
Xbox 360 MW2 Outselling PS3 2-to-1

Amazon is putting up some interesting stats regarding Modern Warfare 2 that include the town that has the largest percentage of pre-orders by population and more importantly, which version of MW2 is selling the most. Currently, the Xbox 360 version is selling twice as many as the PS3 and six times as many as the PC.

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5324d ago
RememberThe3575324d ago

I'll be picking up Uncharted 2 today, so I'll be renting MF2.

Keith Olbermann5324d ago

uncharted 2; ratchet; demon souls; god of war collection. Im broke and Im not paying extra for MW2. Sorry Activision..your a rental.

lokiroo4205324d ago

Well twice as many 360's would lead to this outcome.

Carl14125324d ago

Good. Maybe Activision will abandon the PS3.

Sorry, wishful thinking.

Yes, i hate activision. Sorry

ape0075324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I'll get it on the xbox 360 for 4 reasons

1-XBOX LIVE,a service like xbl makes the experience in mw2 better

2-the controller is perfect for fps,perfectly fit in your hand+the amazing triggers make you feel like you are shooting a real gun

3-the ability to install games,this reduces the load times a lot,I installed cod4 and damn it loads like a thunder

4-360 version gonna have dlc before ps3 version

ps3 guys in here,I love my ps3 and I respect sony but some of you has reached a level where he just tap "disagree" for just seeing "I'll get it on xbox"

I wanna tell you that n4g became a trash,really,everytime I visit n4g the past few months,everything I see is just hate,extreme fanboyism,bashing everywhere etc....I just described my opinion,my personal opinion,If u disagreed,reply and tell me why

morganfell5324d ago

Exactly. With all the PS3 titles coming down the pipe I have too much on my hands to pay attention to an egomaniac's product. I was hitting the R&C demo last night. Wow.

Parapraxis5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I'va already decided to buy MW2 through ebay.

I am currently engulfed in Uncharted 2 and Demon's Souls should be at my doorstep any day now. Add to that probably picking up R&C ACIT, Dragon Age Origins and Tekken 6, not only will I be broke, but I'll also have little time to invest in MW2. (and as with MW, I'll be playing it a lot)

By the time I get around to MW2 there should be either sales or used copies for a low price.

One of the good thing about it is I know there will be tons of people online if I were to buy the game day one, or wait a month and get it used.

COD does have longevity when it comes to MP, so getting it at a later date is of no worry to me.

For me, the sales of this game don't mean much. It's going to sell like mad, but after the decisions that Acti. has made for the PC version, buying it used feels like the right choice.

I'm just happy to know I have a ton of choices for what games to play in the next couple months. Sony has really broke my wallet with their lineup and I couldn't be happier.

UnSelf5324d ago

Welcome to another episode of Basic Math 101 with Bubbles

Ok kids. Johnny and Steven both have $5. Johnny and Steven both loveeeeee oranges. Timmy however loves Apples, and he has $5 too. The oranges and apples sell at both $.25 each. If Johnny, Steven and Timmy all spend their money on what they love, who sells more, the Apple vendor? Or the Orange Vendor?

Anyone? Ok yes you with the N4G t-shirt.

N4g Member: "Umzmuzmz, Bungie?!!?

iamtehpwn5324d ago

I have exclusives to play on PS3.
Uhm..as for MF2...uhm...Maybe I'll take a look at it for PC.

HolyOrangeCows5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

PS3 gamers will be playing Uncharted 2, R&C:aCiT, Demon's Souls, PixelJunk Shooter, GOW Collection, etc.

Who has time for generic shooters?

v1c1ous5324d ago

please STOP with the amazon news !

darthv725324d ago

Everyone else is canceling their orders so wouldnt that make the 360 ones look better?

360 users are used to not having dedicated servers. Nothing new here.

menoyou5324d ago

PS3 owners have way better things to buy. Too many unique and innovative games coming out to bother with MW2, which feels outdated after playing Killzone 2.

Valkyre5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

No, it is not surprising at all...

You see when you have 4 AAA exclusives per month on your machine aka PS3 (Uncharted 2, Demons Souls , Ratchet and Clank 2, GOW collection + GOW 3 demo) ,+ around 10 exclusives for the first quarter of 2010 then you are definitely gonna shaft some multiplat titles...hell MW2 is a rent for me until im done playing my exclusives ;)

Someone must be nuts to take MW2 over Uncharted 2 (97 metascore from 81 reviews thank you very much...)

So yeah, given the lack of 360 titles and exclusives, people are gonna preorder more copies of multiplats, much more when it comes to shooters pew pew!!! :D

Darkstorn5324d ago

The 360 has the larger install base, and is a console more oriented towards shooters. I'm not surprised (plus, I've got to get back to Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2...)

Greywulf5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

I'm not supporting MW2 as a pc gamer, nor a PS3 gamer.

The 360 always has the drought effect of having nothing good to play till Halo or a popular multiplatform title pops up.

MW2 is a rehash of MW. No thanks.

Mr Logic5324d ago

Not at all. PS3 gamers just have more game to play.

Rainstorm815324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Well seeing as Microsoft is treating MW2 as thier game with the MW2 x360 bundle , timed exclusive DLC, and advertising money backing the microsoft version it should. Not to mention PS3 having twice as many games this Fall/Winter.

MW2 will be X360 biggest title this year undoubtedly.

Ill be picking up MW2 and the GOW collection on 11/10


2 of your reasons are opinion (MW2 will be mostly the same on PSN and XBL & some people like the ps3 controller better), while ps3 had game installtion since day one thats why people disagree.

shadowfox5324d ago

News flash - there's 18 million 360s and 9 millions PS3s in the US. Sounds kinda like 2:1, doesn't it?

ReviewsArePolitics5324d ago

PlayStation owners are more diversified in their love of particular genres. Furthermore, there are not as many movie buffs on the Xbox side as there are on the PlayStation side (which is why the attach rate for Sony is about 2 games lower per console, and about 1 first party game less per console)

Not really surprising and not really a reason to claim victory in the console war. I am not getting it but my roommate is getting it on PS3.

ape0075324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

use your logic well,see how many gamers bought cod4,look at all these cod4 lovers on ps3 and look how much more units ps3 sold in two years after the release of cod4

no one can deny that mw2 ps3 gonna outsell cod4 ps3 and perhaps be the best selling ps3 game ever

the reason why mw2 sell better on 360 is the larger fanbase and the a lot of ps3\360 owners like me gonna get it on 360 cause shooters play better on 360 pad and xbl is better than psn

I hope all of you understand

Tex1175324d ago

Parapraxis: Enjoy the ride with Demon's Souls. Either you will do one of three things.

Play it, and not put it down till you have beat it at least once leaving your other games still in the plastic. This will be one of your favorite games this generation but you don't really know why...it just is. You can't get enough of the beat down, then ultimately the beat down you bestowe on other players and the NPC with careful leveling.

Play it, and not get past 1-1. You get frustrated and your new Ratchet and Clank is looking at you. As a break you play it...beat it, then try and come back to Demon's Souls because you dont like to waste money on games. You still strongly dislike the game, and ultimately stop playing.

Play it, not get past 1-1. SCREAM MOTHER EFFER, and drop it off at gamestop for some quick cash. You loathe the game.

pharmd5324d ago

hahahaha, cuz that's their only real game right now.... other than upcoming forza, they've been bored for some time, dying for a decent game...


Jinxstar5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )


I know you prefer the XBL service but truth be told. Back when COD4 first released my roommate got it on 360 and I got it on PS3. HE preferred it on PS3. I couldn't see a difference but meh. I just want to know what makes it "So much better"? like seriously.

I'll give you the controller thing. Thats all preference. I don't care much either way... As long as it's all balanced and they both do that fine... Why or how is XBL faster or better? Cross game chat is an option. Is that what you mean? cross game invites or whatever? because online to me ran just as smooth on either console. My roommate said it felt like 360 hosts lagged their connection on purpose at times and that might have been his issue but I dunno...

Side by side I could see no difference in performance...

slayorofgods5324d ago

I can't seem to find the direct source of this chart on Amazon. Is it an hourly trend or trend total updated hourly? I guess I'm stuck having to take this author's word for this information instead of being able to see the data directly:< (bad source of info)

On topic
The 360 always sell's more fps's than any other system since it is a shooter emphasized console. Sony emphasizes diversity in their games so not everyone that owns a PS3 even likes FPS's unlike the owners of a 360. This is also why we see the PS3 getting more sales in other multi platform games such as Batman, Teken 6, and almost all of EA's games.

JokesOnYou5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

Oh, too late. So is that going to be the excuse now?
So I guess then if you add up the recent ps3 exclusives sales should beat MW2 sales, lol not a chance.

Oh wait, its because 360 owners are the ones who like shooters. lol, and yet this is coming from the same kids who couldnt comment in any 360 thread prior to KZ2's launch withouT swearing KZ2 was 'teh bestes game everrrrzz!, lol and COD4 is one of the top selling games if not the top selling game on ps3. lmfao...so delusional.

lol, read ape007's comment and you will know why this and most other games sell better on 360, also yes the install base is part of it but look no further than KZ2 which had a higher install base than(wont bother mentioning Halo3) even when Gears came out and many of those games launched with other great games released in the same timeframe.


Blaster_Master5324d ago

@ 1.5
Only people with modded controllers like the 360's controller more when it comes to shooters. Everyone knows that the triggers on the 360 controller aren't half as sensitive as the ps3's shoulder buttons. Also, ps3 users are getting cross game chat, and Im pretty sure true gamers would rather use a service that is free, especially since that is the only difference between xbox live and the psn. Have a good day troll.

sikbeta5324d ago

A shooter game sell better on a shooter console, not surprising, I only want to know if the MW2 bundle is real, who gonna buy it? people who love only shooters already bought a xbox for shooters and MW2 is a super multiplat, is going to PC, PS3, xbox360 and wii, is not like if someone want the game need to buy a specific console

droid and bot5324d ago

funny ... now they want this game

after that you'll say that they want natal


Mr Logic5324d ago

I personally can't stand the 360 controller. It's big, clunky, and the buttons are hard to press. But that's not the point.

The point is that the 360 DOES have a larger install base and that install base is partially derived from Halo fans. Halo fans typically love FPS and shooters in general. There's nothing wrong with that it's just the way it is. PS3 fans are no strangers to shooter games. Resistance, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, COD 4,5, and 6. But looking at each consoles top 10 sold games the 360 has 5 shooters and the PS3 only has 4 counting RE5. What I am trying to say is that IMO the PS3 has more quality variety. A lot of PS3 owners bought their console to play MGS4 or Uncharted 2 games that have no counterparts on the 360. I have noticed that PS3 fans buy games, but they are very picky about what they buy.

snipermk05323d ago

Its not because XBL is superior its because 360 fans have nothing else to play this christmas. While the ps3 owners have been running broke with U2, Ratchet & Clank, God of War Collection, Demon's souls and many other titles. So, I kinda feel sad for the 360 gamers and an "awwwwwwwww" is in place.

Domenikos5323d ago

Have fun with ur nice extra cool... no one gives a f*** stuff...

Cause ill be playing Uncharted 2, and BTW

1-XBOX LIVE,a service like xbl makes the experience in mw2 better... come on u dont even play that good,you are talking like a pro that needs the best experience to play online.

2-the controller is perfect for fps,perfectly fit in your hand+the amazing triggers make you feel like you are shooting a real gun... yeah a real gun... duh

3-the ability to install games,this reduces the load times a lot,I installed cod4 and damn it loads like a thunder... OMG damn u PS3 u are taking seconds of my mighty time u suck.

4-360 version gonna have dlc before ps3 version... DLC, yeah and then u can go and clean Activision's ass.


Bob Dole5323d ago

I dunno what kind of guns you been shooting but the 360's triggers are nowhere near the same feel of shooting a real gun. Granted they are good for fps games, Bob Dole likes the L1 and R1 buttons on the Dualshock better than the triggers.

Hoggy19835323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

First of all, I completely appreciate that the PS3 seems to have alot of good games coming out at the moment. However, what I have major umbrage with is those of you saying MW2 will be a poor game! This will be absolutely fantastic, multiplat or not, and why don't you just be honest and accept that alot of you will find this game in your collection. Yes, the PS3 has a few other good games out but I struggle to believe that many would surpass MW2.

I would also add that I understand that everyone has different gaming tastes; not everyone likes FPS and genuinely prefer other games to MW2. However, I don't buy the amount of comments slating the game. Anyway, your loss.

lordcrackpot5323d ago

when they got Uncharted 2

i rented and beat every CoD game so far playable on the 360 or PS3, and i'm planning to continue my streak with MW2.

tordavis5323d ago

@mr logic - "A lot of PS3 owners bought their console to play MGS4 or Uncharted 2 games that have no counterparts on the 360."

Aren't MGS4 and Uncharted shooters? Wait, isn't KZ2 a shooter? What about Resistance 1 and 2? I think the 360 library is just as diverse as the PS3's. A lot of PS3 owners don't even know of some of the great non-shooter games on the 360. Tenchu Z, Portal, Banjo, Kameo and Dead Rising are all non-shooter titles that are pretty much first gen 360 titles. All this crap about the 360 being a "shooter console" is just crap. That's like saying the PS3 is a 3D action console.

Are you guys forgetting where Saint's Row and Just Cause got started and where they are going? Wasn't RE5 a shooter? What about Haze? Quantum Theory? Uncharted 1, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Fallout and Warhawk all have 'shooting' in them. Most games these days have shooting, even R&C.

Just buy what you want and stop trying to analyze why people buy what they want.

Christopher5323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

P.S. The Earth revolves around the Sun, water is wet, everyone dies, and it doesn't literally rain cats and dogs.

@tordavis: Kind of have to disagree with you there. While, yes, there is more on the 360, what has made it so popular isn't its diverse library but its shooters and multiplayer capabilities. Sure, multiplats sell better on the 360, but is that because of the multiplats or because people were already there for the quality shooters and quality online gaming to go with them? I know it's just my opinion, but if Microsoft hadn't had the FPS/TPS calling that it does, I don't think sales of the console or multiplats would have been as good in the long run. The fact that 4 out of the 5 top selling games on the platform are shooters should tell you something about what type of games the general Xbox gamer looks for, no?

sirbigam5323d ago

To be expected they've got less options, live has got o be used for something, and they might as well not hack it if their gonna go online.

nan05323d ago

The 360 hasn't gotten any good exclusive games lately.

With Infamous coming out a little bit ago, Uncharted 2 just coming out, plus GOTY editions of Fallout(multiplat) and LBP GOTY, this isn't very surprising at all.

Not to mention it has to compete with Tekken 6 and Aassassins Creed 2. I know most people would prefer MW2 to them, but I don't. I'm getting AC2 and Tekken 6 for sure because I need something new for my PS3. I don't have any fighters yet and MW1 wasn't too great. Sorry.

WenisWagon5323d ago

This is clearly enough evidence to show that the Xbox 360 not only has the leading edge on exclusive games, but multiplatform games are far superior as well. Seems like owners of the PS3 version will struggle to find full servers.

mikeslemonade5323d ago

I don't care about game sales. I only care about system sales which is more important. For game sales as long as it sells around 1 million it's good enough because a sequel is coming and the developer is satisfied.

Kornholic5323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

This isn't really a surprise since, lets be honest here, Xbox 360 owners havent had too many games to play this year.

After all what Bobby Kotick said and what the new EA, Activision, stands for, I will be boycotting the firm as a whole. Haloduty: Generic Perkfare 2 isn't really a sequel worth MY money.

SWORDF1SH5323d ago


American 360 owners are obsessed with guns...

...well maybe just a bit more than the American PS3 owners.

Main reason is install base. The install base almost mirrors the sales ratio of 2-1.

No surprise.

That ratio doesnt count for the whole world, it will be alot closer. but the 360 version will almost defently outsell the PS3 version

11 360s and counting5323d ago

Xbox owners don't mind getting screwed over by companies. Micro$haft rapes them daily. I think more PC and PS3 owners take offense to activisions and IW's bullsh*t. They're not blind, idiotic consumers. Plus, what else are they going to play on the crapbox?

gaffyh5323d ago

@tordavis - You make it clearer and clearer that you have bias against the PS3 in every comment you type. The PS3 does have a more diverse game catalog, and if you can't see that, then it's clear that you're a fanboy. Xbox IS mainly for shooters, PS3 always has had the potential for a wider range of games.

Games like Heavy Rain, LBP, Flower, Linger in Shadows, MGS4, and Uncharted 2, Demon's Souls, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank (and yes I've played Banjo, Kameo and SMG, and none of them are as good as R&C) have no equivalent on ANY other console. MGS4 is not just a shooter, it's Tactical Stealth Espionage.

You seem to be getting more militant in your fanboyism these days torrence, PS3 getting too many great games or something? Lol. I bet you're going to "smash" this article and comments as well. LMAO.

yojoe265323d ago

I have many xbox 360 owning friends who are flat bored of their systems right now as they feel they haven't had much to play since Gears of War 2 came out. Few of them were willing to spend 60 bucks for a new Halo that wasn't even a full game. With the onslaught of PS3 games I, for one, could actually go all the way into next spring without purchasing a new game and be completely content. Having bought Demon Souls, Uncharted 2, Infamous, Killzone 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and planning on Dragon Age Origins this year (just to name a few) I have more than enough AAA games to play. 360 fans don't have as much right now so are ravishingly hungry for a AAA title. There are some great games for 360 out this year don't get me wrong; but there just isn't the same level of variety and quality that the PS3 has been pumping out thus far.

zeeshan5323d ago

I would have been seriously surprised, concerned and astounded had the figure been the opposite of what it is right now. The current figure not only suggest but are a clear indication that PS3 owners are spending their money on exclusive titles. I mean just imagine, if Uncharted 3, Demon's Soul, R%C, GOW collection weren't there, PS3 owners probably would have been going crazy getting their hands on MW1.5 (Sorry but I just don't see MW2 as 2, it's more like 1.5 to me).

I also don't see PS3 owners going crazy for MW1.5 because they have KillZone 2. Regardless if you are a fan, regardless if you own a PS3 or not, if you have seen KILLZONE 2 and have played it a couple of times, I can bet that you'd have high expectations from future shooters like Moder Warfare but as it turned out, MW is just-another generic FPS with meh graphics. Damn it, the visuals should have been stunning!

quadalupeupe5323d ago

without a demo or anything they'll jump in like they usually do with Pay to Play online or a new Halo game or buy a new Xbox 360 when theres breaks down

f7897905323d ago

I don't even have the money for one game. If I did it certainly wouldn't be going to MW2. I'll buy it eventually, but not before Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted 2.

Redempteur5323d ago


See laracroft ? She has 2 guns and she uses them ... does that make tomb raider a shooter ? NO.

You see Ratchet in NOT a shooter , it's an adventure game ...
Even if one the character of heavy rain is a FBI agent with a gun and he uses it in the game ... it's still a story adventure game ... not a shooter ...

I strongly suggest you to look up on the internet what Shooter really is ...

N4g_null5323d ago

So many PS3 owners claim they are playing other games then why are the sales for the games you list so low?

2cents5323d ago

one of the greatest 1st person shooter franchises to grace our consoles that has even won a BAFTA and that gamers have spent countless hours on and now that a statistic has been revealed in favor of the 360 and suddenly ps3 fans are too good for call of duty?


Tavaras5323d ago

MW2 will be the best selling title this year... a lot of people LOVE this franchise... they have been turning out quality shooters for a long time now. I don't understand the backlash of the game here. But,in the end, it doesn't matter about the N4G hate, this will probably be the biggest release this year, and as a gamer who loves games, I can't help but be excited about a game that so many people want to play.

bpac1234567895323d ago

Why did so many people disagree with ape007? he made very good and logical points on why to get it for the 360. While the controller part Is debatable the rest of his points where unquestionable. Mw2 is going to be a better experience on the 360, in every way. Better online (party system) and not to mention they will be getting dlc first while the rest of us ps3 only owners will have to wait a long time and move on to different games. To be honest if I had a 360 (which I will soon) i would get mw2 for that system over the ps3. I'll probably buy most my major online games for the 360.

N4g needs to chill and stop being so sensitive.

Rainstorm815323d ago (Edited 5323d ago )

MW2 will be the number one selling game this year. But that doesnt mean every gamer with a console should go out and buy it. To alot of people MW2 is MW1 with new guns new maps and streaks galore yet same MW1 engine (seems paltry for a game 2yrs in development).Not to mention Bobby Kotick and his antics against the PS3 and COD price hikes, which leads some people to not support activision and COD. Others flat out dont care about FPS games. The rest will buy COD: MW2

@BPAC - Dont pass Ape007's comments off as facts. The only fact he stated was about DLC. Party system you do know MW1 on PS3 had a party system? right? PSN or XBL, PS3 or X360 you will be getting mainly the same experience. besides two early map packs everything will be the same, as someone who plays on XBL and PSN, i can say they both experience lag, some games still have glitches and people still try to cheat, one big difference though cross game voice chat and $50 a year.

MW2 will be good but this isnt 2007 when COD:MW had little competition. Uncharted: Drakes fortune was a new ip and Halo 3 was its only competition. (and it still beat the almighty Halo to become the number one game on XBL til W@W)

In 2009 the competition is much more fierce for MW2. especially on PS3

BattleAxe5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

I've never understood why people pre-order games, its so stupid. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Future Shop and HMV always have lots of copies on the release date.

When BattleField Bad Compay first came out I happened to be at EB Games, asked for a copy and they asked if I had pre-ordered it, I said no and they said that the only copies they had were for pre-orders. So I dcided to go next door to Wal- Mart where they had tons of copies and bought it there. People who pre-order need to get a life.

+ Show (54) more repliesLast reply 5322d ago
mrv3215324d ago

This can only mean one thing.

PS3 gamers don't want to pay for some overpriced games when the have a slew of new AAA games to play.

MW2 is just becoming rediculous, if you buy this you hate gaming. COD 6 as it should be known is a full game I'm not saying it's just an expansion (COD:WAW is though) but I don't believe it's the second coming of christ(insert other religous figures here)

poopface15324d ago

360 also has some games like halo and forza. not to mention ODST has sold around 1.5 million already in America, so alot of 360 owners just bought a FPS.

Your argument seems decent at first untill you consider the fact taht MODERN WARFARE 2 WILL BE THE BIGGEST SELLER ON PS3 AS WELL.

you can say "Ps3 owners dont need taht generic game or another FPS" or "We have far too much variety and other games" and yet none of their sales will be close to MW 2(no different than the 360).

I wont be buying MW 2 for my 360, ps3, or PC but we all know, regardless if we wanna admit it or not, that MW 2 will be the biggest selling game on all 3 platforms regardless of what other games come out.

Knghtz5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

lmao, wow.

That's quite a bold statement there. I guess I better not get it then for fear of being labeled a "game hater". Good lord the things people say these days...

mrv3215324d ago

So your saying out of the 13 million copies of modern warfare sold 4.5 million+ have been on the PS3. I seriously doubt that. I have checked a vague list which is mostly out of date that says that MGS 4 has sold 4.5 million


ape0075324d ago

"PS3 gamers don't want to pay for some overpriced games when the have a slew of new AAA games to play"

don't use this excuse to for why 360 version selling more

LOOOL,we will see mw2 sales on ps3,It will easely beat cod4 which was the best selling ps3 games,YOU'LL SEE,it will be the best selling ps3 game ever

it will outsell kz2 easely and YOU KNOW IT

"MW2 is just becoming rediculous, if you buy this you hate gaming"

LOL again,looks like you are still angry after activision's statement about dropping ps3 support,it really hurt you emotionally

to solve this,Imagine that IW was owned by sony and mw2 will be a ps3 exclusive,you'll say a whole different comment

fanboys make me laugh

ReviewsArePolitics5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

"don't use this excuse to for why 360 version selling more"

So it's not true that PS3 owners have more games to choose from now?

"LOOOL,we will see mw2 sales on ps3,It will easely beat cod4 which was the best selling ps3 games,YOU'LL SEE,it will be the best selling ps3 game ever"

Did it sell better than MGS4 and GT5:Prologue? I'm just asking. Also, if you're gonna answer, get updated facts.

"it will outsell kz2 easely and YOU KNOW IT "

It won't reach the technical advancement of KZ2, that's for sure. Sales don't make the quality of the games.

"LOL again,looks like you are still angry after activision's statement about dropping ps3 support,it really hurt you emotionally"

Why would anyone support a company that bullies other companies and consumers? Especially over another gamer like you. Seriously, get your priorities straight. Why would you wait for another generic shooter is mind-boggling.

Back to UC2

mrv3215324d ago

Fanboys make you laugh... you seem pretty fanboy to me. The fact of the matter is quite simple is that the PS3 owners have more varied exclusive this holiday season, while the 360 has good games most of who'm aren't exclusive and not big hitters while I agreee some games do look outstanding thus far from what I have played Uncharted 2 is thus far my game of the year.

'LOL again,looks like you are still angry after activision's statement about dropping ps3 support,it really hurt you emotionally'

I am hurt emotionally, I really am. Angry, I would be if I didn't rely on it. I played the Uncharted multiplayer and I am so far impressed with it.

Remind me again, which console is getting the demo? None, most of us are getting quite fobbed, I for one aren't that use to dedicated servers, and not something that's completely and utterly overpriced and hyped.

Bob Dole5323d ago

"LOOOL,we will see mw2 sales on ps3,It will easely beat cod4 which was the best selling ps3 games,YOU'LL SEE,it will be the best selling ps3 game ever"

Gran Turismo 5 WILL bet he best selling PS3 game evah.

tordavis5323d ago

@reviewsarepolitics - "It won't reach the technical advancement of KZ2, that's for sure. Sales don't make the quality of the games. "

We aren't talking technical advancements, we are talking sales.

"Back to UC2"

Bold statement there.

badz1495323d ago

1. PS3 gamers just have more choice - 4 high impact EXCLUSIVES in a month?? when did that EVER happen to any other console in history??

2. there are a lot more 360 owners in the US which make sense why they will buy more copies

3. this is the BIGGEST games on 360 this year but PS3 has more than just a multiplat hit!

and CoD4 is not the most sold game on PS3, it's GTAIV

sack_boi5323d ago

What's so "techincally advanced" about Killzone 2? Is it the 30fps, the fact that the game doesn't support split-screen or is it the P2P server it uses?

Oh yeah, it had "gud graphix"

N2NOther5323d ago

Dumbest, most baseless, most ignorant and ridiculous thing I've ever read on N4G. Congrats. The prize you win is mouth breathing.

N4g_null5323d ago

So from your statment you can say PS3 owners are cheap or just don't have a lot of money to spend period?

I mean look at the sales of these games you guys are listing they are not all that good. So far xbox is looking like it has more hardcore FPS fans which would make sense because they all got one for halo.

I don't even like the xbox and even I understand that. I mean rubbing games in xbox owners face would actualy make sense if you where talking about games they actualy want to play rather than games that where promised a long time ago and are just now coming out.

ape0075323d ago

I strongly agree,that's perhaps the worst thing I've ever read in my whole gaming life,SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUK IS THIS

it may enter genuis book for the worst gamer zone statement EVER on N4G

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5323d ago
Pandamobile5324d ago

That's what I like to see PC guys. Let's see if we can get that down to like 2% by the time MW2 ships and maybe IW will listen.

M337ING5324d ago

Even still, with all the cancellations, I'm shocked that there are still so many pc copies on pre-order. They might have even been at 20%, which at a retail store, is pretty amazing for a pc game...

DasBunker5324d ago (Edited 5324d ago )

of course.. xbox owners love shooters.. is the only thing they play.. and with the lack of exclusives they got this year they gotta turn into the multiplats..

demons souls
ratchet and clank
uncharted 2
GOW collection

shhhh not easy to afford all these great games and on top of that MW2

not to mention ps3 owners are smart enough to not take activision BS..


forgot to add all other multiplats. like borderlands or NGS2 that just came out for the PS3 too.. if that makes my comment less fanboyist :P

RememberThe3575324d ago

But that is the exact reason why I probably wont buy MF2; too many other games.

TruthBTold5324d ago

I spent money recently on Uncharted 2, Demons Souls and FIFA 10, if I decide to get another game first it will be Borderlands or Assasins Creed 2. Maybe next year after GT5, GOW 3 and Heavy Rain I might pick up MW2 from Gamestop but USED. Glad to see the PC gamers boycotting Activision. I would like to see more PS3 and Xbox gamers do the same.

badz1495323d ago

not only MW2, but I'm not buying all their craps EVER again! luckily most of their games are not geared to my interest! but if EA is going the way of activision is heading now, I might just have to scratch my head open to not buy games like FIFA, burnout, BF...

mastiffchild5323d ago

Same as that. I won't be buying anything, at least not unless it's usedfrom Activision(and IW their little money grabbing monkey henchmen who seem to think dedicateds are a bad thing-why?-and only seem to have made COD4.5 after knocking Teryarch for doing the same thing. IW are boning us on the PC andhelp Acti do it eveywhere else)fromnow on-why shoyuld I be expected to support a company with such open disdain for it's customers and that milk a franchise so heavily it's become a joke. It's getting like bloody Fifa-there's one a year and, really, it's always the same bloody game with minor tweaks or different settings. Big wow and as a UK gamer I'm expected to pay a premium on top f what the US pays(on top of our games being dearer to start with!)-and all this in a country, as of today, [proven to STILL be in maor recession?

A few of my mates who still pay for Live, despite being PS3 owners and PC gamers, are going to get MW2 and on the 360. They reasoned(rightly it appears) that there would be more people getting it on 360 and it would be the busiest platform and therefore more of a challenge. They argued that with only ODST recently buying MW2 was the only real new release(as ODST is just Halo3 plus Firefight and everyone already had H3)with online MP of great merit would be MW2. It's always popular on 360(moreso than PS3)and with it's position of being a big online game on a [platform where you have to have newe games to play to justify your outlay for Live then you're more likely to buy it than folk who game elsewhere-esp on PC and PSN where dedicated servers are the norm. P2P(unbelievably for the premium online service of Live, imo)is still the norm for Live so it's the same as anything for 360 gamers.

Add to that most 360 owners are US gamers and there's no price hike there to rail against and m,any of these gamers are used to the P2P, haven't had a shooter experience this year that was both big and good online(again not counting ODST as the online is vasically an old set of maps)-whereas some PS3 gamers will also have stuck with KZ2 online this year and feel in a better position to give Acti the finger. PS3 gamers certainly don't need MW2 as much(at least not right now anyway with lots of games and a more diverse gamer demographic than 360)as people whopay for Live and, because of that, may feel the need to buy a new COD to make it worthwhile-without a new online game why would they pay for Live? No if you pay I can see why you'd be more eager to get new online games, no?

Allied to that the sales of the 360 were always buoyed by shooter fans(mostly Halo which cannot be underestimated-and COD is still their second favourite franchise IIRC)so why wouldn't it sell better on 360? I expected it to and there's loads of reasons why it would do. Sadly I don't think any of us should really be giving a crap bag company like Acti our hard earned cash but, hey, it's a free world and all that.

Still, BFBC2 looks like being a great game and by then I'll be a lot more prepared for another shooter(which over the last three or four years have become far too numerous)and not have to feel like sucking off the devil in order to play it.

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

Here is a look at the first two maps of Season 6 for Multiplayer.
La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G284d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood284d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G284d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade284d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality284d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator283d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G284d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85284d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G284d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo284d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg284d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast284d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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