
TenTonHammer: Global Agenda Robotics Class Q&A

Using deployables and droids, Global Agenda's Robotics class alone has the ability to hold sway over vast portions of the battlefield. But before you think that these turret-constructing tacticians spend all their time ratcheting a holohgraphic wrench, you haven't read about the sheer variety of devices, droids, and weapons available to the Robotics class.

Enjoy reading about Global Agenda's Robotics class, and as a special bonus, learn a little bit about what role "mechs" - or one-player robot suits - will play in the game. It's all in this exclusive interview with Global Agenda Executive Producer Todd Harris!

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MMOs - Global Agenda Review

Global Agenda review with screenshots, videos, and music.


Hi-Rez Studios Hiring a New Level Designer

Are you looking for a job in the industry? Hi-Rez Studios might make you an offer you can't refuse.

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SMITE NA Championship: The Business of Hi-Rez Studios

Lore Hound writes: "The business of a gaming website, hobby, professional, whatever, is fairly straightforward. First you get the hits, then you get the ads, then you get the money. For most gaming studios we’re left with a rather vague rendition of have an idea -> ??? -> $$$! During this weekend’s SMITE NA Championship we hoodwinked Todd Harris, the COO of Hi-Rez Studios, to address some burning questions that has led to the rise of SMITE as one of the first MOBAs featuring a championship with a purse over $1 million and counting."

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