
Lens of Truth: Wolfenstein Comparison (720p)

Lens of Truth writes, "Thanks to the fine folks at Play N Trade (Oviedo) and Play N Trade (Lake Mary), the Lens of Truth finally had the chance to compare the newest (and mostly overlooked) Wolfenstein. So stick around to see if this latest installment was worth looking over."

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La Chance5355d ago

Getting it for the 360.

Way better pad for FPS.

TheColbertinator5355d ago

Personally I thought Wolfenstein was a rushed game.The real spearhead projects from id Tech and Carmack will be Rage and Doom 4.I am waiting for those.

gamesR4fun5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

its a pretty solid sp imo but its only bout ten hours to finish and not a lot to go back for unless yur an achievement whore...
onlines bunk and since they fired the online team the day the game launched i doubt theyll give it much support.

RudeSole Devil5355d ago

Looks bad but the PS3 should have won. Performance out ways graphics 10 to 1. You buy a game to play then looks come into play..

mastiffchild5355d ago

IDK if Wolfenstein was really pushed that hard and certainly they seem to be putting way more into Rage than they ever did with this one.

I'll prolly rent this one but, unlike Lachance it'll be for my PS3 as I don't like the 360 pad for anything! The only plus I can see for FPS with it are hvoing the triggers instead of L2 and R2 vut the extensions you can get for your DS sort that out pretty well anyway, imo, even if I still prefer it without. Horses for courses with xcontrollers mate and everyone's hands are different-still about the best reason to choose any multi plat for one console over another though as the differences these days are negligable.

I've seen some really up and down reviews for Wolfenstein as well-from 5/10 to 9/10 so it must be a bit love or hate I guess so sticking with a rental is possibly the right move and was what I'd planned anyway.

morganfell5355d ago

It's Id Tech 4 - last gen really. It is a straight ahead old fashioned shooter with unimaginative, uninspired Multiplayer.

Pistolero5355d ago


Let's see...the PS3 had a mandatory install, longer load times, slower frame rate (which actually impacts gameplay) and fuzzier textures, but you think the PS3 version should have won?...because the 360 version had more screen tearing?.....that doesn't make sense.

Once again we see why Lens of Truth comparisons are misleading....they don't rely on objective measurements and instead throw in way too much subjectivity.....frame rate slowdown impacts the responsiveness of the controls and has a much bigger impact on actual gameplay than screen tearing or any other purely graphical problem.

Pixel_Addict5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

you know its really your smug comment, not your opinion that irritates me.

Pixel_Addict5355d ago

If we could give you negative bubbles, for your useless comments, we would. Xbox360 could read my mind and it still wouldn't make up for its lack of stellar exclusives.

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wxer5355d ago

as i said before
this game is identical on both consoles
RAGE well be the same
because both games made by id software

sooo the only thing that the 360 well have on RAGE is the 3 disks


TheMART5355d ago

You forget to tell with Rage that:

PS3 is running on 20 to 30 fps at the moment
360 is running at 60fps at the moment.

And because XBL is the premium online system and PSN is some seperate service PC like solution for consoles that isn't unified, any multiplatform game wins on the 360. Even with 3 discs.

LCF5355d ago

You can say what ever the Hell you want, just so long as you don't wet yourself. Cause I do believe the short yellow bus wont pick you up with wet pants.

wxer5355d ago

try harder mart

"XBL is the premium online system and PSN"
yes that's why gears of war 5 on 5 lags as sh1t
while 32 multiplayer runs smoothly in killzone2

"any multiplatform game wins on the 360"
this article just proved you wrong


good luck next time

5355d ago
solar5355d ago

im getting tired of owning a ps3 and games continually coming out with only 720p graphics. or hell, even sub HD like CoD. where is my 4D Sony?

wxer5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

"im getting tired of owning a ps3 and games continually coming out with only 720p graphics. or hell, even sub HD like CoD. where is my 4D Sony?"

O RLY ??

halo3:ODST to run at 600P (just pathetic games on my ps2 run better that this)

and Microsoft no longer acquire HD in its games ( so much for a next gen console )

while on the PS3
we still getting full true 1080p and 60fps
in games like GOW3 and GT5
nice fail
you owned your self

im back with some more ownage
a list of PS3 titles that run on full 1080P

All Pro Football 2K7
Blast Factor
Calling All Cars
College Hoops 2K7
The Darkness
Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer
Full Auto 2 Battlines
Harry Potter
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Mesmerize™: Distort
MLB The Show
NBA ‘07
Ninja Gaiden
Pirates of the Carribean
PixelJunk™ Monsters
PixelJunk™ Racers
Street Home Court
Super Stardust HD
Transformers The Movie
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Virtua Fighter 5,
Virtua Tennis 3,
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix,
Ridge Racer 7,

have a good day

Man_of_the_year5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

Funny how you neglect to also mention that Halo 3 uses TWO frame buffers to give lightening unrivaled in any other game to this date. So technically you could argue since the game is using 2 buffers at the same resolution, they are giving you a higher resolution than 640p.


WOW that is a pretty small list compared to ALL the current games on the system which is over 300. So you are saying that PS3 only has 10% of its library in 1080p when SONY said ALL GAMES would be in 1080p.

Way to make SONY look like lying bastards and way to make yourself look like a blind follower.

Atleast MS never claimed ANY or ALL their games would be 1080p.

solar5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

wxer you tool i dont own a 360. so dont tell me about halo 3.

then you are gonna list me a bunch of PSN and sports titles that run in 1080p? really? Harry Potter? effing really??!!

what about KZ2? or InFamous? or LittleBigPlanet? or MotorStorm? exclusives not living up to what im promised with this console. give me a break. stop drinking the Sony kool-aid and demand more.

EDIT: hey suunyd.

my PSN is spraynard. add me. ill accept your friends invite, call you a mentally disabled person, then block you. how does that sound? you 12 year olds are hilarious :) http://forums.n4g.com/tm.as... only got my PSN id 2 years ago.

Sunny_D5355d ago

I know you're a 360 fan acting like a pc fan that owns a ps3. Hmm, just trying to find ways to get blows at the ps3, huh? Lol, unlike panda, he ain't specific when giving the low blow to consoles.

Sunny_D5355d ago

Lol, you think that halo has unrivaled lighting from any other game? Lol, take those glasses off. There's much better games with dynamic lighting that run at a higher resolution, so don't give that excuse. I'm out of here, going to a party peace.

wxer5355d ago


we we're talking about resolution
just read what he said

claiming that the PS3 got no HD games is just stupid
and i proved him wrong
you may got valid points in there but
i countered what he said directly

"SONY said ALL GAMES would be in 1080p"

i honestly never heard of that
can you pls provide a proof ?
but in any way
the PS3 is the only console out there that gives a true full 1080P and can upscale to 1080i
while the 360 just upscale it to 1080i

"Atleast MS never claimed ANY or ALL their games would be 1080p"

yes but Microsoft claimed that the 360 is a true next gen console
but cant run true 1080P and 60 fps at the same time
and still runs on DVD9 and a dead HD-DVD format
that doesn’t look like a next gen console to me

you said that the PS3 didn’t have any true HD games
well ...... there they are
what you got to say now ???
and those games you listed most of them run on 1080i

you are just trying too hard

solar5355d ago

yep, im trying to hard. nothing like having insignificant games come out at that 1080p rez. yawn.

i cant wait to get my copy of COD:MW2 on console....at 600p. the biggest game to come out this year. for all platforms. which is sub HD. RIDGE RAAAAAAAAACER!!!

wxer5355d ago

so now you got owned you talk crap

you say that you dont own a 360 and you own a ps3
yet i see you in almost every time bash on the ps3

im not wasting any more time with you

talltony5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

you are just....SOOO OWNED!!! lmao! you got nothing but to call a 600p game the biggest game to come out this year!

Also just so you know the 360 really doesnt do true 1080p for any games and thats a fact. The 360 is incapable of producing a 1080p image!

solar5355d ago (Edited 5355d ago )

god i love you ppl. make me laugh every time. i got soooo owned. what ever shall i do?


ok, i got up and stretched, walked around the room, pet the cat, grabbed a beer....yep, still owned. wow!! my mind is blown!!

do i have to post a list? seems like everyone who loves the ps3 posts up a list. like what games are gonna propel the ps3 to the top in 2008...or 2009? sorry, im new to this list stuff. help me out!!

Man_of_the_year5354d ago (Edited 5354d ago )

@suunyd - Read what i wrote and read the links. I was talking about resolution but also added as to WHY the resolution was only done at 640 hence where the lighting comment came in. Also please show a link as to the other games that are currently out that have a better lighting engine and better lighting on either console. Since the PS3 in incapable of matching the kind of lighting the 360 can do since the 360 can use the full range of HDR and the PS3 can't (which you can see in many multiplats when compared to the 360, the lighting is clearly better on the 360) then i guess you would be producing a 360 game to compete with Halo 3. http://www.worldclancenter....

@ TallTony - You are wrong. Plain and simple. First off resolution means nothing since gameplay is what matters. Lower resolution doesn't mean a worse game. Was GTA IV any less entertaining on the PS3 as it was on the 360 since the Resolution was lower on the PS3? (360 720 res vs. PS3 630 res http://kotaku.com/385237/gt... No ofcourse not. And side by side you didn't notice the difference either unless someone counted the pixels for ya. And to this day it can be argued that GTA IV, dispite it being at a lower resolution, actually looks a bit better on the PS3. And even though there are a small amount of 360 games that are 1080p on the 360, i can understand how they can be over looked. The FACT of the matter is yes the 360 can produce 1080p images that are not upscaled. Here is a link of the very few 1080p games.


I hope you have learned that the 360 is capable of producing 1080p games, and not upscaled either, and stop with spreading bogus information over the internet.

And Please Please stop with the saying "owned" at people, its so pathetic looking, especially if you yourself get "owned" in the same thread.

jalen2475354d ago

GT5 prologue has the best lighting of any game currently on the market.

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jaidek5355d ago

It is really unfortunate that this game didn't get more press and marketing. The game might not sport cutting edge visuals, but it was still fun to play.

Kiroe5355d ago

wow, suprised that the PS3 version had less tearing than the 360. I still can't believe though with a mandatory install the load times are still that long. Go Blu-Ray!!!

F N A Pepper5355d ago

for the 360 its ok campaign but not a buy, just want to give everyone fair warning, i am not sure what the heck they are talking about with the frame tearing though, i haven't noticed any tearing what so ever. i would have probably bought it for my ps3 but i am an achievement ho along with gamerscore ho.

evildeli5355d ago

This can't be a new release. It looks 2 years old.

jaidek5355d ago

well, it is running on a heavily modified id tech 4 engine, which is a few years old.

ArthurLee5355d ago

Being that old, this game should be $39.99 at the most.

Pixel_Addict5355d ago

Which makes this 'comparison' asinine. Lens of Truth is and always will be a xbox fanboy site. They typically have to nitpick on better developed games, only when a half-assed game like Wolfenstein shows up, they have something to point out.

Kiroe5355d ago

if you are calling them an Xbox 360 fanboy site, I guess Digital Foundry, Eurogamer and all of the tech guys at beyond3d would be fanboys too. Basically any site that does real comparisons would be...because 90% of the time the game is better on the Xbox 360.

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Wolfenstein: Killin’ Nazis Never Gets Old

Sometimes, you want a relatable villain who makes you question your own morality. Other times, you want Frau Engel.

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IamTylerDurden1382d ago

It got old tbh. Machine needed a break from the IP. Indie is a good reprieve.


Best Wolfenstein Games - All the Wolfenstein Games Ranked

BLG writes, "There can be only one best Wolfenstein game. Since the franchise’s debut in 1981, the Wolfenstein series has graced our gaming platforms for over forty years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! In honor of that legacy, we’re going to list some of the best Wolfenstein games and the worst. That’s right: it’s the Wolfenstein games ranked."

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RaidenBlack635d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok635d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

629d ago

MachineGames Proved It Was Worthy Of Wolfenstein By Fixing Bugs For Id Software

Speaking on Wassup Conversations, Matthies told the host that once MachineGames was founded, it didn't have enough money to hire a full development team and pitched around ideas for a while. Eventually, Id Software offered the team a chance to work with their IP, but first, they needed to prove themselves.

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