
Gametrailers: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

Gametrailers reviewed one of the most anticipated games of the year.

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Darkeyes5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Ohhhh So original!!!!!!! This gets a 9.5!!! Knew it the moment these guys gave it UC2 a score that MW2 will be given higher points...

EDIT: Lol GT why not cut points cause MW2 isn't open world? Why not cut points cause the game's graphics look sh!t? Only a 6 hour campaign!!! Who cares..

"The amount of detail is only matched by Uncharted 2" Lol are these guys on dope!!!!! There is a little game called KZ2 which shatters this in every graphical area, hell even games like MGS4, Gears look a gen ahead. Seriously GT at least lie in a way that people actually believe you!!!

Buhbuhbuh UC2 didn't have Open world!!!!! FU GT I expect a backlash anytime now....

Cyrax_875306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

why aren't they taking more points away?

CrippleH5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

A lot of people already have it on their minds that GT has no credibility. Just don't take their reviews to heart.

These same guys have Halo 3 a 9.8....

THE MAX SPEED 215306d ago

told you guys in my earlier comments that The ps3 fanboys were going to be mad.

dylz5306d ago

It got .2 LESS you tard is it really that big a deal they were probably reviewed by two different people with different views gaming is subjective. 9.3 is a great score 9.5 is a great score both games are bloody awsome who cares what some guy thinks about them..... Ohhh thats right dumb immature and insecure fanboys.

donator5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Can't we all just agree that there seems to be little to no standardization for many of these gaming sites and their reviews regardless of the console or game?

Come on, if one game is getting docked points for X, then another game should get docked points for X. That isn't fanboyism, that's LOGIC.

Natsu X FairyTail5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Multiplatform games and xbox360 exclusives cannot score the same or more then a PS3 exclusive!! it's the ultimate rulezz.

im mad!


lmao lames.

AKNAA5306d ago

Did GT really say that MW2 graphics could only be matched with uncharted 2?! LOL! OMG. I am really disappointed... it even got a higher score than UC2 as well?!WTF, that is retarded.

dylz5306d ago

Granted but can't we accept that we are going to have different people who score and see somethings differently and it is much better to listen to the content of the review then just the raw score I personally belive reviews would be better with no score at all.

Noob5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

It just makes them look like complete fools. They need a better review system. Well, not just them, but a lot of sites do.

TheBlackSmoke5306d ago

For those who still do not get it, ITS NOT THE SCORE but the inconsistency that is the issue. Don't make up criteria for one game and give free passes for others.

You can make a point that different reviewers have different opinions but gametrailers as a company came out and said they cant give more than 9.3 if there is nothing new.

All the things Uncharted 2 got deducted on also apply to MW2 but amazingly it didn't count this time.

sunnygrg5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

OMFG, I cannot believe that GT justified the short length of the game with "multiple difficulty settings."

That is so lame. FYI, every game on the market nowadays come with more than one difficulty.

Edit: And they still haven't fixed the grenade spam in Veteran difficulty.

donator5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

I agree, most people will have different opinions when it comes to games, but I don't imagine it'd be too difficult to have a company meeting and design some type of score/grading rubric. Not having standards does not only affect the score (which by the way I think every site should abolish, just my opinion), but it also affects the content of the reviews.

Standards increase the transparency in these reviews. So when they talk about a game that brings nothing innovative to the table, we'll all be more aware of what they think innovation is. And that should apply to all games they review. They should not let individual reviewers decide which games they think should address a certain issue. For instance, some FPS games are labeled "generic" while others are not. Why this discrepancy? How do you define generic?

Personally I think they should just have a likert type scale where people can strongly agree, agree, disagree, etc. with the reivew. Then just show a bar graph.

kws10655306d ago

GT is really self-proving its stupidness in every way, isn't it? lol

dylz5306d ago

Yeh good point and in a perfect world this is how it would be. But I just think these things are so broad and subjective you are going to get discrepancies along the way. I just think it is much more constructive if people don't focus on these discrepancies and look at each review on its merits.

CrippleH5306d ago

Mad respect for you donator. But this is GT.

We expected this to happen really even before Uncharted 2 came out. Some people speculated that they will make up a lame excuse to dock points and they did. Wasn't open world like for linear game.

soljah5306d ago

yep burns me up that activision can do generic shooter 101 brings absolutly nothing new to the party and a 9.5

uc2 and kz2 are taking risks to push gaming to new levels and get lower scores. wtf
but hey what do i know, 4.5m suckers say i'm wrong

LukaX235306d ago

Why would they? PS3 users have Uncharted 2 AND Modern Warfare 2.

Jamegohanssj55306d ago

Nice, I know who won't be getting it.


donator5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

I have devised the perfect reviewing system that I call the "National & International Game Grading Rubric." Gamespot, GT, and some others are currently considering switching to this system. It will be color coded ranging from: green > blue > yellow > orange > red.

Red games are games that score in the 90th percentile.
Orange games are games that score in the 80th percentile.
Yellow games are games that score in the 70th percentile.
Blue games are games that score in the 60th percentile.
Green games are games that score in the 50th percentile and below.

5306d ago
Mindboggle5306d ago

You guys are idiots. MW2 is gunna get good scores, so are you gunna keep telling yourself its not good ?

Seriously if you want to play Uncharted 2, just play it. Noone needs to hear why its better than MW2.

Information Minister5306d ago

For the last time guys, start thinking for yourselves and stop listening to reviewers. They're the biggest bunch of ignorant unprofessional sellouts in the business.

It takes a real 360 fanboy to think the issue here is the score itself and not GT's double standards.

SL1M DADDY5306d ago

SSShhhhhhh..... You don't want to give him a reality cramp. Once he hears that the PS3 has not only the best looking console game to date AND Modern Warfare 2 he might flip a fanboy lid on ya. These days, the 360 fans, all they have are a few tenths of a point between multiplatform games to boost their ego and justify their decision to back the most unreliable console on the market. You don't want to make too many ripples in the water...

IcyJoker1875306d ago

What happened to 9.3 is the highest score a non-innovative and un-original game can get?

callahan095306d ago

You want to know what the biggest problem is? It's that because games are so long, reviewers can't review every game. And that's the precise reason why there's no standards in game reviews. When you look at movie criticism, you aren't looking at it in terms of "OK, what did this newspaper give it?" You're looking at it in terms of the individual critic, Roger Ebert, Gene Shalit, A.O. Scott, and Leonard Maltin, these are people that see and rate every single movie that comes out, and so there's a standard to their reviews. They've seen it all, so everything they review comes in the correct context of movie history.

Whereas with videogames, you've got individuals and their opinions, but they aren't based on the complete context of videogaming, because they only get the chance to review a fraction of the games that come out. The person that reviews Modern Warfare 2 probably isn't the person who reviewed Uncharted 2, and a third person probably reviewed Killzone 2, so there's absolutely no consistency or standard at all. And that's why reviews are worthless and you get what seem like double-standards.

The real problem comes in when the corporate overlords come in and defend the opinions of the individual critics who work for them, and say things like "These are the standards that our critics are supposed to keep in mind when reviewing" (like GameTrailers did in defense of the Uncharted 2 review), and then another review will come out down the road that so obviously does not adhere to that same standard. It's just a disaster, and honestly, I don't think it'll ever get any better, because the nature of games and scale of their content makes reviewing them a different beast than movies. There's TOO MANY different critics that represent the views of each individual publication.

sabestar5306d ago

Well to be honest, if we were all smart enough we would have known that the score was going to be at 9.5, and that is for one reason. The original CoD4 actually got a 9.4 from them, and we all knew Modern warfare 2 was going to be improved in several aspects, so it logically should have gotten around 9.5 (from GT)

sikbeta5306d ago

I knew it from the begining, this fools will not change anymore


lol this time they forget to take some points away -_-

Ravage275306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

so as to give the 9.5 to MW2 and BS ppl in believing it is the 'better' game and 'innovated' more(oh god...) Anyone with half a brain should have suspected something when they deducted a f#$%ing 7% off UC2 for not being 'innovative'.

"But at the same time I cannot sleight the other games that did go above and beyond and did take a risk.And thats what Uncharted 2 doesn't do. There are no risks associated with that game at all. They played it completely safe. They took things that they knew were accepted and people loved and build it into one game. And thats fine, theres nothing wrong with that. But you can't expect a score of a 9.8 or a 9.5 and higher if you are doing something like that."

And with that in mind, GT went ahead and proudly gave MW2 a 9.5 a month later.

The extreme hypocrisy present in this unbelievable statement sickens me to the core. I rest my case.

JANF5306d ago

GOTY confirmed!!!!!!!!!!

2cents5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Are people forgetting that this is a 'video game' that has been made to 'play'. For people to enjoy? So it got a 9.5, last time I checked this was something to celebrate, especially seeing as its multi-platform game. Why are so many comments so negative and vicious.

OK uncharted 2 was mentioned, did they in any way diss it?

Damn people, stop arguing over stupid sh1t and buy it and play it or just move on.

I am excited about this game, I have bought it and am about to start playing in an hour or so, I came on to N4G to get the gossip, see the review article and see the score. Then check the comments and blam, N4G 'community' at their finest.

I have now just wasted 2 mins of my life, typing some sh1t that probably no one care about. Oh well.

@below, well said, I agree

antlovell5306d ago

This may be my only comment I ever make on here and it's in the form of a question. Why do so many of you guys trash games and systems instead of commenting about what is good or bad in a game based on your own personal experience? I enjoy this site for upcoming game previews and news and I sometimes read the comments but it's a huge letdown to see many of you guys being so negative and partial towards one system over the other. I'm from the school of thought that if a game is good you try to get it and if not you don't. Every game can't be GOW 3 or Uncharted 2 quality.

GMR_PR5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Cry haters!!! Cry!!!!

on topic,

great review.

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kws10655306d ago

Where the hack has the "Nothing-new" stuff gone?

Fozzy255306d ago

Well, that all got forgotten didn't it...

Statix5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Gametrailers penalized Uncharted 2 on scoring based upon its alleged lack of originality. Yet that didn't stop them from inexplicably giving MW2 a higher score.

I originally had absolutely no problem at all with the score GT gave Uncharted 2 (9.3), but where exactly is the consistency in scoring rubric? They'll have a very tough time convincing any intelligent human being that MW2 (essentially COD4.5) is as original as )let alone more original than) Uncharted 2 is; and while Uncharted 2 set new industry standards for cinematic storytelling, character depth, presentation, and production values in videogames, all MW2 did is reuse the same old formula from Call of Duty 1 of scripted action set pieces with a lot of explosions interspersed with CG cinematic sequences used to mask load times.

All I ask from Gametrailers and other major review sites is a modicum of journalistic integrity and consistency. If you make one glaring characterization of a game, but with another game that clearly has the same faults you DON'T make the same characterization as to its lack of originality, then you've FAILED in terms of journalistic integrity.

Hopefully Uncharted 2 is still the shoe-in favorite for game of the year in spite of biased review sites such as this one. Because frankly, it deserves it. It deserves it because it advances the games industry in several directions, setting a high bar in terms of presentation for many developers to aspire to, to new levels that haven't been reached before in the medium. It certain deserves to win accolades a lot more than what basically amounts to COD4 redux, with new weapons, maps, and perks.

What's a joke is that Gametrailers gives the visually flawed MW2 a near-perfect 9.8 for its presentation, and says that it "is only matched by Uncharted 2" in presentation. Aside from the fact that MW2 doesn't even compare to Uncharted 2, someone's forgotten about a game called Killzone 2, which is still arguably the best-looking FPS of this console generation out on the market to date. MW2 is a good-looking game, but it is technically flawed in a number of ways; running at a sub-HD 588p resolution, it has blurry and jaggy polygon edges, low-resolution textures from up-close, and unimpressive polygonal detail. To think that they could even think about making the comparison of this decent-looking multiplatform game to gems such as Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2 in terms of visuals and presentation, it really confuses me.

solidjun55306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Funny how people love to say we're whining. They throw out "it's still a good score" and blah blah blah. I say they are whining about the whining. Don't like, then don't read it. Also, you can present your points without whining as you clearly do here.

So if you can't tell between whining and presenting your arguments then too bad and I would say for you to stop being narrow-minded.

With that said, I agree with you with regards to Journalistic integrity. If you say one thing and go about face on the thing, then to me you're just full of it. The reason why people 'complained' was the consistency with the score. Why is the standard so different? Now, if they said, it's on a game by game basis, then I guess that would be understandable. However, they threw that out the window when they started harping on the originality claim, thus alluding to a standard. Shane even said that they take it sooooooooo serious. Okay, I'll wait to see how MW2 will be judged on. Mind you, I beat the game last night (4.5 hours) and it's great. But it didn't really do anything original. Well being that it is a sequel, I don't expect much, but hey gametrailers said it's important. So now they review and it turned out they were after full of it. Especially Shane.

As for the presentation aspect of your argument. I disagree. Presentation is the whole package. Now just the graphics. I think I speak for most rational individuals when I said that Uncharted 2 is the better looking game. Uncharted 2 has one of the best presentation of the game period. I'm also including interaction, animation, ATMOSPHERE and other things that make the game feel great. I think COD MW2 does that on uncharted 2's level or very close to it. So that's why I respectfully disagree with you.

But after that, to me Gametrailers just proved to be hypocrites. I'm waiting for their comments on invisible walls.

Why o why5306d ago




double standards.

Its so bad that i add 1 point for a ps3 review from these hacks sites.

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hakis865306d ago

I will laugh my ass off.

I loved COD4, and this is also a cool game - but the fact that all the stuff they diss other games for (nothing new, short campaign, not the best graphics) does not count in this review is ridiculous!

BulletToothtony5306d ago

but now i realize that it's because they have nothing else to play and they want a AAA title this year even if it's multiplatform..

ps3 owners get upset because the quality of uncharted 2 is way better than mw2 and yet it got lower scores on ign and GT.. it's called double standards..

CrippleH5306d ago

It tied on IGN really. GT I give you that. I can't think of a PS3 game they gave 9.5 and higher other then multiplats.

colonel1795306d ago

GameTrailers Game of the Year Awards 2009:

GOTY 2009: Modern Warfare 2

PS3 GOTY 2009: Modern Warfare 2 (Yes, they will ignore Uncharted 2 most likely)

360 GOTY 2009: Modern Warfare 2 (Because it actually doesn't have any other plus everybody thinks multiplats are 360 exclusives)

MULTIPLATFORM GOTY 2009: Modern Warfare 2: (They will have this category for the first time just to give it to MW2)

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JonnyBigBoss5306d ago

Awesome game, but why didn't they mention that it offers nothing new to the FPS genre? They did the same with UC2.

topdawg1225306d ago

Good point right, it doesn't do anything new really. I'm still gettin this regardless, GT are a bunch of hypocrites. Anyone know of any deals? I'm low on cash, but I'm willing to eat Ramen for a couple weeks for this game lol

Morbid Bulldozer5306d ago

Because, as GT said in the review, other shooters are still playing catch-up with MW. If Killzone 2 was overall a better game than MW, lack of innovation would never be mentioned.

TheTeam065306d ago

And you don't think any action-adventure game will be playing catch-up with Uncharted 2? After a story like that, and a polished multiplayer...

Jsynn75306d ago


For those who haven't read this article, please take the time to read it now. I knew that Gt would rate this game high. this just goes to show that they're not cool with PS3 exclusives. MW2 looks pretty awesome but it's NOT ORIGINAL!. With that said, if you've read this article, MW2 should've gotten the same score as UC2. It is not a bad score by any stretch but GT says that unoriginal games will only receive a score that high. Why did they give MW2 a 9.5? It's .2 higher than UC2 granted, but it's the principle of the thing. If this guy didn't open his dumb mouth and say: "When we review games, we put an extremely high emphasis on originality." and "Now, honestly, there was nothing original in Uncharted 2. To be perfectly honest with you, the 9.3 that game got is about as high a score as a game like that is ever going to get on GameTrailers and that’s the bottom line.", I wouldn't have a problem with MW2 score but he did so I do. Listen, at the end of the day, game sites like GT,IGN,Gamespot will have their secret biases on certain consoles and factor that into their reviews even when they tell you their totally unbiased. I know it'll be hard but don't listen to reviews. That's why the powers that be bestowed upon us gamers Gamefly. We can rent the game for ourselves hold on to it as long as we want and make judgments on whether we want to buy the game or not. I think GT should explain this but I know they won't and that's ok. We know where they stand now so just move on.

Statix5306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

Gametrailer's excuse for Uncharted 2's 9.3 score:

"...that’s what Uncharted 2 doesn’t do. There are no risks associated with that game at all. They played it completely safe. They took things that they knew were accepted and people loved and build it into one game. And that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with that. But you can’t expect a score of a 9.8 or a 9.5 and higher if you’re doing something like that." - Shane Satterfield, Editor in Chief


And what is Modern Warfare 2's score, after that rant about "unoriginal games can't score 9.5 or more?"

They gave MW2 a 9.5.

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kaaos6665306d ago

This game is getting way to much praise.

colonel1795306d ago (Edited 5306d ago )

the difference between PS3 exclusives and multiplatforms or 360 exclusives is that the praise PS3 games get is real because they earn it by being excellent games and they deserve it, and lately, like with Uncharted 2, they can't even deny it because they'd be making fools of themselves, even if they try to downplay it like they are doing it right now with MW2.

You will see in ten years, that the games that will be remembered in history as classics are going to be the games like Uncharted 2, God of War 3, The Last Guardian, since they are really masterpieces with outsanding quality and design, but games like MW2, GTA4, HALO 3, etc, those are games that 10 years of now, the hype will be all gone, and people will just be wondering why the hell they give such average to good games so many perfect scores, while regretting not praising the games that should have had.

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

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La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G285d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood285d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G285d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade284d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality284d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator283d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G284d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85285d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G285d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo285d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg284d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast284d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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