
Sales of New Super Mario Bros. Wii will "shock"

TVGB: "In his second sales prediction of the day, the first one being about Modern Warfare 2, industry crystal ball Michael Pachter reckons the sales of Nintendo's upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii will "shock.""

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reintype5306d ago

Concerning sales, nothing on the Wii will ever shock me, with WII FIT being a living testament to that. Hell, I wouldn't even bat an eyelash if WII VITALITY SENSOR sold billions, even if the people who bought it, don't even know what to use it for.

DrRobotnik5305d ago

Seeing as how well the DS version sold so well, and the the fact that every Wii owner will buy any platformer with Mario's name on it......Yeah, I guess it will sale well.

Anon19745305d ago

I bought a Wii at launch and hated it. And I tried, I really tried to like it. I've always been a huge Nintendo fan and supporter. Some of my best memories as a gamer were playing Super Mario World and Zelda back in the day, but the Wii-mote just lost me.

I tried to play that Wii for over a year and couldn't do it. I tried all my favs, Medal of Honor, Zelda, Mario Galaxy - couldn't stand them. It's was simply the Wii-mote. Button presses replaced by idiotic "waggle", constantly losing the tracking around the edges of the screen, having to put the damned thing on my shoulder to fire a rocket, having to point the stupid thing at the TV, ALL THE TIME!. Ugh!
I'm an old gamer. I'm set in my ways. Just hand me a normal damn controller and get out of my way. Finally, after a conversation with a co-worker in my office (he wanted to buy a Wii for his wife for Christmas) I sold him mine and went along my merry way.

This is the first game I've seen that makes me regret that decision. It's not enough for me to want to go out and buy a Wii again, but I was floored how fun this looks. Classic Mario - but co-op with a friend. That's just so full of win. Too bad I'll miss out on this one.

firelogic5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

@darkride66: The funny thing is, it doesn't even need the use of the wii-mote to play, which is the "defining" feature of the Wii. Another top seller, Brawl and Zelda also didn't make good use of the wii-mote. Kind of makes you think doesn't it? Gamecube 1.5? Yes I think so.

ZoidsRaven5305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

You got a Wii on it's launch and hated it? Er... That happens when people turn a blind eye towards good Wii games but look at crapy Wii games like "imagine Babies" and say "that's all the Wii has" (which with that logic, can be said about any console). The Wii-Mote lost you? Oh I see, one of those guys who think "the wii is just waggle". But you must understand, mostly party game are played like that (Which compared to the other games out on the Wii, is not a lot).

Hmmmmmm. If you played games like Metroid Prime: 3, you should know d@mn well waggling only gets your character killed. You said you have/had "Medal of Honor" right? Then you should also know that waggling gets your character killed, all the same.

But just in case you get "motion controls" mix up with "waggle", I'll explain the differences.

Motion controls...
Say like you make a movement in the left direction, your game character will perform an action in the left direction.


Lets say you are aimming with the Wii mote in an fps, your character will aim (just like you did) wth their gun/blaster/etc.

Waggling is swinging the Wii-mote like a dog would with it's tail (again, mostly party game have you play like that).

Or to give a better example, lets take a look at Wii sports (no, not resort).

Someone is playing tennis, they hit the ball and it's heading towards their opponent, but to player keeps swinging the the wii-mote (even though the ball isn't heading towards his/her direction) without stoping for a while.

Medal of honor, zelda, mario galaxy are not played by "waggle". If you waggled the wii-mote while playing those games, then that really isn' the Wii's or the wii-mote's fault.

You DON'T have to put the wii-mote up to your shoulder, just place the "damned" (wow, just wow) thing on your lap (it'll still work).

........ I.... I'm sorry, but if you can't hold the wii-mote on your lap even. Then you must be one fat or deformed guy/girl... (Which again, isn't really the wii-mote's fault)

You sold you Wii?
I guess if it wasn't the console for you, it wasn't the console for you.

This is the only game you have seen so far that makes you regret selling your "Wii"?

Don't ever wonder why you hated your "Wii", you wasn't able to see any good wii games (that made you regret selling your "Wii") until now.
From what you just said now, it dosn't look like you gave the Wii a fair chance.

You will find good Wii games if you TRY looking for them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5305d ago
bigrudowsky5305d ago

I'm sure its going to break some records the ds version was awesome so it already has a good rep not only that but come one its mario.

Deadly_Sinner5305d ago

It is a shame that gave my Wii to my little sister. It would be nice to play this game.

VanHalen5305d ago

Wii has some awesome light gun games and Punch Out is worth buying a Wii for! Its all about the virtual shop though. To have all those classics on there is just the best. I would buy a Wii just for that alone! New Super Mario will be awesome.

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Goodbye New Mario, I Won't Miss You

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the first Mario 2D game in almost two decades without the New Super Mario art style, and it looks all the better for it

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misterandy314d ago

Am I missing something? It looks exactly the same, just higher resolution… Is this sarcasm?

specialguest314d ago

Yes, you're not observant if you think it looks exactly the same. It immediately appeared different to me from the start. Mario's 3D model will always be the same, so not much difference there. However, the animation they've given the Super Mario Wonder makes it look more like a CGI Mario animation where as the New Mario Bros game looks more like typical video game animation movements


__SteakDeck__314d ago

@specialguest Yeah those animations are insane.

FinalFantasyFanatic314d ago

You really didn't notice the difference? It's really obvious, I was surprised when I first saw the trailer.

Asplundh314d ago

"Am I missing something?"

Your glasses maybe?

Juancho51314d ago

This Mario game looks great, getting a switch for this and Mario RPG. CANT WAIT, TITS JACKED.

Profchaos314d ago

Yeah I liked how much more emotion could be conveyed through the new style at first glance I didn't see much difference but then rewatching the trailer I'm seeing more and more animations that remind me of the Mario artwork from the manual of smb3

Outlawzz313d ago

I hated the new super Mario bros Style. This new one seems a lot more expressive and less generic. I hope it's a good game

shinoff2183313d ago

I prefer the 2d Mario's. Me and my girl have played them all together and mario galaxy , Mario odyssey. The 2nd player option is extremely eh

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Top 10 Best 2D Mario Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "So as a tip of the cap to the mustachioed one, we’re going to head into MAR10 Day with a look back at the top 10 best 2D Mario games!"

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Gridknac1520d ago

Super Mario U is a great one that reminds me alot of Super Mario World on snes. When ran in 4k@60fps on pc, it's hard not to love it.


Where Does 2D Mario Go From Here?

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "if we already have the ultimate 2D Mario game – what corners of the Mushroom Kingdom are left to explore? Where does 2D Mario go from here?"

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mijayire1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

89% Metacritic another stellar creative game.

SkatterBrain1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

Well if Little Big Planet went 3d with Dreams then I guess marios going 3D maker next, looking forward to that

King_Noctis1773d ago (Edited 1773d ago )

I think going forward it would be redundant to have another NSMB game on the Switch as the Mario Maker series can accomplish almost anything the NSMB series have level-wise.

jjb19811773d ago

Could you imagine a Mario 64 maker? Phenomenal.

Jin_Sakai1772d ago (Edited 1772d ago )

I’d rather have a Zelda Maker. The dungeon builder on the new upcoming Zelda: Links Awakening looks like a testing ground.


Aonuma hinted at the possibility of Chamber Dungeons evolving into a Zelda Maker game in an interview with Kotaku during E3. Reporter Jason Schreier asked Aonuma directly if a Zelda Maker was in the cards, to which Aonuma replied:

“I can’t predict the future, but if people do love this idea of arranging dungeons, I’ll keep that in mind going forward.”