
Cross-game chat for PSN will even out the competition, eliminating XBL's advantage

Gamesthirst writes: It's the most requested feature from PSN users, they want cross-game chat and they want it now. Well fear not gamers, Sony it seems have heard your cries, and is incorporating the much requested feature into PSN as we speak, and according to recent rumors, will be made available in late October of this year. Question is, will the addition of cross-game chat to PSN quell once and for all the argument made by Xbox Live users, that their online community is better than that of the PS3's? And with the feature added, will it cause Microsoft to provide its own service free of charge? The reasonable answer should be yes, since after cross-game chat is integrated into PSN, both services will be equal. Here's why.

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Sunny_D5346d ago

Well we know that, but WHEN!!!???

cooldude1235346d ago

but no one will be able to brag about who can chat with each other and who can't.... And to the guy who reported this bolbqt, sounds like a fanboy to me....

Jumping-Jack5346d ago

Yeah it probably would but still shouldn't we wait for it to be confirmed first?

betrayed gamer5346d ago

i dont think msft would ever make xbl free, but i think they may throw something in there with a patent that cant be used on any other system, i dunno what but it will be something. either way i love competition

Noob5346d ago (Edited 5346d ago )

But if it is, does that open the doors for universal custom soundtracks? This is of course, assuming EA stopped the two features from coming in the first place and that they have now came to an agreement of some sort(since it's supposedly coming now).

"- Universal Game Inviting
- Voice Messaging
- Joining sessions via XMB
- a good store full of content
- report function
- rate function
- good profiles and ability to see friends's friends"

Besides universal game inviting, you should be embarrassed if you actually think that's anything worth being proud to pay for. Joining sessions via XMB is possible, PSN has good quality content, you can report people, and a rate function and ability to see others friends is hardly anything to brag about. Using minor features is simple, I can do the same and say XBL is missing the ability to search the marketplace. Or the fact you can only do a one-on-one video chat on xbl while you can do up to 6 on PS3.

bolbgt5345d ago

Um yeah it is worth paying for, 17 cents a day to be able to record messages nd have it stored on servers instead of text messages stored on your hard drive? That can only be accessed on the PS3 you view them all.

Ability to report cheaters or spammers (You need to hire moderators) and that's included in the 17 cents a day.

And the fact that SCE doesn't charge, makes it so developers lose a percentage of their profits therefore release less demos on PSN, about every down loadable game has demos so you can try before you buy unlike PSN because they don't want to waste money. And guess what that 17 cents a day can save you about 10 dollars each wrong purchase.
Marketplace is organized much better than PSN store there really is no need for a search function.

Being able to see others' friends isn't a super important feature but it's something PSN should have if it's try to create a decent online social community because if you haven't noticed every form of social site has the ability to view other friends. It makes the user feel less restricted and more connected to people. And if you think the idea is stupid that's great but the fact is if you are going to start a social environment like PSN then you should follow what everyone else is doing and add this function.

So far you only got about one real advantage...

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