
Four New PS3 Games Uncovered

Information coming from a LinkedIn page, which shows that there are 4, previously unknown PS3 titles, being worked on by a studio in Montreal.

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Kain815326d ago (Edited 5326d ago )

and Key of Solomon... mmmh cool
i need more INFO, but Key of Salomon the name alone is Epic^^

BTW the Key of salomon was needed in Final Fantsay VIII, if i remember right lol

gaffyh5325d ago

I think it was Xenosaga, not FF8.

TenSteps5325d ago (Edited 5325d ago )

Key of Solomon sounds interesting and to some extent that Green Knight thing but I'm having a hard time imagining what he looks like though I know all green but how do they make it look nice.

A Ninja game and a Zombie Game sweet I always wanted to see Sony with it's own exclusive retail Zombie and Ninja exclusive assuming these are retail of course. I mean 360 has L4D2 and Ninja Blade even though the latter was mediocre it was still an exclusive Ninja game, the Wii has Tenchu for their Ninja game and one of my favorite Survival Horror games Fatal Frame.

And after reading Michelle Franklin's page the Ninja Game and the Green Knight will be RPG's :).

I think in FFVIII they had something called Solomon's ring which was needed to summon the GF Doomtrain not sure really it's been ages since I played FF8

gaffyh5325d ago

@1.2 - Oh yeah, you had to get loads of stuff for the ring, and then you could use it to unlock Doomtrain.

Noctis Aftermath5325d ago

RPGs? hell yes bring them on and if they are good i will eat them up like a fat kid eats cake.

Beast_Master5325d ago

Could any of these be disc based? It seems like one studio doing 4 games is excessive, unless they are small PSN titles, but the synopsis seems like full retail games.. Intresting to say the least..What studios are in Montreal? Ubi, Starbreeze?

Bazookajoe_835325d ago

Capcom has the studio whos doing lost planet 2 in Montreal.

gaffyh5325d ago

@Beast_Master - You rarely see RPGs on PSN, so they'll probably be disc based. Regarding the devs in Montreal, there are quite a lot, DC Studios, Eidos, Ubisoft, EA, A2M and a lot of other smaller studios as well.

FACTUAL evidence5325d ago

PS3...It only does everything wrong......JP

indysurfn5325d ago

I dont know what to say. But is that all? PLEASE, ps2 had 6000 games why should I get excited about 4 more games? xbox360 and wii have hundreds more games. Why should I get excited about 4 new games? Let me know some details see a video tell me it is a turn based rpg with summon spells. But four new games, ohy ohy owe owe!

Jikla5325d ago (Edited 5325d ago )

More games are welcome. Don't cry over more games.

TheDeadMetalhead5325d ago (Edited 5325d ago )

Zombies and ninjas? I like zombies and ninjas. =D

@indysurfn - 0/10

RememberThe3575325d ago

Sure, the ps2 had 6000 exclusive games...

Keep telling yourself that...

droid and bot5325d ago (Edited 5325d ago )

i love the PS2 the best console of all times

but 6000 ???

on topic
can you guys PLS tell me what studio is working on these games ??

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5325d ago
Myst5326d ago

I wonder if it will be using the five parts that are within 'The lesser Key of solomon.' I would get some ideas about how the game may turn out, but after seeing what a developer could do with Dante's Inferno I feel like I would be way off...

sinncross5326d ago

Wow sounds intriguing.

Key of Solomon sounds like a good disc release whereas Sir Gawain and the Green Knight sounds like a good PSN releas.

Hopefully the Zombie survival is a good and scary title... and Ninja RPG... just sounds too awesome to keep an eye on.

Dutch Boogie5325d ago

Hell yeah! just keep them exclusives coming Sony and i won't have a reason to buy "downgraded" third party junk ever again (with the exception of the Fifa franchise). I have slowly moved to exclusives for i believe they push my ps3 to it's limits.

Bucky Sligo5325d ago

Modern Warefare 2
Street fighter IV
Assasins Creed
Fight Night
Fear 2
Dead Space
Mirrors Edge
... There are too many to mention

Now ask yourself, am I a gamer or a fanboy.

imnotgoodtenglish5325d ago

you are sad man.

ONLY buying exclusives by sony?! idiot.

mastiffchild5325d ago

Bucky-it doesn't make him a fanboy when you consider that most of us are on a budget, does it? You could easily get a game a month exclusive to PS3 and not have the cash to splurge on the third party titles AND you might get a few of those when you can/on the other platforms. Fact is there's going to be a shedload of games from now til the end of April2010 as far as I can tell.

Most of the games you mention are already out in any case and as you say there are too many to mention. I can barely afford the games I think are essential let alone those I just like the look of-and if, like me, you play on multiple platforms the choice over the nest eight months is astounding. I think a lot of folk are going to be trading and renting far more than in the past and electing new ways of deciding what to buy for keeps. Maybe you prefer to know your console is being pushed as hard as possible(and in the PS3's case you'd still have a great variety of games to play)OR you want those games you feel will give you the most playtime.

Certaonly, I've rented ODST and NGS2 this month when I'd usually have been preordered and paid up! It isn't even busy yet! Next up iy's R&C, U2, and Demon's souls exclusively for PS3 and BL as a multi-I can't buy them all! I'm starting to thank both T10 and Activision for acting in ways which makes it hard for me to justify getting their games!

Anyway, many people buy their PS3 because of the strong first and second party games that you don't get to play elsewhere-the same as you might choose a 360 because you like the pad/your mates game on one etc. Just because you prioritise one over the other doesn't make you a fanboy if you have both time and money restraints lie the vast majority of us do. I doubt, even with money and time little object you'd manage to play EVERYTHING you fancied these days in any case.

It's hard but I can dig any of the options people might take-when there's only so many hours in the day and pounds in our pockets. Plus,if you only have a PS3 I can see it as fair enough to feel you're getting your moneys worth from the purchase-and, imo, the exclusives would generally be the best place to begin even if there are amazing games all over the place right now.

Bucky Sligo5325d ago

If you are on a budget, sure, you can buy whatever you want but this isn't the case with Dutch or the point he was trying to make.

"You could easily get a game a month exclusive to PS3"
Thats not true. How many exclusives have Sony released in 2 years? More than 24? I think not. Let's say they have, will each of those games be better than all multiplats? Highly unlikely.

Let's not kid ourselves. Sony has a couple of very good exclusives but not nearly enough to give up all multiplats, that's just silly.

nycredude5325d ago

By the end of this year Sony will have released 6 to 8 exclusives. That is more than enough for most gamers. Not everyone buys more than 1 game a month.

Besides what's it to you if he is happy with just exclusive?

My policy is that usually buy the exclusives I like first, then I allocate a budget for the top tier multiplats. if I don't have enough cash then I drop the multiplats until they get cheaper later.

ExgamerLegends25325d ago

If it comes down to me having to choose between a ps3 exclusive and a very popular multiplat game I'd go for the exclusive. It's no secret that exclusives tend to be better. Especially ps3 exclusives. Out of the 18 games I have for my ps3 only 4 are multiplat.

Isaahc5325d ago

I own couple of those multi (that are already out of course) you've mentioned and play some that I don't at friends house, none of those title really impresses me after seeing the difference between ps3 in house games against a third party. I buy exclusives only, I still have fun with with the first uncharted more than any multi-platform games I have :batman AA or GTA4. And since sony is bringing in house game at least one a month I have no time for multi-platforms. anyway all that is to say I've given up on multi-platforms this gen,sure there will be exceptions(tekken 6 I'm a fan of the series and brutal legend) but most of those will only be rent or borrow.

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