
Nintendo Life: Learning with the PooYoos - Episode 1 Review

Nintendo Life writes: "Children's games and WiiWare – a coupling that hasn't really been explored. Well, that was the case until Lexis Numérique released Learning With the PooYoos Episode 1 on the WiiWare service. Designed for children between the ages of 3-6, this game set out to captivate the minds of the youngest gamers, but did it succeed?"

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Learning With The PooYoos Details Revealed

Lexis Numérique, the independent game design studio behind well-known titles including Missing: Since January and The Experiment, is showcasing three upcoming downloadable titles for the PlayStation Network this week at the Game Developer Conference 2011, occurring this week in San Francisco. Amongst the games that will be showcased at the event is Learning with the PooYoos, a fun educational title for younger players.

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Murgatroyd74832d ago

These games are actually pretty awesome even if you don't have a kid. I was playing them way before my son was born.

knifefight4832d ago

At first I read them as "I was playing them before I was born" and I was ready to either call BS or be totally amazed.

Murgatroyd74832d ago

Hey man, I was a really smart fetus!

MyWii: Learning with the PooYoos – Episode 1 Review

MyWii writes: "Learning with the PooYoos is the first in an educational series aimed at kids aged 3-6 years old. The first thing that struck me about Episode 1 was how bright and attractive the graphics were. They take up the whole screen with no distracting menus, icons, or text as other games would feature. A soothing female voice walks you through the actions, and teaches you what simple objects and colours are on the screen. The whole experience is very user friendly, especially to the younger age group."

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Nintendo Life: Learning with the PooYoos Interview

Djamil Kemal talks about what it's like creating a WiiWare game for the youngest end of the gaming spectrum.

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