
GOONL!NE Review: Borderlands

GOONL!NE writes: "Borderlands is like a toffee. You unwrap it, excited, ready to shove it in your mouth. The taste is everywhere – back of the mouth, the cheeks, the tip of your tongue. Nothing can get better than this. But then the taste goes. Your mouth is glued shut, your cheeks start feeling puffy and swollen, it's in the gaps in your teeth, you want to spit it out and never eat one again. Borderlands is a rollercoaster, and one that never really picks up."

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Johandevries5338d ago

Ok I like the mouth description

DonCorneo5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

i have finally beaten old king doran. that duel is the best boss battle in the game. there is an pattern (like everything in demon's souls but for this one you can't use range/magic attacks) that you can exploit.. it took make several attempts to figure it out.

played borderlands for a few hours. just shoot and keep blasting. that's all there is to it.

TooTall195338d ago

not wasting any more time on anything from goonline

kharma455338d ago

You disagree with it so you choose to ignore the site?

A review is just one person's opinion. If you disagreed with something IGN or Eurogamer said, you'd simply ignore them too?


El_Colombiano5338d ago

Yes, if I disagree with the review I ignore the site. It is of no use to me.

Slinger4205338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

Just sold mine back today

Ace Killa 085337d ago

no friends to play with?

this game is fun, im already lvl 20 and i got some kickass guns, now when i play with friends online and we beat a boss or such, we duel for the weapon if more than one people wants it. so this game is fun if you play with friends if you have no friends at all... then your bone bud

El_Colombiano5337d ago


I want to buy this game for myself and a copy for my brother so we can play co-op. Do you recommend it?

I need to know because there are very mixed reviews.

Cryptech5337d ago

Coop in this game is too much fun!


DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

This sounds awesome. This afternoon, Genvid Entertainment announced two, all-new interactive streaming series at San Diego-Comic Con: DC Heroes United and Borderlands EchoVision Live.


10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

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Chriswheeler22485d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87484d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

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