
Chris Park – AI War Interview Part Two - The Reticule

This is the second part of the interview on The Reticule with Chris Park, he talks about 2D Indie games, DRM and more.

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Ziriux5359d ago

Great interview buddy. One game, I've been eyeing recently.

Chris Evans5359d ago

Aye it is a good game, been playing it a bit recently, can't wait to see it take off big time when it comes to Steam!


AI War, Destroyer of Worlds Review | TwoDashStash

Continuing on it’s yearly expansion streak, Arcen Games, LLC has recently released Destroyer of Worlds for AI War. For those unfamiliar with the base game, AI War is a space-based RTS game. The AI is out to destroy the last vestiges of human civilization and it’s up to the player to put an end to it. In order to survive, players will have to capture strategic planets, scout complex planetary layouts and eventually amass an army to conquer the AI home world. No pressure.

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Announcing AI War: Destroyer of Worlds

When in doubt, use bigger warheads.

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Thoughts On "Alone Together" Collaborative/Competitive Networked Play ("Multiplayer" Is A Stretch)

Arcen Games: "This is an idea that I originally had for The Last Federation, our upcoming title, but which I think could be applicable to all sorts of games, including our last title, Bionic Dues. Right now it is just a for-future-exploration sort of idea, but I wanted to put my thoughts out there and see what sort of response players have to it.

So here we go."

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DeadlyFire3836d ago

Why is Age of Empires not an example of this? :P