
Nintendo ponders next move after rivals' cuts

It is Nintendo's move. Over the summer, its video game rivals Sony and Microsoft have made large cuts to the price of their Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. Whether and how Nintendo responds will shape what is likely to be the Japanese company's most difficult Christmas since it launched the Wii in 2006.

In the past three years there has been little change in the video game industry's pecking order. The Wii, with its innovative motion-sensing controller, has been a runaway success, leaving Sony's high-powered but expensive PS3 to fight a difficult battle with Microsoft for second place.

The Wii has sold more than 50m around the world; the Xbox 360, which launched a year earlier, more than 30m; and the Playstation 3 more than 20m.

jay25384d ago

Nintendo need to release an HD console that's somewhere between 360 and PS3 (but on par with the current 360). Or do nothing, they're 20M ahead.

Grandreaper99995384d ago

PLEASE Nintendo, I had to ignore you for the last 10+ years. Please do something amazing, or just GTFO, and take your first party titles on the road --take a page out of Sega's book...

What am I SAYING?! haha *pinches arm, wakes up*

What a silly thought.

wiizy5384d ago

nintendo has no rivals...its up 20 million on each system..... nintendo needs a price drop but only to get new owners..not to compete..they are too far ahead

EvilTwin5384d ago (Edited 5384d ago )

The PS3 or 360 would have to outsell Nintendo by a 2 to 1 margin from here on out to "win" the console war this gen.

There's a bunch of first/second party bullets in Big N's gun, plus their own price cut will inevitably come...and that's after turning a profit on every Wii sold.

Their next move? NSMB this winter. Then Other M, Galaxy 2 and whatever Retro is skunk working next year (maybe debut Motion + Zelda at E3). Toss in a price cut to $199, maybe lower, or a new color scheme.

All the cards are already laid out there. Those are all of the moves Nintendo has left. Really, the absolute ONLY thing Nintendo could probably do to surprise anyone is to announce a new console at the next E3.


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TGG_overlord7d ago

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