
Infinity Ward Silences Community, Makes Point Clear

GN writes, "Yesterday, in a barrage of media announcements, it was made abundantly clear that Infinity Ward has no plans to support standard dedicated servers in their upcoming game Modern Warfare 2. The community immediately responded by posting several petitions on the official IW forums, two of which were largely successful. The two biggest petitions averaged 250-300 pages in length, totaling several thousand signatures each (it is unknown how many were duplicate signatures between the two). Infinity Ward responded in force, and closed down the two largest petitions overnight.

When gamers checked for them this morning..."

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Blaze9295308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

Ha. Thats Activision for ya. I doubt IW would be the ones behind this. Robert Bowling usually just addresses any concerns/problems himself instead of silently shutting things down and not speaking on it.


Ok...it was Infinity Ward then...sheesh

evrfighter5308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

2 days ago I would have agreed with you. But now people that believe IW isn't at fault are the minority. They are simply Bobby Kotick's lap dogs now. That doesn't excuse them from hiding this announcement for so long.

The pc gamer is outnumbered by people who will pay $10 for a few maps and love not knowing what their ping is. But it will be the pc gamer that's gonna be giving Activision and IW the middle finger until the bitter end.

Though If there are some well known console fanboys here be it ps3 or 360 (most of you know I hate ps3 fanboys most) that have cancelled their pre-order. Post a screenshot. If their are more than a couple I will never talk smack about either console ever again. In fact I'd probably have more respect towards console gamers.

omni_atlas5308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

1. thepiratebay.com
2. Garena - http://www.garena.com/

I was going to buy this but I have now cancelled my pre-order. I hope you all do the same and send a message across.

Baka-akaB5308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

I never understood why people pegs IW as good guy to begin with .

They have always seemed happy and entirely in tunes with every decisions from Activision . They have only been vocal against treyarch , and indeed sloppy and even crappy studio , but treyarch touching the franchise is very much the cause of their own greed .

They are as much to blame as activision .
They also happily released that crappy dlc map with mostly old sp maps .

They also are the ones managing to release basically cod4 all over again (judging so far) with mostly a few new options .

I mean what was the point of skipping a whole year , and giving it meanwhile to Treyarch , already doing the same stuff all over again with the same engine (except in ww2 and not so well) , if it's to release cod 4 1.5 ? Wasnt it so they had enough time to actually do a new game with more new weapons , some fluff capture the flag mode and oh wow customized killstreaks ?

What took them so long ? Cause imho it doesnt show so far . They basically pulled a left 4 dead 2 , except it only took a year , and they didnt do a spin off in-between .

I'll happily remains among those you count on your hand that will skip the game anyway.

_Tenzin5308d ago Show
RememberThe3575308d ago

This guy doesn't have a single comment that hasn't been deleted.

sunnygrg5308d ago

Now, I would love to see what score the PC version gets in its review.

Lack of dedicated server is -2 points on its own.

ReservoirDog3165308d ago

You know, you gotta love the pc community. They band together in a way the console community just can't.

Major_Tom5308d ago

Um.. I have limited experience using Garena because Qtracker is usually better all around imo, in the end it doesn't really matter, cracked server lists ftw.

Syronicus5308d ago

What ever happened to devs being more like Naughty Dog and the like? What ever happened to devs and publishers caring about the consumers? Those days are far and few between now. Bummer.

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Stinger_2095308d ago

it was bound to happen as they IW stated in the forums if u make petitions they will close it

TheBand1t5308d ago

Thank you Activision for assuring me that Battlefield Bad Company 2 will be the right purchase.

DiLeCtioN5308d ago

i really cant wait for BC2 cod is just dead...

mrv3215308d ago


That may have helped

EA fix the party system and the online and you have a AAA, the story from BAD company was AWSOME, it wasn't the generic, it was funny and just so enjoyable.

Sigh5308d ago

I have both BFBC and MW1 but honestly I enjoyed BFBC more because of the story and multiplayer (I play on Ps3 and luckily EA included party support so that got me and my friends playing together which is great!) And after seeing new videos of BFBC2 with DICE's new destruction engine, I'm more excited than BFBC than MW2.

saint_john_paul_ii5308d ago

i didnt even buy BC1 yet, im going to get it this year. i remembered playing the demo last year, and it was awesome. was going to get it last year, but MGS4 took too much of my time.

so far from seeing that BC2 gameplay trailer, it is going to be an amazing military shooter, the sound of that game is the most impressive part of it.

ZombieAutopsy5308d ago

Agreed IF they bring back clan support like they had for for BF2:MC, that IMO is what set battlefield games apart from all other shooters.

Baka-akaB5308d ago

Good choice , BC2 is indeed a strong candidate for me . I found the multi from the first lacking , but the second title is fixing pretty much everything i disliked . And the first campaign was just way better than anything cod so far .

i'm also having fun with MAG's beta . it's really shaping up well .

madpuppy5308d ago

unlike IW, Dice is redefining the War FPS. Better graphics, better destruction, more enjoyable story and way better sound!


5yN4MWQU5308d ago

A DICE dev said:

"Dedicated servers FTW. What ever secures a better online experience is a given for us."

Source: http://twitter.com/L_Twin/s...

glennc5308d ago

i hope more people come to the realisation battlefield is better than COD on consoles too. the first one was better but no one seemed to notice it. COD just has a better rep on consoles. give it time, they will come around.

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jmare5308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

This guy is a fvcking moron. The (US) right to petition only applies to the government. I know Activision is huge, but the last time I checked they are not in charge of sh1t other than milking the game tit until it bleeds.

EDIT: Sorry if I hurt your feelers, but hyperbole tends to annoy me, especially when regarding retarded subjects (internet petitions). The threads were probably shut down because 1. they're bullshit and useless; and 2. they eat up a lot of space.

5yN4MWQU5308d ago

It was just a slam, chill bro.

evrfighter5308d ago

Agreed, it was just a slam. No need to get worked up.

That is just an opinion meant to fuel the fire. in other words flamebait. Though I don't see why HE would need to. IW seems to be doing a mighty fine job of tossing barrels of fuel to the fire.

Anorexorcist5308d ago

Do I smell another fanboy-initiated boycott abrewing???

jmare5308d ago (Edited 5308d ago )

Only PC fanboys.

EDIT: I guess I missed the part where COD had dedicated servers on consoles? So why would console players care about dedicated servers when there have never been dedicated servers on consoles? Thank you, disagreers, you have shown me the light.

Pandamobile5308d ago

Brewing? It's already in full swing.

evrfighter5308d ago

ya man where have you been?

there are already a couple of steam group boycotts. There's a Digg boycott, theres also the petition (which I hate as petitions don't work)

If you want to get your point across don't start a petition. Start a F*cking boycott.

Willio5308d ago

Im buying this used so don't peg me for defending Activision, but how does one start a boycott without initiating their voices first? A petition albeit its uses is made to reinforce the minds' of the signees about their ultimate decisions. Petitions are useful because they generate buzz once it is big enough. Look at this article for instance... a proof of my example.

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

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La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G264d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood264d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G264d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade264d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty264d ago (Edited 264d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality264d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator263d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G263d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85264d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai264d ago (Edited 264d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G264d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo264d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg264d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast263d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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