
Piracy hurting PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe

Examiner: PixelJunk Monsters is one of the best selling Playstation Network games on the Playstation 3. Unfortunately, the PSP version, PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, isn't finding the same success due to the high piracy rates.

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-EvoAnubis-5322d ago

How is this getting pirated? It doesn't have a UMD release, does it?

UNCyrus5322d ago

right, there's no UMD release, but there are torrent files of it already out there

-EvoAnubis-5322d ago

Really!? Dammit; being a PSN exclusive was supposed to stop crap like this.

El_Colombiano5322d ago

Haha! I'm sorry to say, but pirates will NEVER be stopped. Shame really.

ReservoirDog3165322d ago

I was always gonna get this at some point but now it's a priority.

This is why we hate pirates. Piracy doesn't hurt anyone right? Now we'll never see pixeljunk shooter on the PSP. Because of those pirates...

-EvoAnubis-5322d ago

Exactly, and that's what pisses me off.

UNCyrus5322d ago

no... you'll never see Pixeljunk Shooter on the PSP because the PSP can't handle the fluid dynamics

sikbeta5322d ago


ehhhh...nothing related to the article

Piracy need to end once and for all, I don't need Devs that don't want to release a game because of piracy, the a$$#oles who use a P2P service to not buy games don't understand if they don't stop they'll f*ck the gaming experience for all

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5322d ago
Why Dat5322d ago

:( this is a good game too. Come on guys.. support the developers and buy the game...!

Close_Second5322d ago

...is a GREAT game!!!

PJM is perfect for portable gaming and is easily one of the standout titles on the PSP. Its a shame pirates are too selfish to see how much damage their actions cause.

Sony need to start offerring insentives for buying the game. Maybe offer you a free download (e.g. a MINI) if you register your device once a month on PSN to ensure its legit. Don't just punish everyone because of a few theives but reward those who are loyal and hopefully entice a few more to become and stay loyal also.

Why Dat5322d ago

That's actually a really good idea. The way I see it, most people who were on the fence about buying a PSP altogether and/or navigating the PSN store, will have an incentive to try both.

Fishy Fingers5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

Certainly wont of helped, but I still believe PSP piracy is exaggerated. Especially when you compare it to PC or the DS.

crck5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

I don't think piracy is exaggerated. But the effects of piracy on sales probably is. I just don't think that many people are willing to put out $20 for a download only portable tower defense game. Especially one with about half its content recycled from the PS3 version. Not to mention the original was half the price at $10 (I bought it when it was on sale for $5). Personally, I have never spent more then $15 for any downloaded stuff and that was for SSF HD Remix.

dabri55322d ago

Every single person I know who owns a PSP has it modded so they can play pirated games. At one point, I wanted mine pirated also but never got around to it. Now I have a job so I don't worry about it.
My wife works at a game store and I would say 80% of the PSP's that get traded in are cracked.

SuperStrokey11235322d ago

Not exactly surprising considering how bad piracy is on the psp. I honestly dont know a single psp owner besides myself who hasnt modded theirs... its pretty lame.

LtSkittles5322d ago

I haven't modded mine, because knowing me I would be stupid enough to brick it.

dabri55322d ago

I believe 100% that if the PS3 didn't have games on BlueRay that it would be a pirate machine right now.

Fishy Fingers5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

It doesnt have either a mod chip or custom firmware available. Even if the games were 2mb, you still wouldnt be able to play them.

(By mod chip, I mean one that actually works)

dabri55321d ago

there are plenty of mods that are available that require no mod chip. Just look at the PSP. If it weren't for the fact that the games are so damn big, the PS3 would be cracked by now.

-Both the wii, 360, ds, and psp all have mods that don't require a mod chip and allow you to play pirated games. The only difference with the PS3 is that the games are too big it becomes too big of a inconvenience to pirate them. Even if it could play burned blurays, whats the point when blue ray disk costs the same as a used ps3 game.

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PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe now available on PS Vita

8bitfix writes: It is finally here! As PS Vita owners waited patiently for some sort of update, in order to play their beloved PSP title, PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe on their PS Vita.

JoGam4376d ago

Now wasn't Shooter 2 or SideScroller suppose to be for Vita also?

Bakagami4376d ago

Nope, they never said anything about Vita ports for those games, just Monsters. they should though

Acquiesc34376d ago

PJM has to be my favorite pixeljunk game. Co-op mode is godly. Another reason for me to pick up a Vita.

irishyort4376d ago

Thats ok I guess...

Just let me know when Velocity, Frosbisher Says and Sound Shapes arrive in NA and the party can start after that

KentBlake4376d ago

They should have kept the sale going on until now. I didn't buy it because it didn't work on Vita. Oh, well...

kingdavid4376d ago

I got it for like 10 dollars.. Its still cheap as hell.

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PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe port to Vita pushed back to May 22

When Sony announced during the "PixelJunk Anniversary Blowout Sale" in last week's PlayStation Store Update, a little piece of news that the PSP game PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe would make its way to Sony's new handheld made a lot of Vita owners anxious for May 15.

Though this week's update has come and gone, the colorful tower-defense title is nowhere to be seen on the Vita's PlayStation Store, though a number of other PSP titles were added. PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe was part of the "blowout sale" last week, marked down to $4.99 from $9.99.

When reached for comment, Q-Games president Dylan Cuthbert said that some last-minute issuesforced the game's Vita debut to the May 22 PSN update.

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Lazyeye794382d ago

I just want them to create a PixelJunk Monsters 2.

meganick4382d ago

Same here. I'm surprised that hasn't happened yet.

XMBeaner4376d ago

Um, it's May 22nd and nothing. How about figuring out what happened and stop being a bunch of hacks. This is why games journalism sucks.

Bakagami4376d ago

you have to download it directly from the store to the Vita. It's there


Q-Games is Having a PixelJunk Anniversary Blowout Sale

Starting tomorrow, to celebrate Q-Games 10th and PixelJun's 5th Anniversary all of PixelJunk games will be on sale.

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paybackprahl4391d ago

Sale looks sick. Can't wait to pick up a bunch of these for $1 apiece.

JoGam4391d ago

Damn I already have these games. The prices are so cheap I might buy them again, lol. WOW...Just $1? You'll be a FOOL not to buy them. smh!

ftwrthtx4391d ago

Great deals. Too bad I own most f them already.

TheDivine4391d ago

Holy shit thats a great deal. I want all of those on vita but il grab the ps3 ones for a buck. Too good to pass up.

kasasensei4391d ago

I hope we will get the same sales in Europe....

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