
Eurogamer: FEAR 2: Project Origin - Reborn Review

Eurogamer writes: "Some people hate corridors. They've been through so many of them that they've all blended into one endless route from A to B. They've been to more exotic places, places like fields or car parks, where their wanderings are undisturbed. They've become used to the high life. Should they ever be boxed up in a poxy old corridor they have a right old moan - just as Kieron Gillen did back in Eurogamer's 5/10 review of F.E.A.R. 2.

He's right in what he says, of course - I'm not going to deny it. F.E.A.R. 2 was a rudimentary and linear journey of violent slo-mo decapitation that brought diddly-squat to the table of gaming. If you're from the school of thought that demands originality and the obliteration of all gun emplacement sections in your gaming, then that spot of the old Alma ultra-violence certainly wasn't for you..."

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RunsFromRobots5348d ago

Good review - I'm glad I'm not missing out on anything having not bought this, although I strongly believe this should have been free (at least for PC gamers, like the map packs).

F.E.A.R. 2 was very disappointing and Eurogamer's original review was spot on with it's 5/10 score.


Previously On… F.E.A.R.

TheSixthAxis: "Welcome one and all to a new feature we’re running here at TSA called ‘Previously On…’ where we catch you up on the plot of a story-driven franchise that has a new installment coming out. We’re starting today with the F.E.A.R. franchise, which is about to see its third chapter of the main series hit shelves this week. You may be thinking that this franchise is just another mindless shooter with a watered-down story and a creepy little girl following you around, but there’s actually a pretty deep plot surrounding all the chills and thrills you get from playing."

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MyPS3: F.E.A.R 2: Reborn DLC Review

MyPS3 writes: "So the big question: Is Reborn worth your hard earned cash or Microsoft points? For $9.99 you can't expect too much content, and Reborn delivers another great experience in the F.E.A.R universe, albeit at tad short. It includes a slo-mo deathmatch mode which may get some more people into the online side, but ultimately if you are a fan of F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin and want to expand the story just a little further, there is no reason not to get this pack."

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jjohan355292d ago

This game is dead. hardly anybody plays it on PS3.


GamesRadar: FEAR 2: Reborn Review

There are some lovely attempts at visual design both in the spookiness department and in ideas such as the exploration of a knocked-over skyscraper. Arguably Reborn is simply a pale extension of a shooter that was already set in gloomy, detail-starved environments, but it does have its own little thrills.

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