
SFX-360: Madden NFL Arcade Review

SFX-360 writes: "Are you ready for some arcade football!" It's been a long time since we had an over the top NFL arcade game. Yes, I loved the days when I was playing NFL Blitz in the arcades. The big plays, the hard hits, and even the taunting that I can do after every play made the game a huge hit. While the old NFL Blitz days may be history, EA Sports decided to give the diehard fans out there their own brand of over the top NFL action with Madden NFL Arcade."


Interview with NFL Blitz Dev Team

Mike Deneen from Yet Another Gaming Show gets a chance to interview David Ross (Producer) and Yuri Bialoskursky (Designer), both from the EA NFL Blitz development team.

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Avault: Madden NFL Arcade Review

Avault writes: "It's Sunday. It's halftime and the Bears are down by 24. Cutler has already thrown three interceptions, but you still have hope for a strong second half. Your phone rings. It's your fiancé. She wants you to pick her up at the airport. You have to leave in 15 minutes, but you need to know how the game is going to end. You think to yourself, "I need a simulation. I'll play Madden and see what happens." You don't have time for a full game of Madden so you decide to play Madden NFL Arcade instead. You win by a landslide, and your hopes for a Bears comeback soar. Unfortunately, in real life you can't turn your opponent into a block of ice or make your receivers fast as lightning. You get home from the airport and find the Bears have lost by 40."


GamePlayBook: Madden NFL Arcade Review

GamePlayBook writes: "While we're appreciative of how far the Madden NFL franchise has come over the years, there's still something inside of us yearning for a quick, vicious game of football. The last time we got a game along those lines was back when Midway produced its NFL Blitz series, with its over-the-top violence (we're talking WWE level here) and wild gameplay. Well, EA Sports may never reach that level of play (especially with the strictness of the NFL nowadays – it yanked its license from Blitz for a reason), but Madden NFL Arcade for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network is the next best thing."

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