
Pocket Gamer: Zombie Tycoon PSP Minis review

Darwin said something like the species that's most likely to survive isn't the strongest or the most intelligent, but the one most able to adapt.

If that's the case, then zombies really should inherit the Earth, because according to the ceaseless onslaught of undead games we've seen recently there's nothing they can't turn their rotting hands to.

Although there are elements of social progression (or dominance, anyway) in Zombie Tycoon, its title is perhaps a tad misleading. Your objective isn't really to build some kind of conurbation from beyond the grave so much as to take over the existing civilisation with the intention of killing everything.

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Hobgoblin5296d ago

Been addicted to this for a couple of days now. Superb for the price. Minis are the way forward.


Zombie Tycoon: IceField is Getting Recognized for Excellence

Frima Studios today announced that their Zombie Tycoon: IceField Demo has reached the FITC finals for Technical Excellence in Flash and Excellence in 3D. Built using a combination of Adobe’s Molehill technology and Frima’s proprietary IceField 3D engine, Zombie Tycoon is one of the most advanced Flash games to be released.

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Inside PSN - Weekly Recap (March 14 - 18, 2011 - PSU.com)

PSU takes another gander at some of the digital delights found Inside PlayStation Network.


Zombie Tycoon: IceField Demo Released

onPause writes:

Multiplatform developer Firma Studios, based in Quebec, announced at the Flash Gaming Summit 2011 yesterday, that an interactive demo of Zombie Tycoon is now available on Adobe Molehill, the upcoming version of the Flash player. The demo can be downloaded here, while a video of the Zombie Tycoon “Molehill” Tech Demo, released at Adobe Max last year, can be viewed here.

Bounkass4814d ago

Zombies zombies zombies... I've always hated milk...