
APB trailer shows actual, proper gameplay

EA's finally released an APB trailer that's nothing but gameplay.

Cars, guns, tattoos, people with spiky hair and a man shouting about "crystals". It's got it all.

The Realtime Worlds MMO's out next spring. Take a look.

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Pandemic5356d ago

The game is looking fantastic, and a LOL towards the end.. :P

wxer5356d ago

this game is coming to consoles too
right ??

Pandemic5356d ago

Last time I checked, it's only set for PC at the moment but MIGHT come to consoles.

xTruthx5356d ago

I heard it was coming to consoles tho, I'll get it for PC tho. Already sign up for the beta

Pandemic5356d ago

I'm just hoping this game doesn't require too much with the system requirements. :P

GameOn5356d ago

the 360 versio was put on hold while they work on the pc version. PS3 version I think is the same.

PROFIT5356d ago

glad to see its coming along fine

mal_tez925356d ago

PC/consoles whatever. I'm interested.

I just hope they change the shooting in it, right now it seems a bit basic with a crappy aimer. If they make it a bit more like Drake's Fortune shooting then we'll have an even more epic game on our hands.

njr5356d ago


This is all I can say...

DeadlyFire5355d ago

Says PC right now. PC launch will be first either way. I hear X360 version was in works as well, but Microsoft is kinda holding X360 MMOs back a little so there will be some sort of delay for that. PS3 version also rumored as well. Sony also has a hold of how MMOs will work on their consoles, but I don't think they are restricting many of them. They are working on a MMO system for their PSN setup as well. Its why most of the MMOs for X360 and PS3 are still being pushed around.

I plan to pick this up for my PC. Looks grand.

jcgamer5355d ago

bring it to the consoles!!!

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Rob0g0rilla5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

I would like to try it out on PC. It would be nice if it came to consoles.

krisq5356d ago

Looks great! I hope they'll bring it to consoles.


Yeah becuse my GeForce 8500 wont be able to handle this :)

Christopher5356d ago

But, feels more like MAG with cars than an actual MMORPG-don't mean this in a bad way, just a specification as to the type of MMO it will be, which isn't your typical MMORPG. First, PvP only MMOs don't do well with the general populace, and that's what this looks like. Second, there doesn't seem to be much overall direction other than kill your opponents, no real questing or overall storyline is presented as far as we can tell.

Afreelunch5356d ago

That's because it IS an MMO, not an MMORPG.

Christopher5356d ago (Edited 5356d ago )

My point wasn't to say it wasn't an MMO, only the fact that non-RPG MMOs don't do well in comparison. I obviously didn't make it clear, sorry about that. They oftentimes provide the same gameplay elements as typical multiplayer console games with just stretched out leveling elements, but most players that would play this sort of game move on to the latest such game based on where the people go.

Many games with this sort of gameplay have shut down their servers in less than a year after release because of the issue in retaining enough players. If APB intends to have a fee beyond the cost of the game, then it definitely won't do too well. If it's closer to the Guild Wars mode, then it needs to implement some features that other multiplayer games just don't offer as well as a system for rolling out expansions without breaking game balance since they'll be getting their money solely from software sales.

free2game3655355d ago

This has nothing to do with MAG, and MAG was far from the first MP FPS game to have a lot of people.

wxer5355d ago

so what you are actually trying to say that
there was A CONSOLE game
that can have more than 260+ players on the same map ?

Christopher5355d ago

That's given, but the concept is the same. You have 100 or 250 person districts where it will be 50 v 50 or 125 vs 125. The multiplayer experience is also not about individual battles with a simplistic level scheme for unlocking weapons, but about a long-term development of your specific character, items, faction, and the such, which is the same as MAG.

Hate it or not, but it's very much like MAG in its gameplay with the exception that it's tailored towards street wars with cars rather than military wars with tanks, planes, and helicopters.

free2game3655355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

APB isn't a console game. All of the concepts of MAG are the same as Planetside, only MAG is on a much smaller scale and not persistent.

Christopher5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

Uh... actually, it is still being considered for release on consoles. They may be focusing on PC only, but they've stated many times that they haven't given up on going towards the console.

Regardless, being on a console or a PC doesn't really matter considering the only difference is the controls. For the PC version you'll be able to use a gamepad if you want to play, which would make it just like playing on a console.

Glad you brought up Planetside considering what you said could be said exactly of APB. Note, this isn't degrading the game, only classifying the type of MMO it is going to be. Planetside was future military, MAG is modern military, APB will be modern street wars.

MAG could easily be made for the PC, so I'm not comparing what can be played on what, only the gameplay which is comparable between MAG, Planetside, and now APB.

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The Five Most Disappointing Video Games Of All Time

For every game that truly lives up to its potential, there are a couple that absolutely miss their mark. Be it a simple case of over hyping an unfinished product, to game systems that downright are broken, or even just a game being inexcusably horrible, some games just leave a terrible taste in people’s mouths.

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UnHoly_One3861d ago

I still loved Too Human for all of it's flaws.

If only Denis Dyack knew how to keep his mouth shut, the game's reception might have been very different.

Gamer6663861d ago

Agreed, Too Human was flawed, but the story was strong and the RPG elements were strong.

The control scheme was the only real lackluster part of the game... Unfortunately, you are reminded at how flawed the control scheme was in every single level and every single battle in the game...

UnHoly_One3861d ago

I have to disagree about the controls. They were different, but it worked, and made for a unique experience.

I never had a problem with the controls at all.

pixelsword3860d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

Why is it that people always want to put Lair down in a list like that, but when you see comments about it, most people who played the game enjoyed the game? The game wasn't broken, the game wasn't incomplete, the controls just had a steep learning curve, and most of that was basically keeping your controller straight after turning, and 180 turns, both were fixed after the patch.

People hated on this game merely because it was 1080p and (mostly) 60fps, and it came out early in the PS3's life-cycle; certain fanboys masquerading as journalists knew if this game bombed, people wouldn't invest in other games that were that ambitious and that's exactly what happened because after that games were cancelled (8-days) or delayed to the PS4 (last guardian).

Kleptic3860d ago (Edited 3860d ago )

^seriously dude?

I was as excited for Lair as anyone...and omg did it suck...

a story that...i'm not even going into it...the dialogue? ('why don't you try spitting some fireballs at them??' over and over and over)...

sorry man...that game was complete trash...there were plenty of early PS3 games that i feel got very unfair treatment within the media...but a conspiracy against Lair is something i could never agree with...it was just a shitty game...plain and simple...to each their own, though...

hell, i thought Haze was better than Lair...and haze was damn near unplayable...

JasonKCK3860d ago

Too Human is pretty good for an unfinished game. It also has one hell of a dedicated fanbase.

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GuyThatPlaysGames3861d ago

Definitely Too Human. Also, I would add Haze and Duke Nukem.

joe903861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

Too Human was OK i don't get everyones hate of it. I enjoyed the leveling of the armour and weapons.

APB is still played by the thousands and makes a very steady income from it.

Why no Damnation,Haze,Duke Nukem Forever or Rogue Warrior? They're the worst/over-hyped games i have ever played.

I know this is an opinion piece so it is what it is.

TheEnigma3133861d ago

I think rogue warrior needs to be on here. And why Isn't E.T. on here since we're talking about all time terrible games. That game single handily crashed the video game world.

isarai3861d ago

maybe because it's not "all time terrible games" it's "Most Disappointing Video Games Of All Time" even in commercials and the promise of ET was trash, no one was expecting greatness from that game. but yes Rogue Warrior was horrid compared to what it was meant to be, wasn't even close to it's target

Ghostdogg3860d ago

Rouge warrior was pure garbage and lol@ E.T.

iamnsuperman3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

For me Haze. I was interested to play it. That was until I played the demo. Picked it up in a bargain bin later on after its launch and I am glad I did........pick it out of a bargain bin and not pay full price

SuperBlur3861d ago

APB , that game went from having a 100mill dollar budget to bankruptcy so fast , it should be a record on its own

raistra3861d ago

Such a great studio lost to that game :(

KonsoruMasuta3861d ago

No Dude Nukem: Forever? That games had so much hype surrounding it and it turned out to be a steaming pile.

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What APB got right, and why it initially failed

PC Gamer - The action-MMO first known as APB lives on as APB Reloaded. But if your memory serves, you’ll recall that the urban, massively-multiplayer shooter had a quick death: APB shut down just months after launching at the end of June 2010, coinciding with the dissolution of developer Realtime Worlds.