
Atomic Gamer: Gratuitous Space Battles Q&A

Atomic Gamer writes: "With the release of his new strategy game, Gratuitous Space Battles, Cliff Harris and his one-man development studio in the UK, Positech Games, has shown us what an independent sci-fi game can really do. Its unique approach to strategy puts the building and customization of ships directly into your hands, but after you set up a bit of AI-based commands, it then makes you watch helplessly as your custom-built fleet faces off against an opposing horde of ships. I got the chance to ask Cliff about what it's like making a game by yourself in an industry full of hundreds-strong development teams and competing with casual game studios that resemble the publishers they tried to get away from more and more every day."

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Pixel Dynamo: Because lasers: Gratuitous Space Battles 2

GSB and GSB II are real-time strategy games that you don’t play in real-time. That is to say, all the strategy (and player involvement) comes before the battle is joined and the death-rays leap across the void to destroy the enemy. Acting as a sort of grand admiral of a space armada, you design the individual classes of ships, determine the composition and formation of your fleet and issue general orders that affect your ships’ behavior in combat. Then, you sit back and watch the show, hoping your planning was good and your AI commanders know what they’re doing. “I wanted to design a game where having no control was actually the main mechanic…” Harris says.

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Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is in beta at last… RIGHT NOW

So yup, GSB2 is now taking pre-orders direct from my site, and this gives you access to the beta. You can grab it right now from
the developers site.

Note that this is a proper beta, not some super-early-access proof of concept thing where most of it doesn’t work. In other words, most stuff works! it’s playable. Hopefully its fun! It’s PC-only and English only for now, but that will change come-release. There will of course be bugs, and myriad balance issues. And I will be adding some extra voiceover and a few other bits and pieces. But hopefully this is something you can play and enjoy right now. You get a download link, an online serial (for challenges, if you want to use them), and a steam code for its eventual steam release (the code obviously isn’t working yet).

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Strategy is the Word In This Week's Humble Sale

This week, the Humble Sale has gone back to selling video games, with the titles up for grabs coming from strategy developer Positech Games.

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