
ResumePlay: The History of Halo

The Halo franchise has become one of the most renowned in gaming today. Master Chief has become 'the face' of the Xbox brand and is now a staple video gaming icon; Microsoft has even stated that Halo is the centerpiece of their first party portfolio. The Halo games have become some of the best selling games of all time and the online community continues to grow. ResumePlay is taking a look back at the origins of the Halo series from its inception to what it has evolved into today.

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ezcex5340d ago

Nice little read up on the history of HALO. I should go find Halo CE and Halo 2 to add to my Halo collection.

BadboyCivic3605340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

I just wish they gave the Chief some personality,even the ODST's has some life...nobody knows whats going on in his head(beside Cortana ofcourse),what he is feeling or anything...Halo devs should put more work in the story next time...

socomnick5340d ago

Master Chief not talking is intentional, they want the player to connect with the chief, and somehow feel like he is him. Thats why the rookie also had no personality or even lines in ODST, meanwhile everyone else was fully fleshed out. Lots of games used to do this, Half Life series is another big franchise that does the same.

ReservoirDog3165340d ago

@ above

I'm sure you do know that Master Chief does talk right? I guess you could've meant that he doesn't talk during gameplay but you compared it to Half Life. And we all know Gordon Freeman never utters a syllable.

Just an observation.

SixZeroFour5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

@BadboyCivic360 and socomnick

hes faceless, not speechless...hes talked in every single game during the cutscenes...the thing ppl dont exactly know about him is what he looks like, apart from a brief description in the fall of reach when he was being scoped out by dr halsey and the lieutenant keyes, which is that he has brown hair, a gap between his front teeth, and a few freckles (not exactly good imagery for a hero in that brief description, in my opinion, but thats what they describe his facial features as)

btw lil_krazzie, what kind of halo "collection" do you have if you dont even have the first 2 games (which are widely considered better than the other games after those releases) unless you got halo starting with the 360, then i would understand why you dont have those games, since they came out for the first xbox console

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Gandalf5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

I have the history of Halo right here.

Halo I - November 15, 2001
Halo II - November 9, 2004
Halo III - September 25, 2007
Halo Wars - February 26, 2009
Halo III: ODST - September 22, 2009
Halo Reach - November 28, 2010
Halo IV: A New Hope - March 17, 2011
Halo V: The Covenant Strikes Back - July 11, 2011
Halo VI: Return of the Spartan - November 13, 2011
Halo: The ODST Wars - February 19, 2012
Halo VII: Why do we even try anymore? - June 25, 2012
Halo VIII: Goddamn we're milking it - August 23, 2012
Halo IX: Money, Money, Money - November 22, 2012
Halo X: Death of a Franchise - December 12, 2012

BadboyCivic3605340d ago

lol...good 1...but what happen to Halo Cart,Halo tennis, and Super Halo ODST melee?

chrisulloa5340d ago

Pretty desperate to try to deal with your insecurities about buying a console with bad games eh?

H34RT 4TT4CK5340d ago

All those Metal Gear Solid titles, Final Fantasy games, eventual release of Little Big Planet 2 to 10. Let's not forget Sonic titles, Mario, Kirby, Bomberman, the list goes on. All of you that agree, I feel so bad for you that you have to pose your insecurities on a flagship title. It's okay, you don't have to explain to me anything.

You are stupid if you think MS is milking their consumers, guess what, so is every other company. Because guess what, without a buck, they would not exist. With a buck, they can make games we all love/hate. STFU and sit down, troll.

Serial_EDX5340d ago

Oh how I wish there was more people like you H34RT 4TT4ACK. Then gaming wouldn't be filled with idiots who talk trash for no reason.

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DrPirate5340d ago

It really shows that Halo isn't a new "fad" in gaming and deserves its rightful place amongst gaming lexicon.

Great article.

Cocksmokingclerk5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

smokeymcpot is awesome and drunk halo is win.

JackBauerIsHIGH5340d ago

And I will go and play ODST right now, which added more lore to the Halo universe.

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I've looked and wished we never did get here.


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phoenixwing119d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.