
Xbox Users Petition over Vesperia Beta: "It Isn't Fair!"

Xbox 360 users, stung by being the paying beta testers for Tales of Vesperia, a game touted as an Xbox exclusive and the sole reason many own their consoles, are launching a petition for redress from Bandai-Namco Games, who they accuse of "underhanded" and "unfair" tactics for daring to release the game on the PS3 in massively upgraded form.

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PirateThom5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

You know what else isn't fair?


Deal with it.

FlipMode5353d ago

But wait. I thought only Sony guys complain?

BaSeBaLlKiD7215353d ago

and MW2 timed exclusive map packs

and worse of all, FFXIII being held back because of 360

*sigh* this generation isn't fair at all...

Delta5353d ago

i agree, but I think the people crying about this aren't fanboys but just fans of the game/series . I love this game, It was the only reason i kept my 360 for another RRoD, but when i heard it was coming the PS3 with extra i sold it. PS3 FTW.

GWAVE5353d ago

Yeah. No joke. This is the very "whining" that 360 fanboys accuse PS3 owners of when they complain about receiving games 1 year later or when they complain about exclusive DLC on the 360. It's not fair, but get over it.

shocky165353d ago

The fact that the PS3 version will never leave Japan.

Blaze9295353d ago

Thus the benefits of owning both a Xbox 360 and PS3. When you do that, "fair" doesnt matter anymore. When you single your choice out this gen you're just in for alot of whining and crying.

As for these Xbox users, boo who. This is a known practice that you cant just release the same game months later on a different platform. You have to add in some extra bang so reviewers wont slap "this is the same game with no extra anything xx owners waited for. Way to go xx"

kalebgray925353d ago

the dvd is just inferior and ergo less content as blu ray could fit 2 or games

mastiffchild5353d ago

Whilke I agree that had a western release been planned we would possibly have heard by now and those assuming a full US/EU release may be upset afterv waiting what could be twice for it I think the chances of them missing out on other parts of the Asian market are slim . Those regions often have an english sub or, as it exists largely already, possibly voice track so all is not lost for PS3 only fans of the series.

As an owner of both I'm just waiting to see if the more complete PS3 game becomes available in a form I can play-if not I'll settle, I guess, for second best-without whining.

Why are these people complaining with any more right than those who bought their PS3s on the strength of SE saying FF13 would be exclusive and have now still to play one game from the company they kept afloat during the PS2 generation? Companies do sh1tty things and as we gamers are so disunited we allow them to get away with them time and again. They only want our cash-when will we ever learn? Why would Namco-Bandai be any different?

Personally I kind of feel that companies should keep their word over things like this, things which could lead to you actually saving up and buying a games console you would not otherwise have done. Yes, money might be king here but is it unreasonable to think that if a dev/pub says something is totally exclusive(which assumes a deal has been done over the cash from sales being potentially halved)that it stays that way? Of course not and whichever side of whichever console divide you may be on you shouldn't deny the right of people who feel hoodwinked to complain about it.

Exclusive demos, DLC, timed exclusivity all fall into this bracket but the worst is the supposed proper exclusive which they, after any decent length of time from announcing said exclusivity, decide to do a "U" turn over. I've not got riled myself ever but find it totally understandable why folk do-and I ATRONGLY suspect that it's because of this kind of reaction that SE didn't have the guts to make FF13 a multi plat in their back yard-LOADS of their countrymen bought the PS3 solely for FF games and this would totally obscure this little storm had it been allowed to happen.

Makes Vs less likely to go multi plat, I suppose, if my feeling is correct-but we'll see about that AND then KH3-which I suspect will have something "exclusive" to one console or the other when it's finally announced-it seems rare that we ever get the same version to play once these politics begin. So we do all lose a little.

InfectedDK5353d ago

It isn't faaaaair mamma.. Now I don't look good on the internet..

Cwalat5353d ago

How come i never hear: "Hey, this isn't fair RROD 55+% failure rate!"?
How come they bi**ch about a frreaking beta and not the hardware failure?

Some people just pick stupidity right out of stupidity!

If you think it's not fair then stop paying for it.

ps921175353d ago

You know what else isn't fair that the japanese version already has english in it so it probably will come to the US.

FamilyGuy5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

You realize that these complainers are probably all PS3 owners who broke down and bought a 360 just for this game? ("Tales of ___" fans) Thinking it was exclusive is one thing but then another version, for the console they have/prefer, that also has a lot of extra content has got to hurt.

I don't expect to see it in the U.S. but I could be wrong. (MS published the english version) I would buy it if it does but no way would i get a 360 for it, i have too much hope in "exclusivity" really being "timed exclusive" when it comes to many of the 360s exclusive that use to be on playstation machines.

lordcrackpot5353d ago

lol the title of the article made me laugh

"It Isn't Fair!!!!!!"

IdleLeeSiuLung5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Why is this bad?

Because, this wasn't announced in advance of the game. GTA IV episodes and the time exclusive maps for MW2 are all announced in advance!

Remember when MS advertised Ninja Gaiden 2 as exclusive, only to have Tecmo backstab them by releasing a reworked version on PS3? This is no different and at a minimum all gamers should be allowed to enjoy the content.

I was not the least upset about the additional character PS3 got for Batman:AA or the C&C Red Alert 3 treatment, because both was announced in advance so I could make an informed choice.

If it was announced in advance, there was a choice. If it is announced after the fact, then the company tricked you! Even worse, is when it is clear that some of the game content was left out not additional just additional stuff to entice new buyers.

If you are a TRUE gamer you should be upset at this albeit, I'm admittedly a hypocrite and will buy NG Sigma 2 CE none the less!!!

In the end Ninja Gaiden 2 fans overall lost. Why? Because on the 360 you got blood and direction of one director, but on the PS3 you lose blood and things are changed (not necessarily bad). In the end I think fans of the series like me is loosing and no one is a winner, but Tecmo squeezing money out of us.

ceedubya95353d ago

if you only own a 360 and wanted all of this extra content. However, the game has been out for a looooooooong time now, and its only fair for PS3 owners to get something after the long wait. I've already been playing the game on 360, but if the extra content is great enough, then I'll surely buy it again for my PS3.

With the PS3 and 360 now both at a reasonable prices, now is a great time to be a multi-console owner and not have to worry about missing out on stuff.

uie4rhig5353d ago

and if you find such thing not fair, you need to get a life! simple as that..

ultimolu5353d ago


Go cry me a river.

Lucreto5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

Ms didn't publish the game in English Namco Bandai Games America and Atari did. So it has a good chance to appear in the US and Europe.

FamilyGuy5353d ago

I read M$ had some part in it as they payed to have it release day and date with the japanese version, like they paid for the english conversion or something to that effect. Like they own the english voice overs or something like that. People mentioned it when this was first announced for the PS3.

"but on the PS3 you lose blood"

Loose blood on NGS2? The previous games had no blood, NG2 was the oddity here.

I understand your point of games announcing that certain versions would get extras befoere they released so people would know before buying BUT in all those games they had multi-platform day and date releases. M$ claimed this was exclusive so that was not fair, M$ claimed Ninja Gaidan was exclusive so that was not fair.
Things like this are just incentive to buy a game that has been out for a long time already. If M$ pays for timed exclusivity then there is a time limit before the possibility of another version can even be announced, let alone have it mentioned that the version releasing on another system a year later would have more content.

Things like this can't be argued. They could not release such information because there was an embargo (if im using the term correctly).

Godmars2905353d ago

To be fair, and honest, you have to pay for GTA4 DLC. Its only "unfair" in that R* can't get money for it from PS3 owners.

Lucreto5353d ago

“really?I read M$ had some part in it as they payed to have it release day and date with the japanese version, like they paid for the english conversion or something to that effect. Like they own the english voice overs or something like that. People mentioned it when this was first announced for the PS3.”

That was not true at all people thought it was the same as Nintendos deal with Tales of Symphonia not coming to the PS2 in the US and Europe. Don't forget ToV didn't get released in Europe 10 months later.

FarEastOrient5353d ago

They should instead petition Microsoft to have a bigger disc storage capacity and HDDs for all their consoles. 250 GB, a reviewer can not live off of 250 GB for their Xbox 360 and don't get me started with DVDs for a median. It is OK for Wii since they can only do 480P anyway.

This is all the content that couldn't fit on a DVD so they are complaining to the wrong person since all 5 episodes and the original Fallout 3 can fit on the same BD.

54percent5353d ago

"who they accuse of "underhanded" and "unfair" tactics for daring to release the game on the PS3 in massively upgraded form."

But they wanted "timed exclusive" titles right?

gaffyh5353d ago

Sony require extra content for a late release on their console. So this was required from the devs, and the Xbox 360 only owners got the game early, so they should be content. The game is obviously going to PS3 because it didn't get enough sales on 360, which is the case for most JRPGs.

If you really care THAT much about the extra content, then buy a PS3 and get the game on that system as well.

andron5353d ago

It was pretty clear that this was going to happen. If you trust MS or any big companies PR speak then you'll get burned.

If you only own one console you won't get access to everything. Deal with it or whine about it, it doesn't really matter. Money talks, bullshait walks.

I think I will start a petition to get No More Heroes in HD on a next gen machine. It just isn't fair that only Wii owners can enjoy that game. Ironically it could probably appear in some form on PS3/360 when their motion controllers are out.LOL

Narutone665353d ago

of this petition. According to the petition, don't favor only a certain console.
I lol at one of the comment somewhere "I hope they don't meet themselves".

airfoemoe5353d ago

360 gets GTA DLC, PS3 gets the agent. What's not fair again?

Whitefox7895353d ago

On how they were able to get Ninja Gaiden 2 on the PS3, even though its publisher was Microsoft Games Studio, NGS it was like a clever trap.

Personally however I think this is ridiculous the game "Way of the Samurai 3" has two different publishers one for 360 and one for PS3 that is when it starts getting ridiculous

IdleLeeSiuLung5353d ago

I can understand them not being able to release the information due to NDA. However, in Ninja Gaiden 2's case it was not as you put it:

"M$ claimed this was exclusive so that was not fair, M$ claimed Ninja Gaidan was exclusive so that was not fair"

Ninja Gaiden 2 was and in legal terms (not yet contested in a legal court) is exclusive. Tecmo backstabbed MS, by adding enough content to call it a different game when we know very well that it has additional content with some tweaks. In no way can that be considered a different game! So yes, in that sense it is not exclusive and you can blame Tecmo. Yes, I don't blame Sony, because Sony like MS will want as many games as possible on their platform.

However, I don't care that it is exclusive or not. I just think that Tecmo dropped the ball on the people that bought and supported NG2 especially when it was touted by Tecmo as an exclusive. Let the 360 people that supported the game get the same content as a DLC.

So problem here to re-iterate is, Tecmo publicly touted this as a 360 exclusive only to find out it is lie. If Tecmo like Capcom would just say right now we are focusing on the 360 version. No other version is in the making. Done!

Either way, I'm happy another NG2 is coming. I can't get enough of that game!!!

DaTruth5353d ago

The only thing that's not fair is that Rockstar could be making GTA4 Vice City, but instead they are making DLC for the same city.

PS3 owners weren't the only ones who got burned in that deal, we're just the only ones who know it! Ballad of gay Tony would probably have taken place in San Fran GTA4!!!

GameGambits5352d ago

Meh I wouldn't even put the blame on Bandai fully. You know Msoft came in swinging a big pocket book to have them keep their lips sealed about it being a timed exclusive.

As a gamer I'm getting upset by any game company not being up front with me about their games exclusivity plans. Like someone earlier tonight told me the Xbox 360 MW2 map packs will be free on Xbox Live, but PS3 owners will have to pay. If that were the case then what is the point of even putting it on PS3 Infinity Ward?

It's just too much shady dealings behind back doors that are leaving gamers shafted. As long as the developers tell us up front what the case is I'm fine with it, but when a month later you announce information that I bought the wrong version of a game if I want to get the most out of it I get mad.

vhero5352d ago

Whats not fair?? Get a PS3 and shut up I say it's not like it's impossible to play for you is it?

Sarcasm5352d ago

Is it me or should contributors should stop contributing porn sites.

Holy NSFW material everywhere.

barom5352d ago

Didn't we just have an article with the headline

"PS3 owners think they're entitled to something? An editorial on sense of entitlement."

Yes, yes I think we did! I wonder will they do a

"360 owners think they're entitled to something? An editorial on sense of entitlement."


Marquis_de_Sade5352d ago

This is nothing like the GTAIV dlc, that DLC was announced a long time before the game launched, whereas 360 owners were told ToV was a 360 exclusive. Then, about 6 months after launch they find out it's coming to the PS3 with added content.

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FlipMode5353d ago

Spam: (4 minutes ago)
Reported by: Patchstation 3
Spam: (7 minutes ago)
Reported by: Sonyslave3
Lame: (8 minutes ago)
Reported by: Marie


OmarJA5353d ago


The xbutts are butthurts.

wxer5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

yah dude i cant wait for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
in September 29

cant wait to make some boobs bounce with my SixAxis while kicking some ass in High resolution graphics and those playable characters and add to that the more levels that's only in the PS3 superior version
thats a win right their with the SixAxis
(bu bu bu teh SixAxis iz teh flobz)

DAY ONE!!!!!

and Tales of Vesperia
in September 17
but its only in Japan up tell now
so i'll import it
because the English voice acting is already in there
and the PS3 is reign free
cant wait to play those new exclusive playable characters with the superior graphics
with all the rest of the exclusive content


54percent5353d ago

WWWaaaaaahhhahahahahaaa!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!

Why I was the beta test!!!! waaaaaaaaahhhh!!

N4G king5353d ago

it looks like a party in here



*holds up the dink*

to all the bots out there
thank you for working hard
to beta test our games for us
looking forward to the next game that you'll generously beta test for us
work hard and keep up the good work

topdawg1225353d ago

They should really do a petition to get a working console before they petition a game

54percent5352d ago

"User Bio
A CPT CRT panda bear out on a rampage to draw people and shoot images of radioactive panda pooh for fun. Also luv cream puffs!

My console gaming timeline as an adult panda:
N64 -> Dreamcast -> GC -> Xbox -> PSone -> PS2slim -> Xbox 360 -> PS3

I put a lot of hours into the Xbox ever since Halo came out and it was my console of choice during the time (pgr, forza, splinter cell, kotor, fable, mechassault,etc). I didn't really care too much for the PS platform back in the day, guess cuz I had an angst against Sony for IMO killing the DC"


clearly a hardcore BOT

check his report

"Other: (26 minutes ago)
Lots of hentai and articles about kids getting molested/etc. This stuff shouldn't be "news" worthy. It'll probably get American viewers into legal trouble.
Reported by: beardpapa "


nightelfmohawk5352d ago

Man, that's just classic. Silly Bots.

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Simon_Brezhnev5353d ago

You see how us ps3 fanboys dont approve negative stupid 360 news but if this was about ps3 it would be approved in seconds. Shows you the maturity level of ps3 owners except the ones in open zone lmao.

kissmeimgreek5353d ago

how is this negative ps3 news? all their saying is that their mad because ps3 gets a greatly superior version of a game that was supposed to be 360 exclusive. theyd be fine if both consoles had the game as long as neither was gimped.

i guess its one of the few times where you can say an xbox owner actually did have the beta.

Simon_Brezhnev5353d ago

i guess i was wrong lol i see they did approve the story

wxer5353d ago

bu bu bu
only teh sony fanboyz do Petitions

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waawawawawawaaaaaaaa


Cyb3r5353d ago

Fanboys whats the point in being one?

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deleted1400d ago

I really enjoyed this article, it was a good read. This quote gave me a chuckle, because it's true!:

"Pretty much every JRPG involves the player’s characters going from barely being able to lift a sword to killing God"

indysurfn1399d ago

LOL...exaggeration but I get your just making a point. No one can Kill God. Don't drink Satan's cool-aide he is just trying to recruit you (backwards recruit)

Tross1399d ago

He probably only has the grape kind anyways. All the folk up in heaven surely hog all the good flavours.

BrainSyphoned1399d ago

Final Fantasy 15 the ultimate delayed game with delayed story dlc shoveled in at the last second. Doesn’t ring the gratifying bell when I see that stupid car at all. Article+thumbnail is like describing a 5star meal while watching your cat clean its backside.

1399d ago Replies(2)
nommers1399d ago

More specifically I would say JRPGs are progressive gratification. Basically like listening to prog music vs anything else which imo is the best. Even if a JRPG is all about the journey, generally speaking JRPGs keep getting better as opposed to other games which usually have their high points come in either too soon, or the best parts just aren't nearly as impactful.

indysurfn1399d ago

Also don't forget the direct comparison that the old Square Enix president made. He said Western players like TWITCH games and eastern players love Cerebral games. Now it was taken as a racist slam. But he meant it as one of the reasons outside of development time and cost return on investment(ROI). But he had a true point people here are TRAINED to like instant stuff. And people there are trained to like delayed over the top stuff. It is not a intelligence slam. I'm glad I LOVE the later gratification! Because it is way better!

iofhua21398d ago

I like JRPG's for the big anime tiddies.

indysurfn1398d ago

lol.....I stand corrected!

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The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

The Tales games may be less recognizable than the Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't mean that they aren't worth playing!

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PhoenixUp1734d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1734d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1734d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M


A decade later, Tales of Vesperia might still be the ideal Tales game

Ten years ago, early in the lives of both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, Microsoft scored a coup when it secured the latest game from Namco's long-running Tales franchise - which had been almost exclusive to PlayStation since Tales of Destiny in the '90s.

Things got even more heated after Tales of Vesperia eventually did end up on PS3, in even better form, with new content and characters. But much to PS3 fans' consternation, Namco Bandai opted to keep the enhanced port Japan-exclusive.

Until last year, when Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition was announced for all existing platforms. The question remains: Was it worth the wait?

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TheGamez1001936d ago

It is indeed. Havent felt this good for a tales game since....well vesperia on the 360. Namco needs to go back to these roots.

Lexreborn21936d ago

Phantasia will forever be my ideal tales game. But if they could do a solid remake in current engine I would be thrilled to relive that awesome game

PhoenixUp1935d ago

I don’t think there’s any definitive ideal Tales game since they all have their own individual merit from one another