
Gamespot's Championship Sprint Review

Terrible controls murder what little appeal exists in this archaic arcade driving game.

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Kleptic6204d ago

Anyone else getting sick of these terrible old arcade remakes? Joust, Gauntlet II, and now this...If they would be releasing more ps1 games for download, I would be interested...and even loving Guantlet as a kid at pizza hut, its worth 5 minutes of entertainment...

Mortal Kombat II was/is great...thats the only one I purchased...and Rampage seems to have been messed with visually so its not as bad as the original...but I never bought it anyway...its pretty annoying how in through the meat of the decent game drought, they only offered us these potty floaters...

DrWan6204d ago

It's kind of funny, Wii virtual console gets a free ride and gets a "wow, old crappy games are COOOOL!!"

and PS3 when they get some "arcade" online games is all of a sudden crap.

I agreed, they are craps, but if you guys heard the PodCast from N4G, they are right, there are alot of double standard in the industry.

No matter what the PS3 does, it's always trash.

But yes, i agreed, bring more PS1 games instead, but these old games do not "hurt" the network though, we'll just won't buy it, so they'll know not to spend their effort on these craps..anymore..or if they do.. buff up the damn online mode, a LAG???!! in these games are not acceptable..how is it resistance can do this without lag..and these 2D games are lagging? u know what i mean..

Kleptic6204d ago

Yeah I agree...it is pretty obvious that there is a media fad going on with how much the ps3 sucks...its almost cool to not like it I

I never cared what the media says about it...or how "sony has super failed"...and yeah...it doesn't hurt anything, I just won't buy it...its just frustrating that some tard at Sony thinks that these emulations of old arcade games will draw more people towards the ps3...and in the mean time pissing the owners off that just want an old classic that is much closer to now than something i played when i was 5...I remember it sucked then...and believe it or not it still sucks now...

My point is only that tons of ps1 classics getting slapped on the network every week would keep me a lot more happy with this lack of anything to do phase than some terrible roms of terrible games...


European PlayStation Store gets updated

Yesterday, the Americans could go loose with Super Stardust HD. Today, everybody in Europe can do the same. Super Stardust ain't the only new content in de European store, hit the jump to see the full list.

CG6182d ago

This is pathetic give me some real games and real demos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take your super stardust HD and shove it up your ass sony.

DarkJedi6182d ago (Edited 6182d ago )

Wow, all those demos; I can hardly contain my excitement </sarcasm>

pull your bloody fingers out Sony!

Deep: What makes this a good update? Two trailers you will be able to find anywhere on the net (if not now, in the next couple of days) and two games older than most PS3 owners themselves. This is rubbish.

paul_war6182d ago

It's better then what we have been getting. Aka many weeks with no games & just trailers. Its not great but it is getting better.

techie6181d ago

"two games older than most PS3 owners themselves"

Super Stardust was made in the years 2006-7. Gundum Musou demo is from a game released 2007. There is also a Reistance update with new maps and worldwide servers. Plus new ps1 games. Plus I download from US, UK, and Japan...so I get everything.

My comment stands. This week is much better.

HandShandy6182d ago

At least your getting something, just shut up!

Go and Buy an Xbox if you unhappy.

the_bebop6182d ago

<Begin Sarcasm>
Dear Sony

I like your PSN service here in Australia for all the videos cr@p or other wise that you put on the PSN that I could probably find on the Internet. Not only that I am extremely excited about no game Demos and all the mediocre Classic games on the network that you can Download.

PS keep up the good work.
<End Sarcasm>

I have already downloaded Sigma of the US network and Folklore off the Japanese Network, what is taking so long Sony.

23478ueyur_9382236181d ago

There's a FolkSoul demo on the Japanese PSN?! Thanks for the heads up, going to download.

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Championship Sprint Review : This is officially the worst reason to own a PS3.

Championship Sprint has now hit the PlayStation Network as a downloadable title for the PlayStation 3, though obviously without the wheel. What's left is an extremely simple game that doesn't contain the main draw the title was designed around, leaving it almost entirely pointless. Only a lifeless (and laggy) multiplayer game has been added to the mix, which means there aren't any save points, no ending and again, little to no point.

Diselage6197d ago

What a glowing review, i guess when it's crap it's crap.

TruthHurts6197d ago

its not very good.

not a reason not to own a ps3, just don`t download it.

_insane_cobra6196d ago

Nobody said it's a reason not to own the PS3, no need for you to jump into your defensive mode.

toniez76196d ago

Midway is pissing me off with these half a$$ PSN attempts.

I hope they realize, that all there doing is ruining there good name.

VaeVictus6196d ago

Hopefully, the Atari rehashes will no longer make it to the PSN w/ the exception of Food Fight.

PS360WII6196d ago

heh I wasn't even thinking of downloading this title but thanks for the heads up

devi8i6196d ago

Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road FTW!!!!!!!!

SmokeyMcBear6196d ago

agreed, man countless hours and quarters playing that game, make it also usable with a wheel. That game rocks

BitbyDeath6196d ago

definetly, i totally forgot about that game... hmmm i wonder if i can download it on pc

xg-ei8ht6196d ago (Edited 6196d ago )

Na u just use mame if u want to play this,lmao.

Same as every other old title.

I used to play super sprint when i was about 16 i think, in the arcade, was a laugh when playing against someone else.

Bombjack was my fav, along long time ago.


there u go/

But mame uses a games rom. Therefore it is no port, it is the real game, thats the beauty of it.

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Championship Sprint VGOA.com Featured Review

Eric Blattberg takes us back, way back into time. In his most recent VGOA.com review he tells us why arcade games like Championship Sprint for the Playstation Network should have stayed in the arcades 21 years ago.

"Imagine nostalgia being a potent sickness akin to the
flu. Championship Sprint is the worst case possible.
It brings out all the good feelings you had cranking
the wheel in the arcades 20 years ago and infects it,
making all those memories repulsive, to the point
where they will haunt your dreams for nights to come."