
What if the Dreamcast never failed

Ever wonder in what position we would all be in if the Sega Dreamcast had not failed? Would there have been a Dreamcast2? Would Xbox exist? Well lets all find out and see what would have happened.

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imnotgoodtenglish5339d ago

The dreamcast died when it needed to.
Imagine all the crappy multiplattform ports.
It would be the psp of today.

FrankDrebin5339d ago

What if this article was never written?

kapedkrusader5338d ago

...why not try reading the article before ranting. It's obviously a hypothetical analysis, which by the way, was very well thought out and written. If that doesn't interest you than read a different article, there are many others in N4G or try writing one yourself.

tee_bag2425338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

you dont get it do you ?

cliffbo5338d ago

the Dreamcast was never that good a console from the start i still have one and was never impressed with it and it is a good job saga failed or we would all still be playing poor games with poor gfx's since saga failed what have they brought out that was any good on any of the new consoles very little and now they have all the time to concentrate on the games not the hardware since they dont make hardware anymore now if only nintendo could leave the hardware and make there games on the othere console ie 360 / ps3 then maybe we would see some real improvements to mario or zelda instead of these game cube copies.

Blaze9295338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

What if the sky was never blue?

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Godmars2905339d ago

The Dreamcast didn't fail - Sega did.

They wasted all the money made with the Genesis on all of the add-ons and the Saturn, then overproduced the Dreamcast. The release of the PS2 caused a minor sales slump and stall, and Sega lacked the revenue - weren't getting 3rd party support and income - so they derailed.

Maybe if they had simply moved onto the Saturn, ignored Genesis add-ons, they would have been in a better position, but they weren't.

Get over it already.

Marceles5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

I think Sega did a good job with what they had lol. They already had a horrible reputation with the Sega CD, 32X, Sega Nomad...god what were they thinking. Anyways I don't think they did such a bad job at selling the Dreamcast. It's just that Sony was on top of their game and everyone was waiting for them. It got to a point where the Dreamcast was trying to keep up with the PS1. There was NOTHING Sega could do about it, not to mention there was Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube on the market. 4 was a crowd.

Elven65339d ago

The PS2 didn't cause a minor slump, the Dreamcast was outselling the PS2 at launch because Sony didn't have enough hardware on hand to fill the demand. In the long term it might have impacted them.

The Genesis add ons despite being revolutionary in their own respects were a big mistake, Sega should have just saved all those ideas for the Saturn, which I guess they kind of did but the fact that the add ons were put into production didn't help.

dreamcast5338d ago (Edited 5338d ago )

"The Dreamcast didn't fail - Sega did"

Agreed 100%

Dogswithguns5338d ago

The Dreamcast didn't fail - Sega did.
You said it, man.... but anyway, the Dreamcast would've been my only favorite system ever, I loved it so much at the time. and I still do til these days.

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ZombieAutopsy5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

MS and SEGA working together??? I think i actually would of liked that and prolly would of have MS a better position in Japan

Id say the main fault with the DC was how easy it was to pirate and the fact Sony came in really strong with the Ps2 especially with the huge following the Ps1 had.

Godmars2905339d ago

At one point Sega was looking to be bought out by MS, but MS turned them down at the last minute. Ending up buying up most of Sega's US assets, which included Peter Moore.

Elven65339d ago

It was the other way around, I believe Microsoft wanted to buy Sega but Sega decided not to sell, to anyone. Unfortunate decision in my opinion because CSK shut down a few years later and Sega was in jeopardy, and lets face it, Sammy certainly isn't helping Sega like CSK did.

OGharryjoysticks5339d ago

I don't think it did. The Dreamcast is the 360. It has those sharp colors to the graphics. It sells the essentials as add-ons but instead of memory cards and rumble it's wi-fi, HDD's, and online multiplayer. It has its cult following. The list goes on...

Only this time SEGA has MS money and MS money can't fail.

TheSmoothCriminal5339d ago

Sega lost, the dream cast I think needs to be picked up by another company.

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vgvill2h ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.


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Profchaos1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Name someone that isn't trying to look us these days maybe cdpr.

Take two, ubi and yes even PlayStation are pushing us to own nothing and be happy with our live service ad injected games on a sub so they can raise prices at will and take access away when they see fit.

If it keeps up I'll be a full time retro gamer and this industry will be crashing hard

As rediculas as it sounds we need government reforms to defend consumer rights


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