
Contra Rebirth Released: Trailer and Screenshots Available

Nine Over Ten 9/10 has posted up a press release from Konami stating that Contra Rebirth has been released on Nintendo's WiiWare.

Also included in the press release are a dozen screenshots of the game and the trailer video.

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Top 20 WiiWare Games (20-11)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "This past week, Nintendo announced that after more of a decade they would be shutting down the Wii Shop Channel. Many gamers (myself included) have found memories of taking our Wii consoles online, putting in our Wii Point Card numbers and downloading a whole bunch of classic Nintendo, Sega and NEC titles onto the Wii system. But the Wii Shop Channel was also home to a whole catalogue of new games that made up the system’s WiiWare service. It was here that many of the system’s smaller and more experimental titles came into being and many of the developers that brought us these games are now responsible for big indie series’ thanks to their original success on WiiWare. So as a sort of goodbye to Nintendo’s original download service, we’re counting down the Top 20 Best WiiWare games starting with numbers 20 through 11 today (check back next Friday for 10 -1)."

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What's Next For Contra?

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Unlike so many ill-fated video game franchises, Contra managed to endure. There were the glory years in the late 80s/early 90s, when we enjoyed the original Contra (NES), Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES) and Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis). Then, the series slipped into a mini coma in the mid to late 90s with Contra: Legacy of War and C: The Contra Adventure for PlayStation One.

Venoxn4g4538d ago

wasn't there a teaser before about new Contra game? I think a new one will be on 3DS


Top Five WiiWare Games to Play with Others

The Wii is all about getting together with other people and playing some fun video games. What are the best downloadable offerings for players to enjoy with or against their pals?

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TheSanchezDavid4742d ago

I though the multiplayer in Art of Balance would have been a minor distraction at best, but it ended up being just as fun as the single-player mode.