
Digital Chumps: Dreamkiller Review

Alice Drake has always been different. Alice has the ability to telepathically link her mind with others around her while they're sleeping. Having such an ability to enter the dream world she decided to become a psychologist to help people rid them of their mental ailments with her unconventional talents. Unfortunately for you, you'll be suffering from Déjà vu.

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Dreamkiller Free Steam Weekend Underway

Mindware Studios' FPS Dreamkiller is now available to play for free on Steam through the weekend.

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AVault: Dreamkiller Review

It's unfortunately very repetitive and not very addictive, and Mindware has made some questionable design decisions, such as the lack of a manual save system. As a result, the game is better for stress relief than anything else, a source of mindless entertainment as you blast away at hordes of bad guys.


Aeropause: Dreamkiller Review

Dreamkiller is an unapologetic throwback to the shooters of several years ago. It is fast and furious, and you will be tested at every point in the game. It can be a lot of fun when things are firing on all cylinders, but with the average visuals and nagging bugs, your frustration level will rise. At the end of the day, Dreamkiller just plays out as an average shooter.

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RadientFlux5325d ago

I might have to rent the X360 version when it comes out. Sometime I miss the simplified gameplay of the classic FPS.