
Tekken 6 PS3 has 4GB optional install

From Gameswire: "Namco Bandai's Tekken 6 on PS3 features an optional 4GB install, which massively reduces loading times.

Installed copies take just a couple of seconds to get you into the fighting.

How this will affect online play is crucial."

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LukaX235340d ago

How much do you want to bet people will whine about the "slower loading times" on the PS3 version even though they haven't installed the data to improve the speed?

WildArmed5340d ago

first people cry about mandatory installs.
later, cry about game not loading up fast enough =/

Some people. i respect them for making it optional like Epic's UT3.
I just hope some game also supports mods like UT3 did on the ps3.
That within itself was EPIC. :)
As long as i get my copy of Tekken 6 , and i can play it as soon as i get home.. sounds good to me.
When i goto sleep that night I can put up the install ^_^

gaffyh5340d ago

I'm installing it, don't really care any more. I've got over 200GB free, so whatever.

hay5340d ago

No probs with the install. Except that I have to upgrade my HDD soon.

UncleJaysus5340d ago

Yeah... I really must get around to upgrading my 60gb drive.

Blaze9295340d ago

Pretty strong word - its a fighting game...just how long can it honestly take to load!? O_O

ProA0075340d ago

How much do you want to bet people will whine about Microsoft and the Xbox 360 even though they don't even own one nor care....oh wait.

Blaster_Master5340d ago

The game itself probably isn't much bigger then 4 gigs. Why dont they just put the game on the psn so people can download it? I pass on this game anyways, Im just saying that option makes more sense. Plus it cuts out the middle man. MvC2>SF4>everything else so whateva.

Anon19745340d ago

I just recently upgraded my 60GB to 250GB for 60 bucks. Use the backup utility to backup on a usb drive. Remove the one screw holding the drive chassis in. Take out the four screws holding the drive on the chassis. Put in your new drive. 3 clicks and you've restored your backup. Easy as that.

For some reason upgrading the 40GB drive wanted the PS3 OS on a disk, so I didn't bother (tried to put my old 60GB into my 40GB). I didn't bother messing around with that, but upgrading the 60 GB drive was simple.

gamingisnotacrime5340d ago

to go with th 500gb (i did it), is around $90 in amazon and you know it will take a while to fill that monster, but keep in mind thet the PS3 life cycle is in its early stages and Sony is moving towards digital distribution at a faster pace than expected (PSP Go), with games and movies the space can go sooner. My point is that if you are going to upgrade the HDD, go all the way to 500gb and you will be good to go.

Im happy with the 335 GB i have left in my HDD, and i bet in two years i will have less than a 100gb (i like the whole Digital distribution movement :)

ThanatosDMC5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Install it! I was saddened at how long it took to get to fight. Watch Giantbombs gameplay vid. Damn, thing took forever compared to Tekken 5 online.


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5339d ago
gameangel5340d ago

Could be worse - a full 25GB Blu-ray install. Imagine that.

darthv725340d ago

considering the game is on 360 and most likely will be a single dvd of about 6.5gb+.

Where does all that extra space on a bluray go...?

gameangel5340d ago

Probably what's known as a 'dummy' file to bring the overall size up to full capacity.

Fishy Fingers5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

Less compression, also repeat data to compensate for BR slower read speeds than DVD. I still doubt it gets near filling the disc.

Edit: I assume the disagrees are for stating BR read speed as slower than DVD? Good old N4G where facts are irrelevant. It's not an insult, it's the way things are.

UnSelf5340d ago

the point of a dummy file?

rCrysis5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

are you two that ignorant? have you ever heard of compression??

they dont have to compress the audio and visuals as much as they do on a single dvd9.

Honestly, do you really think movies that are filmed and recorded only take up 6.5gb+ worth of data??

edit : bah, fishy beat me to it

gameangel5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

Compression only goes so far... hence why some 360 games come on multiple discs.

'Dummy' files are typical in games storage media and from what I can tell exist to make piracy inconvenient.

Pirated copies tend to have to be 1:1 copies, so by enforcing a full-capacity file size you make sure that people would have to spend the maximum time downloading and/or burning a copy.

This would have maximum effect in this day and age: if PS3 gets 'cracked' dummy files are definitely the difference between someone bothering to download and someone not.

madmonkey05340d ago

ps2 games were on dvd 9, and often were only 1 or 2 GB, disgaea 2 for example is only 1.5gb,

gameangel5340d ago

Many PS2 games came on standard CDs.

Looking over at a torrent site reveals Disgaea 2 is below 700MB, so probably came on CD.

If memory serves, you could tell which PS2 games came on DVD, because they were the ones with reflective surfaces, where CD games were blue.

mmj5340d ago

It's faster but not consistently faster, developers still have to organise data intelligently on the edge of the DVD disc because that is only where it reaches its "peak" read speed.

I'd honestly take a 4GB install over the noise of the 360's DVD drive.

Also, I've just bought Forza 3 and that has an "optional" 2GB install not to speed up the load times but to give you the complete game, it is a far bigger issue on my 360 with its 13GB space compared to my PS3/250GB HD.

Dannagar5340d ago

My Xbox 360 isn't noisy. However, I'm sure that are those that have first generation Xbox 360 system. If that's the case, Xbox users have optional install as well. Problem solved.

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Vicophine5340d ago

Won't bother me, I got a 500GB 2.5 in my PS3 with a 1TB external in one of my 4 USB slots.

Ah, good to me a 60GB owner...

mastiffchild5340d ago

Yep, it's the reason I put my hand in my pocket for CP(when it was available)-to ensure I kept a 60gig model. Gotta love the extra USBs and mem card slots-come in a lot more useful than you'd think and the universal PS3 HHD change ability is a boon for the console as a whole. Having once been stung by MS for a360 HDD upfrade I was disgusted when I only spent £40 on my 320gig Sata for my first PS3-really MS conned me massively there and I don't see how they got away with it for so long.

OT-if the install helps with load times and game sppeeds then whhy ever wouldn't you happily use it. It's there because the read times are slower for BR drives and any help the devs get is surely a good thing, no?

BTW it still annoys me that MS proprietry HDDs are so dear(not to mention the Wi Fi adapter!)in this day and age where you can easily get half a terrabite for half the cost of a 120gig MS drive!

Godmars2905340d ago

You can do the same thing on a slim.

Redempteur5340d ago

Ex 60gb owner ... Now 250gb ...
Everything is fine ..

If you tasted 40gb or 60 gb AND you plan to use your PS3 ... you must have upgraded already ..

If you didn't THEN you don't use your ps3 often for games .. so you will have space to install ...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5340d ago
darthv725340d ago

Why arent people making stories about that?

gameangel5340d ago

Oh well, at least 360 owners can use any massive external hard drive plugged into the USB slot...

oh wait..

UncleJaysus5340d ago

Yeah, I know MS wants people to buy their overpriced hard drives, but it's a bit mean to stop people from using theirs.

Godmars2905340d ago

Because all of the 360's installs are optional?

Unless of course you have an Arcade unit. Then you're just screwed.

Though you have to wonder if the 360 has the exact same loading issue why not report it.

Pennywise5340d ago

Because as much as the crybabies will whine about this site being "SONY LAND", the articles being flushed through this sewer is anti-Sony. It gets old.

etownone5340d ago

DO you really not see the difference?

360 has optional install of the entire game of any game, PS3 usually has mandatory partial installs just so you can play the game....

And just because they say optional this time isn't fair if your waiting 5 minutes in between each round.... Face it kids, all ps3 will be forced to do this "optional" partial install if you plan on actually enjoying the game.

Pennywise5340d ago

"DO you really not see the difference?"

^^ Funny you should ask that and then follow up with a statement that clearly shows you do not see the difference between mandatory and OPTIONAL. No one has to install anything.

darthv725340d ago

It is understandable that the dvd is compressed. When the full game is installed, does it suddenly become less compressed being on the hdd now?

Or...is it still the same compressed file but now gets uncompressed from the hdd instead of the dvd? With compression and all, why arent there any more noticable artifacts when comparing multiplatform games?

PS3 uses the blu for storage of uncompressed textures and audio but somehow the games look the same or slightly less than the compressed 360 dvd version.

Someone please explain.

etownone5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

Are you kidding me?
This place is Sony Land, and as much as you and the rest of the Sony can try to do damage control, there is nothing anti-Sony about news like broken co-op (borderlands), broken online (bayonetta), and mandatory installs (yes, Mandatory, if you plan on enjoying your game without all the frustration of horrendous load times).

If these news were about the 360 this place would be going crazy with all the sonyfans gloating and rubbing it in.

Pennywise5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

There you go again talking about Mandatory.... When you sober up, lets talk.

Best looking game of this gen has NO install and ONE load when the game starts. But you know, I dont expect you to know that...

And when you want to talk about PS3 online... talk to me about MAG and R2 and KZ2 and Every other game with no problems.

Godmars2905340d ago

what online features does Bayonetta have that it has problems on the PS3? Thought it was just textures?

Honestly "dude" do you even look at a PS3 when you walk into a store?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5340d ago
Ron_Burgundy5340d ago

hold your horses it's optional bots, don't loose a screw in your head over this :P

Anorexorcist5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

With Uncharted 2 already establishing itself within "Legendary" status and the recent announced PS3 sales taking over the Wii and 360 in Australia, we need to Thrown em' a freaking bone every once in a while or else they'll start eating White-Out again.

Why Dat5340d ago

Yea, keyword: optional.

Anyways, I don't play Fighting games much, but the load times can't be THAT bad.... or are they??? I can imagine if load times are "bad" for RPGS and maybe shooters, but fighting games? Hmmm...

Stinger_2095340d ago

bots must be jealous that ps3 has a bigger hdd

kevinx10005340d ago

i'd have a hard time filling a 250 gig HDD. why would i need a bigger one?

ravinshield5340d ago

oblivion...4.6gb required
sony may cry 4...4.7gb-20 min install
full auto 2...1.7gb required
spider man 3...2.3gb-five min install
hot shot golf...5gb-five min install
skate...2.5gb--five min install
rainbow six vegas 2...3.4gb required
wwe smackdown vs raw 2008....2.3gb required
F.E.A.R...2.5gb required
NBA 07....3gb-ten min install
lost....3.6gb---six minute install
conflict denied ops...2.5gb required
beowulf---2.5gb---five minute install
GT prologue--5349MB..13 minutes install
Quake=4.1 GB install
GTA 4...5 min install.
battlefield:BC...300mb required
Bourne Conspiracy..5GB Install required
metal gear solid 4...8 min install,4.6 GB required
BIOSHOCK......5.0 GB required, 10 min mandatory install
Vampire Rain....3.8GB install required
Fracture...1900MB required=4 minutes
little big planet....600MB Install required
Socom Confrontation... 3.1GB Install required
Far Cry II....3.5 gb install required
NBA 09 The Inside....2.5gb required
Resistance 2...350mb required
Killzone 2...stupid players required
Yakuza 3...5GB install required
Resident evil 5...5 GB install required
tekken 6....4GB optional install

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