Gamespot: Chime Hands-On


"Ever wonder what your favorite game designers would come up with if they didn't have any commercial constraints? What would they do in their spare time if they were asked to just come up with something fun? That is what OneBigGame's charity initiative--think Live Aid for video games--wants to accomplish by gathering a team of well-respected developers from all across the industry. The nonprofit publisher and distributor has gathered several talented designers and developers to contribute to the initiative. These include Masaya Matsuura (Parappa), David Perry (Earthworm Jim), and Charles Cecil (Broken Sword). Keep an eye out for what they have coming up because more than 15 games are currently in development. The first game to be completed, though, is a musical puzzler called Chime, which comes from the mind of Steve Curran, a creative director at SingStar and developer at Zoe Mode. Martin de Ronde from OneBigGame stopped by our office to tell us about his organization, as well as show us what people come up with when given complete freedom to design a game."

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Chime Sharp | Review | Gaming @ The Digital Fix

Chime Sharp brings classic Tetris-style puzzle action to Steam, with a killer soundtrack that shifts and evolves with the player's actions.

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Kicked: Chime Sharp, CodeBots, Assassins Ball, and Downfall

Kicked is the show all about the games you should be looking at on Kickstarter. Host Amy Brighter walks you through the latest picks.

This week:

Chime Sharp
Assassins Ball

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The Gamesmen, Episode 62 – Do You Even Nintenbro

Join Hardlydan and Amras89 for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about Nintendo and DeNA forming a business and capital alliance, God of War 3 remastered coming to PS4, the next Game of Thrones episode, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D download size, and an artist sprucing up thrift store paintings. Games discussed are Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, The Golf Club, Elite: Dangerous, Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 2, Ori and the Blind Forest, Chime, and Mario Kart 8.

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