Dont take things so seriously. This is just about sharing opinions. I knew DAO was meant to be RPG of the year because DS is too hardcore (dare I say niche?) to win that award. Still I dont agree, because in terms of gameplay DS is far beyond DAO (IMO) and DS story is told through gameplay, w/o resorting to cutscenes, no incredible deep but is there.

Have fun sadman, and why no to support the xbox?, besides the horrible hardware, it got a decent share of exclusive games/multiplats. 2010 is looking up for the xbox.

S4NDM4N_V25284d ago

niche? You're right. Flower was the most mainstream game this year.

It beat out all the other indie games because of it appealed to a larger crowd

You haven't played Dragon Age on a PC. Unless you actually plop yourself down, and spend like 150 hours playing through all the origins, and different choices and etc.., then you can comment.

I don't mind sharing opinions, but only when people have actually played both games.

Tony P5284d ago

@Raz: Again, it's strange people call DS incredibly innovative. The game is a spiritual successor just like DA. Look it up.

Granted, the most original thing about the game is the way online play is handled, but few agree whether it's a great thing or unnecessarily archaic. And I don't understand how making a game harder automatically makes it better. It just makes it harder.

I agree with S4ND. I mean, DS fans make it sound like DA does nothing better than DS. But be honest. DA obviously outclasses DS in some important areas RPG players care about. Like STORY and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, both of which DS is sorely lacking for an RPG. I think that beats DS's superior graphics and MP any day. DS could have all the innovation in the world, but you can't short change players on those basic elements.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5284d ago
TheColbertinator5284d ago

Excellent news for RPG fans.Trust me,this game is gold.In the first 15 minutes I played it,I knew it was the shining RPG of 2009

Skyreno5284d ago

dragon age deserved it ..love game everyone who love rpg should buy this game now ,

ZBlacktt5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

Have you played and beatin Demon's Souls? It is by far a much better looking game. A more rich experience and a pro level player's type of RPG.

btw... I don't care who disagree's. at least have the balls to speak up. Because you know you have not play Demon's Souls. Your point would be meaningless then now wouldn't it? Much like 80% of the users here. ;)

S4NDM4N5284d ago

a more rich experience? Right, the story in Demon's Souls blew me away.

Dragon Age is far more immersive. Demon's Souls replay value consists of playing the same exact thing over and over again. New game +

Dragon Age's main replay value is the huge number of different choices you have, and 6 different beginnings.

ZBlacktt5284d ago

DA looked like a PS2 game does it not? Be honest now.

S4NDM4N5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

oh lord. The graphics part. Listen, DA:O looks good on PC. Don't talk about the PS3 and 360 port. Seriously, if Demon's Souls was a 360 exclusive, all the N4G PS3 fanboys would be bashing it.

They already released texture mods and what not, so the graphics look good.

Unless you played DA:O on a PC, then you can't compare.

And, I forgot that great graphics are more important than in RPG than story.

ZBlacktt5284d ago

Oh lord..... too, lol.... Pointless. See it how you like. Bty, you played DS? Sure you'll say yes, so let's just move on.

S4NDM4N5284d ago

Actually yes I have. I have a PS3 and a PC.

I love the online parts in Demon's Souls. But the difficulty is way over rated.

I would say Dragon Age is easier but that is because I micromanage like a motherf*cker and plan out everything perfectly.

Like I said, I laugh at people when they say Dragon Age is a multiplat game. No it isn't. It is a terrible port from Bioware, but that is because Bioware clearly designed it only for PC.

crck5284d ago


And have you played Dragon Age on PC. If not then your a hypocrite.

Letros5284d ago

I have Demon Souls and DA:O on PC and Xbox(roomate), DA is a game you really have to play on the PC to enjoy it, its a whole different game that plays out more like a WRPG should play.

While I like Demon Souls mainly for its innovation, I'm happy to see DA:O take the top spot.

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Lavalamp5284d ago

A tough call I'll bet. Demon's Souls and Dragon Age were at each others throats.

MiloGarret5284d ago

Not a tough choice at all in my opinion, the award should have gone to Demon's Souls, it should also have been GOTY, nothing even comes close.

Bye, heading back to the valley of defilement with my hunter.

Digitaldude5284d ago

Lol once again a Multiplat wins it.
Demon's souls is obviously better and way more innovative. But once again multi plats and DA is more popular...

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shinoff2183518d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion517d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad517d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90517d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183517d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90517d ago (Edited 517d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde517d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90517d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde516d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator517d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13517d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183517d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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