
Magna Carta 2 – Prologue Scene

Take a peek on the prologue scene of the much awaited Magna Carta 2 exclusively for the XBOX 360.

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FiftyFourPointTwo5350d ago

Its the beta version of an RPG coming to the PS3 just like Vesperia and Eternal Sonata. :D

Tr10wn5350d ago

Well since Japan is the king of RPG there is no doubt that the game is going eventually to the PS3 even MS know that, they didn't bother to put the "Only on Xbox 360" is a timed exclusive that's all. Eternal Sonata was identically the same game on both console Tales of Vesperia was lacking content and that's why they add more on the PS3, and about "Beta Testing" well you called ODST a rip off but is a 7 hours long game not a 1 hours long chapter like Tales of Vesperia guess who is being ripped off? So enjoy waiting for Magna Carta 2 while i finish it.

FiftyFourPointTwo5350d ago

Since there were rumors that ME2 is coming to the PS3? :)

SCThor5350d ago

We all know that those japanese games will come eventually to other console.

RedPawn5350d ago

Don't get me wrong, I luv

Johnny Yong Basch:
Kurosaki Ichigo
Vasch Stampede

Michele Ruff:
Kuchiki Rukia
Crimson Viper

but GD this games presentation is attrocius, and people talk about FF XII.

ShiftyLookingCow5350d ago (Edited 5350d ago )

wtf even the preview image is super creepy. I think we can have more fun with Japanese men dressed as KON girls than with this game.

wanderofys5350d ago

This looks right up my ally. It doesn't look visually amazing or anything, but the characters seem pretty good and the presentation doesn't seem bad.

I could be wrong, though. The first one sucked pretty bad.

Lumbo5350d ago


Don't expect much more from part 2, the reviews so far indicate the same problem as the first one, looks good, plays bad

Tony P5350d ago

They most important thing about MC2 is combat. They've greatly improved the main thing that made MC unbearable for a lot of people.

But besides that, I get the impression that it's a pretty formulaic JPRG despite its Korean roots. Most of the criticisms centre around themes and elements common to most JRPGs. So if you're one of those that doesn't have a problem with the standard JRPG formula, you probably won't have a problem here.

If you expect this game to be a wild evolution of the genre, better to look elsewhere.

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Seven under-rated single player epics for the long weekend

OXM's Edwin writes: "The sun is shining, there's a half-finished copy of Bioshock Infinite back home, I've got a third-hand 3DS in the post (it cost £80 - sucks to be you, launch buyers!) and another long Easter weekend is upon us. How are you spending yours - engaging in religious ceremonies? Decapitating make-believe rabbits? Dying of chocolate? Visiting your drunken excesses on relatives? Or playing videogames?"

Moncole4084d ago

Singularity is a great and fun game.

MikeMyers4084d ago

Yes it is. Too Human on the other hand wasn't.

Morgue4084d ago

I remember playing the Too Human demo on the 360 and I thought it was horrendous. I came across the game last summer for $3.00 and couldn't stop playing it.

M_Prime4084d ago

No More Heros needs to be on that list

Baka-akaB4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Lots of mediocre titles in that list save Amalur and Overlord . There are better underrated titles out there , some more ignored than that list

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Fraggs.net » Review: Magna Carta 2

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