
Darkest of Days Demo Hits Xbox Live

The Xbox Live Marketplace has updated adding a demo for the time-traveling shooter Darkest of Days.

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Top 5 Worst First Person Shooters of All Time

When gamers think about first person shooter games, there’s a slew of titles that instantly come to mind. These games place the player in the action and they become immersed in the game with heart-pounding gameplay dynamics. Sure, there’s a ton of great first person shooter games out there, but there’s a lot of companies that have tried to cash in on first person shooters. In other words, for every good first person shooter game out there, there’s a bad first person shooter game. On this list, are the worst of the worst when it comes to first person shooters.


Backlog Quest: Day 17 – Darkest of Days – Best if read in Arnold voice | Clearance Bin Review

Backlog Quest is a month long special event on Clearance Bin Review featuring daily game reviews of the games that have sat on the shelf for simply too long; old and new.

From Day 17 – Darkest of Days, Tristan Rendo writes, "I’d be a bold face liar if I said I hadn’t ever though about time traveling back to the days of ancient Rome with an assault rifle. Where my advanced weaponry would make me king. Darkest of Days finally let me live out this brief, sociopathic fantasy if but for a fleeting moment; and that is all that counts right?

Well, not really, but it is still kind of cool."

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Game Revolution: Darkest of Days Review

Game Revolution writes: "If you're looking for a game that has you shooting Civil War survivors, WWI veterans, Roman infantry, and while we're at it, some Native Americans (which is half of my heritage... I shot my peoples!), then boy, do I have a game for you. Darkest of Days puts you in the shoes of a Civil War soldier that fought in the battle of Little Bighorn or Custard's Last Stand. At the last minute before your unfailing doom, you are rescued by a Spartan that pulls you into a womb-like object that sends you hurling through time and space. You reach your final destination in a waiting room from hell to be greeted by the stroke patient that is your supposed time partner and a visual user interface with creepy eyes and a fake pompous-ass British accent."

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