
CasualGamerChick - Avenue Flo Review

CGC writes: "Avenue Flo is an adventure game for the PC or the Mac. The goal of the game is to save the biggest wedding in Diner Town. There is a lot banking on this wedding, the happiness of Mrs. Big and Tony and the wedding planner reputation of Quinn. If Quinn can get this wedding to go off with out any problems she will be THE wedding planner in Diner Town. The only problem is the wedding is off to a horrible start. Quinn calls her good friend Flo to help her solve all of the wedding issues.

Players take on the role of Flo as she attempts to save the day. It looks like there is someone that has been sabotaging the wedding and everything that was ready to go, such as the butterflies and the rings for the wedding are now missing. There are a few items to locate before the wedding starts and it is up to Flo to locate these items. Flo solves each task by solving puzzles. There are a few major tasks to solve, but along the way other people around town give Flo more tasks. The additional tasks Flo gets is, usually, because someone in town is having another issue and Flo needs to solve that issue before being able to complete a big objective in the game. All of the tasks are kept in a journal for easy access."

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Den of Geek: Avenue Flo Review

The plot of this game centres around weddings. Miss Big (yes, that's right - Mr. Big's daughter) is getting married, and everyone in DinerTown is invited. But before they can enjoy the frivolities, there are arrangements to be made: dresses to be created, suits to be cleaned, poodles to be pampered, cakes to be baked... you get the picture. However, Flo's roommate Quinn - star of the Wedding Dash games - has a problem. She's the one coordinating the wedding, and nothing is going to plan.

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Adventure Gamers: Avenue Flo Review

Its surprisingly rich production values, whimsical atmosphere, and generally snappy pace are the key ingredients of a tasty little appetizer that should serve as a great genre introduction to newcomers and offer experienced gamers just enough flavour for a bite-sized offering. It's casual adventuring, to be sure, but it just might hit the spot when you've got the gaming munchies.

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Game Vortex: Avenue Flo Review

Game Vortex writes: "Avenue Flo is a surprisingly great attempt at an adventure game designed by developers who know their audience. Instead of putting together a solid, hard-core point-and-click adventure with a Diner Dash skin to it, the end result is a casual-game that just happens to fit in the adventure genre, something I haven't really seen before."

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