
CrimeCraft Refused Classification in Australia

Another ban-hammer has hit Australian shores with the MMO, CrimeCraft, being Refused Classification in Australia due to Australia not having an R18+ rating for video games. Find out why in this article.

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Madusha5299d ago

Again? The aussies have to just let this go, it's just a game.

jessupj5298d ago

It's the government, not it's people. Mainly Attorney General Michael Atkinson. Everyone else voted for changing the legislation, it's this one f*cker that's blocking the whole thing.

harrypmgaga5299d ago

I know, us Aussies are really getting the annoying end of the stick. This guy is trying to ban MW2 after it's already been released. He thinks the Classification Board is not doing it's job properly :P

jessupj5298d ago

Reminds me of Jack thompson, but at least Jack was mostly harmless. This arrogant, stuck in the past fascist has power he's clearly abusing.

Nihilism5298d ago

That sucks, lucky for me it is a game I have never heard of/had no intention of getting.

I will happily import and give my money to gamestop though for any games that get censored in any way

harrypmgaga5298d ago

Yep, what sucks is if you live in...I think in a certain part of Northern Territory (might be wrong), there is a law that doesn't allow you to import titles that have been refused classification in Australia.

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CrimeCraft Update Adds New Events

Vogster Entertainment has released a new update for free-to-play shooter CrimeCraft; the update is available for download on Steam now. This update adds new Double Rate Events to the game.

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CrimeCraft Update Enables Steam Trading Without Entering Game

Vogster Entertainment has released an update for free-to-play online shooter CrimeCraft, downloadable now on Steam. Along with many other changes, this update now allows players to trade items on Steam without entering the game itself.

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CrimeCraft Update comes with Steam Trading integration and Easter event this Spring

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