
3D Dot Game Heroes is officially a copy of The Legend of Zelda 110% with new In-Game Video

DefaultPrime.com: "3D Game Dot Heroes is already getting attacked for it's similarity to that of the Legend of Zelda series, and if you check out the new video, you can see where the game's influence from Legend of Zelda is taken up 110%."

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menoyou5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

Definitely. If Nintendo can't give us the Zelda we want, I'm glad someone else is doing so, especially on the PS3 so we don't have to suffer with crappy Wii graphics. This game looks amazing.

Foliage5322d ago

That's the kind of originality GameTrailers loves to see! This game is a 10/10!


WenisWagon5322d ago

Sony has never been original with their exclusive titles, they can only copy others.

5322d ago
qface645322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

i never could understand comments like yours

if zelda is what you truly wanted then you wouldn't settle for anything but zelda and not something that resembles it?

also if this game resembles zelda 110% then why would you think this game is a zelda experience nintendo isn't delivering?

can someone explain it to me?
i see allot of comments like that and it just leaves me guessing

5322d ago
UnSelf5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

yet Dante's Inferno slips by virtually unnoticed for its blatant replication

Baba19065322d ago

idont understand do you people think this game is a normal rpg? i thought this is like LBP but for RPG, you can build your one games and they did its first "lvl" with zelda. isnt that the point of it? its a do it yourself rpg. i thought.

cyberwaffles5322d ago

i really don't have a problem with games resembling others. i don't care if dantes inferno looks almost too similar to GOW, they both look like great games and will (hopefully) offer a unique experience on both sides. same thing for gears of war and quantum (although quantum looks like sh!t and i didn't care for gears.) i don't see anything wrong with being similar to another game.

HOWEVER, i do think it's horrible when someone blatantly rips off an idea and run with it as if it was their own original work. i'm pretty sure from software isn't going to deny the similarities between this and LoZ. the only thing i would wish for the game is to be not so similar to LoZ. i'd prefer a unique experience and not something similar to an already popular series and story.

and fix the shadows and lighting. something about it bugs the hell out of me.

HolyOrangeCows5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

I want a pokemon (And not that stupid camera game), zelda, and Yoshi's Island ripoff for the PSP.

InfectedDK5322d ago

WOW! Looks better than I would ever expect!

Marceles5322d ago

buh buh you're supposed to hate it, not want it even more...buh...

/end sarcasm

beardpapa5322d ago

I like how the rabbits blow up into little blocks.

Dir_en_grey5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

One of the music was a parody of Dragon Quest, and the default names for your characters are (written in Katakana parodying the same sounds): From (From Software), Ansony (Sony), Segirl (spelled Sega-ru in Japanese parodying SEGA), Iren (IREM), MiKoToNa (Konami), Quenis (Square-Enix).

Reading from Japanese sites supposedly they got authorization (from whom I have no idea) for being similar to Zelda, they even poke fun at themselves in the vid of the similarities. The the system of growing your sword as your health bar was similar to a flash RPG game which they also got an authorization from the author.

In the vid it says you will also see many parodies toward retro games that will put a smile on your face. Things like having played retro games will give you hints in how to fight boss fights.

Looks like a big parody/homage game so I wonder how much the younger generation will appreciate it if they've never played the old school games. It's by From Software who made Demon's Souls so I am pretty sure they will do a good job mixing the old w/ the new.

mastiffchild5322d ago

I'm so sick of people knocking this as a LoZ clone when they know NOTHING about the game. Yes, there are similarities to Zelda in parts of the game-it's an intentional thing meant to pay homage to the older games as it's a great link for their 2D changing to 3D gameplay(which has ZERO to do with LoZ). The character that resembles LttP Link is just one of the chars you play as and by no means all the game has to offer.

As pointed out above there's clearly going to be other games/devs mentioned and parodied so picking one facet of the game and rinning with it as the most blatant rip off ever is just uinfair and inaccurate to me. There's just a hell of a lot to the game that seems top have passed this guy by in his haste to hammer it.

IDK about any deals From have made to clear themselves for these "homages" but I can't see why Ninty would n't agree to them doing it as it's free press for their series and is done from the perspective of gently pokong fun at how games have changed over the last ten/fifteen years.

If someone chooses to ignore what the game's really about just to pretend it's a total retread of old 2D Zelda games then they've chosen to mislead people on purpose and are selling readers short by totally misrepresenting this game.

Honestly, why didn't they find out what the game was like ALL the way through and what the motives are behind the things they do take the mickey out of. Then we might have had a less spiteful and more helpful piece.

gaffyh5322d ago

The reason I want to get this game is because it is a 3D retro Zelda clone.

DaTruth5322d ago

PS3 does what Ninten-don't!!!!!

scheme_a5322d ago (Edited 5322d ago )

You say ONE part of the game looks like Zelda, but you are wrong.
Spin slash, charge, way to hold shield for block, hook shot, even boomerang works very similarly to Zelda.

Which means the gameplay (which consists at least 90% of a videogame aside from story and visual) mechanic is almost an exact copy.
Sure it has the enormous sword upgrade system, but that's really only it so far from the videos that is surely original to this game.

Yes, the game is 3D as opposed to 2D in original Zelda, but the gameplay is still locked in 2D plane like the original, so it's purely aesthetic and can't be included in gameplay.

Finding similarities in King's room to the first Dragon Quest, for instance, is an homage. The conversations have parodies or references to the games from same era, that's also an homage.
But if you can call those almost a clone copied gameplay an homage or a parody, you can pretty much get away with anything.

Hey, even the devs themselve said they wanted to make Zelda in 3D space.
I want to buy this game because it plays like Zelda game, but i can't stand people defending this game in wrong way.
It's essentially a Zelda clone with 3D visual and nostalgic parodies of the classic NES and SNES games. That's what this game was designed to be, and there is nothing wrong with that.

umair_s515322d ago

I wish they had the regular art stlye.

dustgavin5321d ago

Shut up. You have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the most memorable games were released on a Sony system.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5321d ago
DasBunker5322d ago

who cares we already know this.. game looks great anyway.. no graphics wh*re here but ive been waiting for a real zelda HD for ages.. imagine the big open world teh cell and bluray could have provided ;_;

George Sears5322d ago

Too similar that it's just down right spooky. The hero even raises his arms (with a mini theme song to boot) and everything just like Link when he used to get a special item. Even the music sounds just like Zelda. There is even a fairy of sorts that talks to you!

Game looks interesting though but gawd 3 Game Dot, you suck on being original.

slave2Dcontroller5322d ago

is teh sword embedded in the big rock.

George Sears5322d ago

That was just the starting point. Everything else after that just got frighteningly similar.

iamtehpwn5322d ago

I love Zelda, and if I can't my milk from the Cow, I'll just get it from the Goat.

menoyou5322d ago

They're not trying to be original. They're clearly making the game that they (and a lot of people) want Nintendo to make. It is obviously a homage to classic Zelda games.

kaveti66165322d ago

Who decides what is a homage and what is a rip-off?

Dante's Inferno is a rip-off? But this game is not? I think people are being a little biased here.

HolyOrangeCows5322d ago

We're actually GETTING the new HD GOW game we've been waiting for.

A new HD classic Zelda game? Nope.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5322d ago
Kamikaze1355322d ago

I'm starting to think that this game is meant to be a LoZ spoof, lol. It would be great if somewhere in the game, there was a prince called Selda...lol.

mastiffchild5322d ago

Yes, but it's only ONE part of the game that's intended to spoof Zelda at all-and it's a very admiring homage in any case. Anyone expecting a pure Zelda clone from this game is going to be disappointed because LOTS of things from the 2D era will be spoofed.

And LoZ did NOT invent all the stuff people are attributing to it either-the sword in the stone? Seriously, are we saying Miyamoto invented that for Link? People just need to see there's much, much more to this than copying Zelda(and a Zelda that Ninty left behind years ago, in this form, even on hand helds so jus who's toes are they stepping on?). This guys taken a vid of a tiny part of the game to support his theory and doesn't even point out that it's meant to be a gentle laugh at us when we were enjoying the old 2D games.

Actually there's going to be a lot of inventive aspects to this game and making gentle fun of the 2D games we love is a great critch for the main thrust of the game changing from 2 to 3D isn't it?

It's a massive overreaction , imo, and when we see the full product it will all make sense.

kissmeimgreek5322d ago

even the menu and HUD look straight out of the legend of zelda. if i were nintendo id seriously try to sue. the only original looking thing is the block graphics and thats not much

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These PS3 Games are Going to get Really Expensive

Could you get rich by investing in PS3 games? Almost definitely not. Can you make a few bucks by flipping PS3 games over the years? Yeah, sure! It wouldn’t even be that difficult. But let’s face it: Once these games are in your collection, you’re probably keeping them forever.

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CDbiggen971d ago

There's a reason I didn't buy most of these when they came out.

MadLad971d ago

After a game's multiple generations old, and can't be had new at a reasonable price, that's when I see nothing wrong with emulation.

What's the point of paying someone scalper prices when the dev/publisher isn't even benefiting from it?

mkis007971d ago

Emulation doesn't stop a games physical box from becoming collectible.

Knightofelemia971d ago

I paid $30 for SH Downpour on PS3 now it's around $70-$85 Canadian Lolipop Chainsaw I paid $15 and it has really gone up in price. I wonder if Transformers War and Fall of Cybertron will go up in price two of the best Transformers games every made.

neutralgamer1992971d ago

In 5 years time all those games will be worth at least $150 to $200 that you listed

971d ago
neutralgamer1992971d ago

Ever since Sony announced that they would shut down PS3 store these prices have skyrocketed and even though Sony backtracked now most gamers realize that it's a matter of time before the PlayStation 3 store is shut down. If you want these games get them while you can even if digital because once that story shut down the physical prices will just go crazy high we saw that already

And many of these games did not sell like crazy amounts so they are limited number of copies available for sale at any given time

MadLad971d ago

Folklore is a game I've always really wanted to play, but I got a PS3 late in the generation, and it was already really expensive to find, being it didn't exactly sell well, therefore was already kind of a collector's item.

Kept hoping I'd find a cheap copy randomly at stores and flea markets, but never happened.

franwex971d ago

I got mine for $5 at Walmart like 10 years ago. I have yet to play it.

neutralgamer1992971d ago

It was available at GameStop for a while for under $20. Don't know har happened but GameStop started to sell their used games based on ebay prices it seems

You can still find it for around $60-70 and which in my opinion is a good price for a game that will be worth double if not triple that in next 5 years

Mr Logic971d ago

Have you considered modding your PS3? Neither Sony or the dev would be getting money from that Folklore purchase. Kind of a victimless crime at that point.

MadLad971d ago (Edited 971d ago )


Honestly, I just want to actually give the experience a try. I'm not someone who would buy it at a premium just to potentially rip someone off down the road.
I mean, there are collectors out there and if paying a couple hundred dollars is worth it to them then more power to them, but I'm not one to be on either end of that exchange.

I know it's taboo, but I might dig in and see the state of PS3 emulation on PC. I have a good PC, so it might be able to power through the often times poor performance, being PS3 is known to be hard to emulate.

I've never emulated anything past the PS2/Dreamcast but, as I said in my first post, I don't see anything wrong with emulation if the game you want to play can only be had used, with no money going to the creators.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 971d ago
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PS3 Prices are now Crashing (Time to Buy! )

It's been a roller coaster on the PS3 front. Prices went absolutely insane a few weeks ago, but with the PS3/Vita stores staying open for now, prices have plummeted back to earth. This article breaks it down, complete with buying suggestions and current prices.

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Jiub1101d ago

You mean I don't have to buy Puppeteer for $140?!

neutralgamer19921101d ago (Edited 1101d ago )

Yes you don't have to pay that but if you want one you will definitely pay over $75+

headline says PS3 games prices crashing down but those prices are still way above MSRP and in the $70-80 range. These prices in my opinion will never come down to where they were before sony announced they were shutting down PSN for ps3/vita. Because before that announcement you could have bought most of these games for under $40 (even less) and now they are $70 plus

Here's my suggestion a lot of these games did not sell well for example splatterhouse, 3d dot hero, lollipop chainsaw and puppeteer just to name few so it's all supply and demand. Because these didn't set sales records there Are less copies in the 2nd hand market. I do believe this in only 5 years time ps3 game prices will be to a point where most won't or can't buy them besides collectors

If you're looking to grab yourself a copy now is the best time or wait a few weeks as soon as prices come down a bit more buy them don't wait

isarai1101d ago

So glad i have a feel for games that will jump in price, i really only grab games i want to play, but i can tell when it's a games that will not only be hard to find, but expensive in the future. Grabbed puppeteer for $7 like a year ago from gamestop. And the Metal Gear Legacy collection for $12 and got 3d dot game heroes free(b3g1) was quite the grab and all 3 were on my list.

Profchaos1101d ago

I think you're right and done of the lesser known games will be harder and more expensive to find in the flipside you could probably continue to buy GTA IV and cod for a few dollars for the next 10 years.

neutralgamer19921100d ago (Edited 1100d ago )


If you look at the call of duty games on PlayStation 3 they hold their value quite well some of them are actually quite expensive if you want the original case with the game manual and a good disc


Me too I bought a lot of PlayStation 3 games over time I have over 200 of them I can't imagine if I want to buy all of them and now it would cost double if not triple what I paid overtime

MetalProxy1100d ago

Holy crap I have a copy of puppeteer still sealed 🤯. Paid very little during clearance because nobody cared. Had no idea it would increase that much... lol

Eidolon1100d ago

Got with PS+, great value!

OptimusDK1100d ago

But but nobody plays old games SONY ...?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1100d ago
Nicknasty1100d ago (Edited 1100d ago )

Wow, I feel lucky. I grabbed a sealed copy on eBay back in August of last year for $25. Excellent game!

Still own Shadows of the damned, another great game and Lollipop chainsaw. I can’t part with a lot of my older games.

1100d ago
Godmars2901101d ago

But I'm not sellin'! Not even - especially - at a fair price!

metalhead1100d ago

When did PS3 games become stocks? Lmao

BrainSyphoned1100d ago

Since the invention of people treasuring sealed items. Or even a instruction booklet that were just left laying on the counter at every Funcoland for years as free to take. I sold an empty partially wrapped Nintendo console box for $300 that some guy gave me in store 20 years ago.

Jiub1100d ago

You wrote Funcoland and I just went back 20 years hahaha. Those price sheets were the best. I knew everything I wanted before I got in the store and how much it would cost

Yui_Suzumiya1100d ago

Since most Gamestops quit selling them, lol

1100d ago Replies(1)
Yui_Suzumiya1100d ago

Recently I sold Lightning Returns for $25, Tales of Symphonia for $50, Bleach for $40, Night Trap for $90 and The Orange Box for $45. I'm making a business of finding PS3 games for cheap and selling them for slightly less than what other people are selling them for on ebay. I ordered both the standard version of Doom Collection for Switch and collector's edition for Doom Collection for PS4 for the purpose of resale in the future.

MasterChief36241100d ago

I can't see this business model paying off well in the long run.

neutralgamer19921100d ago

Honestly as more things become digital and these digital store fronts on consoles won't stay up forever I think game prices will only go up. Especially now that Sony made an announcement only to backtrack it's not if now it's when they close it(I can't imagine pss storefront staying up for another 5 years)

A lot of niche ps3 games that sold under 1 million are becoming very expensive. We only saw the trailer I believe once psn shuts down on ps3 we will see what real high prices will look like(I hope I am wrong about psn shutting down on ps3 but I don't think Sony can justify keeping it live if there is very little traffic)

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PS3 Prices Have Officially Exploded (and they’re not done)

The Ghetto Gamer has been predicting and tracking PS3 prices over the past year. The last few months have seen a massive spike in the pricing of PS3 games, and it may be too late to pick up some of the more rare and hard-to-find ones at a reasonable price. Some of these are nuts.

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1119d ago Replies(5)
isarai1119d ago

Again, seen this coming from the start, glad I already bought everything I wanted over the years 👌

XiNatsuDragnel1119d ago

Well This is nut is this PS true masterplan.

isarai1119d ago

This happens to every retro console, there's a tipping point, this is ps3's tipping point

waverider1119d ago

Stil remember selling ps3 titles to buy a PS4. but i keept the ones i liked more. Did the same with the titles of the PS4 to get a PS5.

Terry_B1119d ago

Nice..maybe it pays off that I still have around 80 PS3 games in physical form..

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