
Bone-idle : Borderlands Preview

Bone-idle writes "Borderlands is a strange game to try and explain its a sci-fi frantic first person shooter crossed with a role playing game. And its utter madness get ready for mind blowing insanity.
You play as one of four trigger happy mercenaries in either the single player mode or team upwith 3 friends for 4 player co-op."

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TheXgamerLive5381d ago

as this may take the place of Fallout 3 as my fav game of all time, .....so far:)

umair_s515381d ago

I am really looking forward to this one

BoneIdle5380d ago

crossed wih left for dead crossed with a fallout 3. I have a feeling it will be great.

2K games did bioshock too soit comes from good stock


DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

This sounds awesome. This afternoon, Genvid Entertainment announced two, all-new interactive streaming series at San Diego-Comic Con: DC Heroes United and Borderlands EchoVision Live.


10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22485d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87484d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

TheGamer Writes "I don't think my most controversial video game take should be that controversial, but it is. I'm a video game journalist, so you know I have some bad takes in this broken down serotonin factory I call a brain, but here's one opinion that receives universal pushback: I don't like video game music."

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