
An Open Apology to Nintendo

It takes some courage to admit you were wrong about something. We know that feeling all too well don't we? We like to be right. We have strong stances and opinions on subjects, and most the time there is little to nothing that will make us change our minds and admit being wrong. Well, Nathanial Rumphol-Janc wants to apologize openly to Nintendo. He doubted you when it came to Spirit Tracks. Nathan felt it would be one of the worst games in the series, and would hold zero interest to him. Of course he loves Zelda, so most likely he would of bought the game regardless, but who knows if Nathan, or any of you for that matter, would of even gave it a chance.

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Revvin5317d ago

When you start off an apology bigging yourself up about your courage the apology and article loses all credibility. A fireman running into a burning building to save someone takes courage, a soldier on the frontline in Afghanistan has courage but some internet whiner bleating because he thought a game would suck but now wants to take that back because his inner fanboy needs to gush is quite frankly pathetic

AbsoluteZelda5317d ago

Um, admitting you were wrong is a hard thing to do for most anyone. Maybe you wouldn't use the term courage in the effort of admitting so, but that doesn't actually defeat the point. You are at a site full of fan boys gushing here, gushing there, gushing everywhere. Now, suddenly, that's a bad thing?

Courage maybe should be exchanged with the word willingness. Of course, what you are describing, according to the dictionary, is coined "Heroic Courage", which does imply there are different forms of courage. One of the definitions has "using the heart as a source of emotion". In the authors case, the use of the word implies and emotional struggle to admit something that by human nature we hate to admit, and often times do anything we can to not admit it.

In this case, I think it's more then just pure fanboyism. He judged a book by it's cover, and had the heart to admit he was wrong in doing so. I doubt he is trying to build himself up, more then trying to make a case for each one of us to examine our own thoughts on said game and possibly find a way, if we truly feel it's not a bad game now, to admit that to ourselves.

It's just a play on words, essentially, to get the reader to think.

Revvin5317d ago

However you try to dance around the word it was most certainly the wrong word to use no matter how hard you look for a definition to suit your point. The article was one big love-in for the writer about himself and Nintendo.


The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Might Be the Most Underrated Zelda Game Ever

Tears of the Kingdom may be about to become everyone's new favorite, but there's one DS game that deserves more shine.

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GoodGuy09384d ago

Nah, it deserved it. I hated the ds games lol.


Twilight Princess’ Hyrule Field Is Boring, Empty, And Excellent

TheGamer Writes "In my experience, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ once-warm reception has chilled somewhat over the years. Praised at launch as a beautiful return to form after the “childish” art style of its direct predecessor, the world eagerly embraced a game that more closely followed Ocarina of Time’s famous structure and plot cues. Perhaps most alluringly of all, the grandeur and sheer scope of this reimagined Hyrule Field wowed millions of us."

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GaboonViper649d ago

I am a huge Zelda fan and love them all, but for me Ocarina Of Time is the greatest and my second all time favourite game after Final Fantasy VII.

LoveSpuds648d ago (Edited 648d ago )

You sir, have good taste in games :)

I also love all of the Zelda games but I adore Windwaker (Specifically the HD version on WiiU) most of all. It is a close run thing with Breath of the Wild though.

Special mention to Cadence of Hyrule too, what an awesome spin off title that was!

GaboonViper647d ago

Cheers Spuds, yep i love Windwaker too, beautiful artstyle, and i loved sailing and finding all the secrets out there.

blackbeld647d ago

Agreed. For me top 3 of all time is.

1. ocarina of time
2. Final fantasy Vll
3. MGS1

GaboonViper647d ago

Brilliant top 3, would love a MGS1 remake that has been rumoured.

LoveSpuds647d ago

Yup, hard to argue with that top 3 squire, some quality games right there!

-Foxtrot649d ago

Oh gee can't imagine what Number 1 is


A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker etc is better than Breath of the Wild.

lockedongamer1649d ago

I respectfully disagree, but they're all great games.

porkChop648d ago

I think it really depends on what you're looking for. If you want a traditional Zelda game then OoT or WW would be better to you. But if you want a Zelda game that really leans into adventure and exploration, and if you want intelligent systems/logic, BotW would be the better game.

I enjoy both. I understand why some people aren't fond of it but for me it was a breath of fresh air that I really needed. I'd become so burnt out on unimaginative games and BotW sort of made me appreciate games again, as weird as that may sound.

godofboobees648d ago

Those are not traditional Zelda games

Crows90647d ago

Right...so let's pretend ocarina of time didnt have exploration, secret dungeons and other secrets. Complex boss mechanics and exploration rewards. At least a traditional Zelda has dungeons.

porkChop647d ago

What point are you attempting to make? At no point did I say that OoT didn't have any of that. However, the level of exploration and sense of adventure are vastly different between OoT and BotW.

Brazz648d ago

Breath of the Wild is overrated as shot, Wind waker is much better.

P_Bomb648d ago

I’m a Link to the Past guy.

MadLad648d ago

Majora's Mask still holds as my favorite to this day, despite being the black sheep of the series.

pietro1212648d ago

I love them all, but Wind Walker, Link to the Past and Minish Cap are my favorites

John_McClane647d ago

Link to the Past was so, so good! Those chickens though! 🤣

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