
AV Club: Phantasy Star Zero Review

Game developers take a few shortcuts here and there. That isn't necessarily bad; so long as players aren't made aware, they'll ignore the occasional repeat background or suspiciously recolored enemy. But Phantasy Star 0, ostensibly a story-based RPG, recycles almost everything, from quests down to character types, and couples those repetitive elements with one of the most complex gameplay explanations known to man. So not only is it difficult to get going, the reward is a little enjoyable slashing, a lot of head-scratching, and an overwhelming feeling of déjà vu.


What do you need to know about Phantasy Star?

Man, Phantasy Star can be confusing. There are so many different kinds of games in this series, but they all get tossed under the same umbrella. The oldest games are turn-based RPGs. The newer ones vary between MMOs and action-RPGs. Wouldn’t it be nice if things were simplified...

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EddieNX 2393d ago

Phantasy Star online episode 1 and 2 is one my all time favorites. Just make that better...

ApocalypseShadow2393d ago

What I need to know is when is Sega going to make and release Phantasy Star 5. All I need to know.

SegaGamer2393d ago

Even if they did, then i doubt it would be released outside of Asia. We haven't had a Phantasy Star game since Phantasy Star Portable 2, and that was 7 years ago !

I don't know why, but Sega seem's to have abandoned the west when it comes to Phantasy Star.

ApocalypseShadow2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Pretty much. You would think that sequels to some of their franchises or remasters of games like Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, Headhunter, Virtual On online, Jet Set Radio, etc would make them some easy cash as digital titles. Even VR titles of Virtual Cop, HofTD or even something crazy like Crazy Taxi VR. Nope. The Sega I knew just isn't there.

Maybe Sammy has them on a tight leash and just uses their assets for Pachinko games like Konami does. It's a shame being a Sega game fan but no Sega games to look forward to.

fenome2392d ago

Seriously though! When I first saw this I thought I missed an announcement or something. I thought it was to prep people up for the next game. Damn

Azurite2392d ago

"Phantasy Star Online 2 (GameCube, 2012)"
May want to change that to (PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Android, PC and iOS, 2012)

Nybz2392d ago

I need to know when the fuck SEGA is gonna wake up and make a full on PSO 3 with the unreal 4 engine or some shit so I can get lost in the best god damn futuristic world with my pet mag as their god-tier PSO themed music blasts my ear drums forever and ever.

Wake the hell up SEGA, the time is NOW!


The 50 Best Nintendo DS Games - Part Three

SPC writes, "For the past two weeks I have been listing what I perceive to be some of the greatest Nintendo DS games of the portable's robust library. We have now reached the third week and third set of ten DS titles. By the conclusion of this piece, we'll be more than halfway through this exhaustive list. If you somehow missed a previous part, check out Part One and Part Two. When all of your preparations are complete (and you remember that list contains North American releases only), feel free to begin perusing this third list of ten DS titles!"

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Games You Slept On - Phantasy Star 0

Real Otaku Gamer's Kaiohhokuto talks about one of the best Nintendo DS Titles of 2010.

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