
Bundle it before cross game chat

For too long we have heard the rumor about cross game chat coming to the PS3. Although it does seem to be one of the more asked for features, here is something Sony needs to consider about their system regarding headsets.

We have heard people talking about how PS3 owners don't use their headsets and those that do are using cheap bluetooth headsets. The official headset has the ability to broadcast in HQ mode which makes it sound great when talking to other official headset users, although a horrible experience when listening to anyone with a cheap bluetooth device.

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WildArmed5336d ago

honestly, i dont like using voice chat unless I'm playing with friends. It is too annoying when you hear someone getting yelled at by his mom or w/e. or some teen mouthing off sh!t just coz he got 1 kill more then the rest? =/ I love VC in co-op modes, but competitive it annoys the sh!t out of me.
Most of the time i dont bother with headsets. Plus since sony's system is highly compatible with usb headsets among other things. So i dont see the need.

Anon19745336d ago

One of the biggest problem with XBL is everyone has a headset. For whatever reason, having to go out and buy a blu-tooth headset has acted as some sort of IQ test. There are still morons on the PSN, but they're few and far between. I personally prefer muting one idiot every 6 matches instead of 5 idiots every single match. Ruined Halo 3 for me.

HolyOrangeCows5335d ago

Let the people who WANT to communicate and strategize purchase headsets. Otherwise, you have a bunch of ten year olds yelling their heads off, like Xbox LIVE.

elorm95335d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Luckily most of those retards probably don't even know they can get a headset. :)

SprSynJn5335d ago

Sony knows what they are doing with this. They know that not everyone wants to chat and/or hear people chatting while they are playing games. Having it sold separately is a very good idea and I hope they continue to do so, mainly for the reasons stated above.

randomwiz5335d ago

honestly, if im not playing with friends, I won't use any type of voice chat. The only time I'm playing a game without my friends and will use a headset is when im playing MAG. Playing MAG without a headset is hell when you're squad leader and you're squad is filled with noobs.

5335d ago
IdleLeeSiuLung5335d ago

I like that headsets are standard. Why?

Because I can mute people and even limit to only friends to chat, but if my friend(s) doesn't have a headset we are suddenly unable to communicate. The mute button is just a few button presses away!!!

Schobeleth5335d ago

The online is free, in my opinion Sony's outlook with online gaming and everything related to it is: "Optional" whereas the 360 is completely catered to it. The thing is, you still get the same quality for free with the PSN. All we need is cross game chat/party system from the XMB and we're golden.

People who want to communicate with others will buy headsets and contribute to team play. I'd rather have this then what other posters are saying, i.e. new PS3 users yelling "NOOB! I PWNED YOU NOOB!" into their headsets. I'd rather not have the PSN turn into a free Xbox Live, thank you.

droid and bot5335d ago (Edited 5335d ago )

Sony dose not wont to FORCE you to use only their head set
you can use any bluetooth or any USB head set you like

more choices

bpac1234567895335d ago

I honestly hate how most ps3 owners on this site spin every article that is even slightly critical of the ps3. Do you guys honestly believe that having nobody talk is better than having to deal with a few annoying kids every now and then? The truth is psn would be infinrtly better if everyone had a mic. It would feel more like a community and less like a match with a bunch of randomely generated bots. I love my ps3 but thenonline is far inferior to Live. Even if we had all the same features it wouldn't be the same because nobody would use them. (because most people don't have a mic.).

- the option to not use a feature is always better than not having that feature. People like choices.

NoBias5335d ago

That's exactly whats wrong with PSN and why it isn't considered a more hardcore route. For competitive play, mics are crucial. I HATE getting on PSN and I'm trying to win with communication and it sounds like a barren wasteland. There's nothing more frustrating to a competitive hardcore player.

That's why SOCOM has always been my favorite and most played game franchise ever. If you try to jump in a room without a mic and your not communicating, you're ass is gonna get voted out so fast. The SOCOM community doesn't tolerate that mess.

Beyond that game, the fact that I can't count on communication for gameplay unless my friends are online is pretty weak. The competitive PSN community is really weak otherwise. You end up talking to yourself all game and the strategy is pretty non-existent throughout teams. That's why SOCOM and Uncharted 2 are the only shooters I play on PSN.

SOCOM because of the hardcore communication factor and Uncharted 2 because... Well... You really don't need any explanation for a sick title like that. Besides, a lot of my SOCOM clan play it as well.

NegativeCreepWA5335d ago

I like voice quality of the Sony mic but it still lacks noise cancellation so it picks up nearly just as much background noise as the others. I get so tired of hearing peoples TVs and family's in the background.

NegativeCreepWA5335d ago

After reading some comments it makes me think most of you should just stick to playing single player games.

NoBias5335d ago (Edited 5335d ago )

Man, that's exactly what I was thinking. They're the silent n00bs messin it up for everyone else.

ZOMBIEMAN15335d ago

i bought a headset a while back and i barley use it online but here's a word of advice for the author , buy 1 yourself you cheap a hole also to the 2 guys above me , why ? some ppl don't like hearing the background sounds coming from other players doesn't mean they have to stick with single player

SixZeroFour5335d ago

Scar 360WA thats what i was thinking as well...its like communication and being social is dead, like you cant make friends outside of your community and anyone not your friend isnt worth talking to...although i agree with the majority of the repliers that the "common" mic user is an underaged player screaming out every curse word and racial slur he has just learned in his current grade, but you cant automatically think that as being everyone outside of your friends...thats what the mute button is for

i like leaving it on even when they are talking cause sometimes its entertaining and relaxes me from being stress about possibly losing a match, but if it ever gets so annoying, i just mute them and its done with

and you too NoBias at 1.11
i agree with that as well, mics are a very crucial aspect when you are a competitive gamer, even if it is with random ppl...there is the off chance that they arent 11yo's and DO want to win as well and WILL cooperate, hell thats how ive made friends that i play with that i havent even met personally but its like they are just like all my other friends

its just that some games (mostly strategic) do require a mic or else its just like playing with highly advanced npc's

Microsoft Xbox 3605335d ago

More games need to embrace the push-to-talk feature just like Socom. I can't stress how irritating it is to listen to people screaming and playing their crap music. It's nice to have everyone with a mic, but I hate the idea of it being broadcasted 24/7.

5335d ago
BLuKhaos5335d ago

Hell no!
If a person wants to chat then they can buy a headset.PSN would be worse than XBL if every PS3 came bundled with a headset since any yahoo could make a PSN account because it's free.Besides headsets are $50, if people can afford to pay $50 just to play online then they wouldn't have any trouble buying a headset if they wanted to switch over.

callahan095335d ago

Lately I've been hearing more people talk online in PS3 games than 360 games. Ever since the party chat thing came to XBL, everyone seems to be using it, and if you're going in there alone playing with whoever random the matchmaking sets you up with, then you're not going to be involved in anyone's private chat party and so you wind up not hearing anyone talk, and they can't hear you talk. It's really no better than the PS3 in terms of going online to play with random people and actually being able to talk with them.

rockleex5335d ago (Edited 5335d ago )

They should know what they're supposed to do in a certain situation without me ordering them around. If they don't know what to do, I'd rather let them learn from their own experience instead of relying on an expert to tell them what to do.

I also don't like the idea of ordering random people around because they may have their own plans and strategies. I don't want to enforce my type of game plan onto them.

Noobs will die or do stupid stuff even if you come up with a great plan for them to follow. Then you might as well use them as a distraction, which I won't do that.

The ONLY times I would actually want to use a headset is when there's another expert on my team and we REALLY need some strategy to beat the other team because they're a clan and they're planning everything.

NegativeCreepWA5335d ago (Edited 5335d ago )

If your playing a game like MAG and have no intentions to work with your team why bother playing, I can understand it in COD where one person can win a match for the team. But a game like MAG it takes squads working together to win.

rockleex5335d ago (Edited 5335d ago )

I would definitely use a headset in games like MAG, but I forgot to add it in at the end.

But my last paragraph still should have implied it though.

Campy da Camper5335d ago

What I want is the party feature. that is the one thing I miss about LIVE. Once they cam out with that, I ALWAYS made a party with friends then went into the game. Not having to hear the endless pre-teen screaming was sooooo nice.

And when I played and saw someone was actualy playing the game right (taking flags on CTF, not just sniping) I would send them a mess and friend invite and add them to the party.) My friends list was full of people that I actualy enjoyed playing with! And the reverse was in effect, too. My friends and I would often get mess from people in the game saying, "Can I join your party? You guys are playing really well and I cannot stand listening to my team bicker and screetch anymore!"

ThanatosDMC5334d ago

Well there's always the ban hammer for those that curse excessively. Censorship? There's an online written rule before you start an online game that you have to accept.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 5334d ago
EnzoAmata5336d ago

It's not that tho the official headset has clearity also has a mute button which is great to use when mom's are shouting. Like your saying, great for co op well I'd imagine you'd want the best quality possible and if bundled you would get it without even trying. Enhancing the expereience for everyone.

reneki5335d ago

Yeah i like that mute, but the damn thing is uncomfortable as ****, pain very much after a short gaming session.

L-a-i-n5336d ago

I honestly never use my headset because I really dont want to talk to most of the people on there. Unless I know the person I rather not talk to them at all and kick there but and move on.

zootang5335d ago

Bundle it in with MW2 or uncharted 2 and your on to a winner

-EvoAnubis-5335d ago

I disagree that it needs to be bundled with the PS3. That would mean the price would go back up. No, one of the cool things about the PS3 is that just about any USB or Bluetooth headset will work. As long as they keep bundling it with select games (MAG for example) then everything will be fine.

mastiffchild5335d ago

Seriously though putting the official Sony BT headset in bundles is NOT the same as the crappy effort MS give you wth every 360 now is it?

Maybe if they bundled a cheap USB heady(PS2 Socom sets work just as well as the official BT imo)it could be a goer but if they do then some kind of push to talk is a no braind necessity, imo. I often have my headset turned off because my house is really loud and the background noise can explode now and then(teenage daughter-oh the bloody drama!)and I don't want to hear that from someone else so why would I inflict mine on them? Push to talk, though, and problem solved full time.

Xgame chat, however, is one thing I hope PSN steers well clear of. It ruins ream games by distractibng whoever is talking to mayes elsewhere, leads to cheating and are we all so impatient that waiting a minute or two to talk to someone(which would be the polite thing towards those you're actually playing with/against at that time)is a torture for us these days?

Flexible mute options, push to talk in team games and a cheaper, but good (and more sturdy than the free 360 headset), maybe even USB headset and Sony could have a decent option for getting more comms on PSN but, for less team based games I often find the comparative silence(esp if you have no mates online)on PSN a bit of a boon!

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor5h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde48m ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast29m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

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Rynxie1d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


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DarXyde3d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy012d ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.