
Nintendo Life: Sudoku Review

NL writs: "Sudoku was invented in the late 70's and introduced to Japan in the mid-80's, but it waited nearly thirty years to become a worldwide phenomenon. Newspapers publish sudoku puzzles even more prominently now than the crossword puzzles that have held dominance for nearly a century, and there are sudoku books, toys, and games everywhere you look: everyone is looking to cash in on the popular puzzle fad any way they can. There have been over fifteen different sudoku-based games published for the DS so far, and there are two others already available in DSiWare form: Sudoku Student and Sudoku Master. EA threw their hat into the ring in the middle of 2008 with their Sudoku iPhone app, and now they've brought it straight from the App Store to the DSi Shop. In a world already awash with sudoku mania, how does EA's foray into the well-known stack up?"

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Singapore PM writes his own Sudoku solver

Player Attack: We've seen plenty of politicians with opinions on video games, whether they love them or hate them, but Singapore's Prime Minister has just trumped them all. Lee Hsien Loong has written his own Sudoku-solving program, posted the source code to Facebook, and asked for bug reports.

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Windows Phone 7 adds Sudoku and Minesweeper for free, discounts PES 2011

XMNR: Microsoft is adding two classic games to Xbox LIVE for the Windows Phone 7 marketplace and, better yet, they are free. Konami's PES 2011 - Pro Evolution Soccer also gets discounted as the Deal of the Week for Windows-branded smartphones.

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What Type of Gamer Are You?

Callan from WSA writes: "I’m not sure what you classify me as, gamer wise. I enjoy casual games, mainly because I like puzzles, so Sudoku anything and Picross 3D are things I greatly enjoy. Though I’m somewhere in the hard setting of Picross and now I’m taking too long to finish them so no three stars on a couple of them, lame. But I digress.

I don’t really game everyday, not as much as I use to anyway. My job sort of sucks the life out of me, so when I come home I just want to get some food, maybe workout when I muster the willpower to stop sitting on my fat ass, shower and sleep. Usually in that order. My weekends are for extra sleep, errands I didn’t do during the week, laundry and anything else I need to catch up on, and then some gaming if I have the time before Monday rolls back around. I read manga and watch anime much more than I game, which is almost shameful.

But I like to think I make for up for it when I do manage to fit in the errant video game, which 9 times out of ten is an RPG. Most recently being Atelier Rorona, which I am loving."

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SynGamer4867d ago

I'd have to say I'm 'hardcore casual'. I get super psyched about games and new releases, and then fail to get them because I'm broke or they drop off my radar.

schlanz4866d ago

I'm a gamer. No special designation.

SynGamer4866d ago

I don't think a label is bad in this case, but rather, a simple inquiry as to how gamers approach games.

kesvalk4865d ago

i would be a customizer gamer

i despise games where you can't customize your gameplay/char and games without mods