
Wired: Gridrunner Revolution Review

Gridrunner Revolution should be played not for the paces it puts your thumbs through, but for the things it'll do to your brain.

WIRED: Visually, aurally and spiritually unique.

TIRED: Will be as under-appreciated as Minter's Space Giraffe.


Two Weekend Indie Sales at Steam: 5 for the Price of 1

DIYGamer: "Complaining about the lack of summer game bundles/deals out loud apparently works! Valve answered the call for supplying some cool games to beat the summer heat with two indie game packs. One is full of variety, and the other seems full of navigating. Both cost only $9.99. That equals less than $20 for 10 great games!"

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Out of Eight: Gridrunner Revolution Review

Out of Eight writes: "A majority of arcade games of the 70's and 80's involved shooting things. Why? Because people are inherently violent, that's why. Plus, something has to be done with the incoming space invaders/centipedes/asteroids/tanks. What are you going to do, talk to them? Centipedes can't talk! No, it is best to shoot first and ask questions later, questions such as "what does this rambling introduction have to do with Gridrunner Revolution?" Beats me, I'm just trying to fill space to make the review longer (shhh! trade secret!). This is a sequel to a sequel to a sequel to the original Gridrunner, which came out for a couple of the Commodore systems way back in the Silurian period. Let's shoot some scorpions and save some sheep, shall we?"

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Giant Bomb: Quick Look: Gridrunner Revolution

Jeff Minter's classic arcade-style shooter is being updated for a new Xbox Live Arcade release.

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