
Playstation Insider: Creature Defense Giveaway

PSI Writes:

"Creature Defense places gamers in a variety of stunningly illustrated worlds where they are tasked with defending their land from invading attackers and we've got multiple download tokens to giveaway!"

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The Sad State Of Augmented Reality Video Games (Modojo)

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Augmented reality is a simulated version of the real world that has become a staple of television broadcasts, most notably as the yellow first down marker in football games. You've also seen it on the news and reality shows like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, whenever the overlay appears, urging you to vote. Suffice to say, it's improved the viewing experience tenfold.

NukaCola4710d ago

Vita should do good for Aug Reality. The new fighting game looks cool. I would love to have a ghost hunting camera game. Like a Fatal Frame.

plmkoh4710d ago

AR has seen relatively low success because of mainly two reasons:

1. Low key marketing attempts.
2. Limitations: Low interactivity or bound by physical glyphs cards.

However Sony did show off an impressive tech demo that showcased AR that properly reads real world spatial data, which might lead to better interactivity and applications. The fact that it was demonstrated on a mobile phone means greater audience reach.

AR has really only caught on in the last 4-5 year and it's popularity gradually rising. It's still too early to start comparing it to traditional video game mediums when that has had over 30 years to mature.

jujubee884710d ago

Invizimals is not really a "blip", it is actually pretty popular and has arguably the largest community for an AR game ever (due to the fact it's got multiplayer).

AR games are not to different in nature from motion controls in that they require movement from the players side. In that respect, stuff like Mario on the Wii might have done well but, there are still many IP's that work and sell nicely on motion control gaming like Wii or Move so, I don't buy that AR needs an old IP to do well.

Also, the guy stated how silly one would look playing an AR game on the 3DS than states how cool a Pokemon game would look. That is either bias or inconsistency in his/her argument. xD


Gaming Nexus: Creature Defense Review

Gaming Nexus writes: "In my ten years writing game reviews, I've managed to review games in just about every genre. It doesn't matter how weird they are, I probably reviewed it. I've blasted my way through a shooter masquerading as a tactical role-playing game, battled it out with a 2D rapping dog and even played 3D games back before 3D was cool. But in all that time reviewing games, never before have I reviewed a tower defense game. Thankfully all that has changed, because I recently had the pleasure of going through Hudson's PSP tower defense game, Creature Defense. This inexpensive download title offers enough depth to warrant the price tag ... even if you're brand new to this genre."

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Diehard GameFAN Review: Creature Defense

Diehard GameFAN writes: "I enjoy a nice tower defense game every once in a while, but with access to the Internet, at the same time, it's kind of spoiled me in regard to the genre. When you jump on the Internet, you can find a massive number of free tower defense games just waiting for someone to give them a tender click of the mouse. So whenever a tower defense game would land on a console or handheld, a price of $20 or more would usually equate to sticker shock. Fortunately, Hudson Entertainment looked to do something a little different with the genre by mixing the tower defense genre with a card management scheme and for the first time, I paid attention to a handheld tower defense game. By tossing in a fantasy element akin to what people might see in Magic: The Gathering, Creature Defense creates a unique identity for itself, but fans of tower defense games will be pleased to know the title didn't mess around with what makes the genre fun."

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