
PS3 Slim Gains An Early Edge

Jon Shepard of psxextreme writes: Okay, so we've gone through the first weekend with both Sony and Microsoft's competitive consoles coming in at the same price point...and the PS3 Slim has taken the early advantage.

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Dutch Boogie5371d ago

The ball is in Sony's court right now. All they have to do is pick it up and hold on to it until the holiday season rush. They have been pulling the right moves since the announcement of the new ps3 slim and the new price tag has received great response.

The new 3.0 firmware, 80 million ad campaign and GoW 1+2 Classic blu ray Collection are the many great decisions Sony has made so far. If they can continue to push the console further than the competition then they will without a doubt catch up sooner than later.

The AAA exclusive games will also play a big role in the ps3's success. People want games that define a console and can't be played anywhere else. The ps3 has brought forward great franchises such as Resistance 1+2, Heavenly Sword, Rachet and Clanck:TOD, Killzone 2, Infamous, Demons Souls, GT5:P and many more. The list goes on.

The value in the ps3 has always been there but the new price cut further reinforces that for the new adopters. I hope they sell out all over the world cause frankly the more players there are, the more fun there is to have.

Play B3yond!

Jamie Foxx5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

the better machine,better value for money, first party studios creating great new ips and sequels (sony have been out a year less and compare how many new ips they have to their competitors its insane), they just need to advertise although i have seen ps3 adverts now on tv which is encouraging id like to see them at every commercial break.

right now its sonys to lose,they can build on this momentum or not.... quite simple really

josuttis5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

What we are seeing now is not some sort of Sony advantage over Microsoft, but clarity as to what this gen has always been about, Sony and Nintendo.

Microsoft is nothing but an irrelevant sideshow this gen.

There are three distinct groups:

1. The gigantic number of the existing PS2 owners out there who still haven't upgraded to HD TVs and PS3s or just Wiis

2. PS2 owners who made a detour to the Wii before prices came down to pull the trigger on an HD TV and a PS3

3. PS3 owners

The same people who bought the Xbox last gen are buying the Xbox this gen. Almost entirely US and UK Xbox owners. The only thing different about the 360 is the massive numbers of duplicate consoles sold due to the RRoD and other 360 hardware failures. Even with a modest estimate of the number of duplicate 360s sold put the Xbox and Xbox 360 worldwide sales and sales rate almost identical.

The same massive numbers of people who didn't care about the Xbox last gen continue to not care this gen.

The battle going on that matters this gen is for the gigantic group of gamers still waiting to buy a console this gen. And then a smaller battle for how many PS2 defectors to the Wii are going to now leap right back to Sony now that HD TVs are fairly reasonable and the PS3 is now down to the launch price of the PS2.

Dutch Boogie5371d ago

Very true. At the end of the day it all comes down to strong advertising. What's the point of making great games if the consoles can't sell for people to enjoy them.

Sony should take a note out of Microsofts ad book. Let the new price ($299) flash up on the screen at least 5 times and repeat the words games, blu ray and free online. Human beings just love the words free and that's a proven fact.

Jamie Foxx5371d ago

at every oppourtunity you will be surprised how many consumers dont know it plays blu ray movies...this is a major selling point

josuttis5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

Just go back over the past decade in the console market to get a clear picture of how irrelevant Microsoft is to Sony and the PS3.

Sony sold 105 million PS1s with their first entry to the console market.

The Dreamcast came along and almost all of those 105 million Sony gamers didn't show any interest. They waited for the expensive, 'hard to program', 'multiplats look better on the Dreamcast' PS2.

Sony had sold around 18 million or so PS2s when the Xbox launched.

Sony went on to sell another 120 million or so PS2s while those 105 million Sony gamers had the option of defecting and buying an Xbox instead.

They didn't.

The Xbox 360 has been 200 dollars for almost a year now. The price where the PS3 really exploded in sales. That didn't happen for the 360. If Microsoft really was a threat to Sony, there should have been a mass exodus of existing PS2 owners to a 200 dollar Xbox 360.

The Wii is really the only thing in the last decade that has demonstrated an ability to pull significant numbers of Sony gamers away to another console. How many and for how long is yet to be seen.

pharmd5371d ago

just gimme a decent ad campaign and it'll be over!!!

FlatulentGhost5371d ago

"The ball is in Sony's court right now."

Just so everyone is on the same page. Let's remember that the PS3 was outselling the 360 pretty much all of last year at 100 dollars more expensive until the desperation 360 price cut down to 200 dollars.

So the balls been in Sony's court for a long time now. The US being the only region the 360 isn't in last place gives a fairly distorted view of the true state of the current gen. But Sony has already kicked Microsoft into last place in Japan and Europe. And that is before the Slim at $299.

Rigmaster5371d ago

It's not just the fact that the US gives a distorted view of the current gen.

You also have:

* Garbage sites like vgchartz putting out fake sales numbers to try to help the 360 because the little kid who runs the joke of a site is an Xbox fan

* Sony and Nintendo releasing actual sold to consumer numbers while Microsoft continues to play the tired old game of trying to pass of shipped to retailer numbers as actual sold to customer numbers

* And the fact that the 360 launched a year early before this gen started but is continually compared to the PS3 at its higher price point as if the two consoles had been released at the same time.

The actual sales numbers and revenue being reported from publishers being roughly equal is the dose of reality of how good the PS3 is doing and how poorly the 360 is.

Bathyj5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

Im glad someone remembers how desparate M$ was last year before their own price cut. You actually have to hand it to them it was a miraculous turnaround. A price cuts and a couple decent games did wonders for them.

Now the shoes on exactly the other foot. A new price, a new model. We've always wanted to know how the machines would sell if they were the same price.

What Sony need to do now is make a 20G Slim for $199. Can you imagine that. Not a gimped, incapable machine, but fully functional, just less storage. And every Sony ad screwing 199, just like the XB ad's always saying the lowest price for the arcade model. A 2 hundred dollar PS3 would wrap this gen up and be good news for anyone waiting for an XB720, cos it would hurry it up a year or two.

cmrbe5371d ago

You have some good points there and I agree with most of your points but I disagree that MS is not revelent this gen. In the end they will end up at 3rd this gen but what is most important for them is that they have managed to be profitable and be a serious player in the console market come next gen.

I do agree that Sony has nothing to worry. Recent reports indicated that the PS2 is still the most used console. The bulk of PS2 fanbase still haven't migrated. MS have realise this. As you said. Even with a 199 price point for a year and most of PS2 major 3rd party exclusives franchise on the x360. MS have only managed to sell 5 million more units compare to last gen. What must be really frustrating to MS is the fact that unlike last gen, this gen they have a 25 million userbase to rely on with a much diversified game selection this gen. Despite all of these advantage as well as thier 1 year lead they still are not doing that much better compared to last gen. MS knows that the x360 is not registering with the PS fanbase. Now as we can see they have turned their attention to the wii fanbase hoping that natal will register with them. I kinda feel sorry for them. This is the problem when you try to immitate others and not create your own path/vision like sony and nin have done in gaming.

Death5371d ago

Think for a minute. How is it Sony and Nintendo knows when someone buys a console? Does Gamestop call them and tell them? Do all owners register their console? Manufacturers know how many they produce and how many they sell to retail. They can't track sold to customer numbers which is why companies like NPD exist. You are confusing Sony reporing produced numbers on their financial statements to investors in the past. They switched to shipped or sold to retail numbers which is where the confusion lies.


Rigmaster5371d ago

"Think for a minute"

You don't need to 'think'.

Just Fing google it. I don't know how anyone can actually not know this huge change in sales reporting by Nintendo and Sony back in 2006.

josuttis5371d ago

The developer of the biggest third party franchise in all of gaming, Rockstar North, just announced with Sony that their heir to the GTA crown, Agent, is a PS3 exclusive. Not a PC/PS3 release. 100 percent PS3 exclusive.

Microsoft desperately tried to get Metal Gear Solid 4, the most ravenously desired third party exclusive, on the 360 and completely failed. Instead they ended up with some silly Raiden 'action spinoff' title that Kojima isn't even working on.

And we won't even get into Japanese third party exclusives.

Major AAA multiplat exclusives are alive and well this gen and entirely going Sony's way.

Death5371d ago

Have you checked Sony's Financial Statements?

For Fiscal 2005 http://www.sony.net/SonyInf...
"Worldwide Hardware Production Shipments"
"Note: Production shipment units of hardware and software are counted upon shipment of the products from manufacturing bases."

For Fiscal 2009 http://www.sony.net/SonyInf...
"Worldwide Hardware Production Sales"

Sony switched from "Shipment" to "sales" which is the way everyone else counts them on their 10K's or financials for investors. Sales can be tricky. Sony can track how much they sell to retail very easily. What they do not know is how many of those are sold to customers. They can guess based on re-orders, but to get a decent guesstimate they use third party companies like NPD which track their sales along with the competitions. On a 10K, sales refers to shipped/sold to retail.

It amazes me how so many people seen the switch Sony did, but do not realize they were the only ones that reported differently. So yeah, Sony switched and nobody else did since everyone else was doing it the "new" way to begin with.


Nikuma5370d ago

I'm not 100% certain on this, but I'm pretty sure every sale gets recorded when they scan in the systems serial number no?

Death5370d ago

The serial number is recorded to tie that specific console to your receipt. That is how they know you are returning the same product if there is a problem. It is also used for PRPs and other retailer offered warranties. None of this info goes to Sony. If it did they wouldn't need NPD to track sales.


+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5370d ago
wxer5371d ago

good job sony
keep it up

Kill Crow5371d ago

"After the announcement of the PS3 price drop, the NPD predicted we might see a 40-60% sales spike."

Wow, a sales spike that would barely put it on par with the xbox normal sales ... give it a couple months it'll be back to the slow pace of before ..PSLast ....

wxer5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

no one talked to you or said anything about the 360

Mo0eY5371d ago

LOL, it wasn't even officially out, and it dominated.

The end is nigh, bots.

jadnice5371d ago

Jamie Foxx - Correction.
Its not Sony's to lose, its Sony's time to gain and dominate 360 if they continue being aggressive (3rd place is not where PS3 should be). They must, with great AAA titles and improving service, keep the pressure on Microsoft. Its already clear at $299 the PS3 slim is the better value.
November going into Christmas they should lower the price on the PS3 fat to $250 to get all remaining inventory of the shelf and into homes to further boost sales.

Jamie Foxx5371d ago (Edited 5371d ago )

if they are aggressive they can claim 2nd place but ms will put up a fight,then sony can try and battle the wii,sony have the better exclusives, the more first party exclusives,better machine and its hard to see where microsoft are going from 2010 because new 3rd party exclusives are going to be none existant next year and especially in 2011

but i definately agree with you sony should have taken this stance last year because they should not be in 3rd place with the gretaer machine and first party library but perhaps this hiccup is what sony needed to get rid of their arrogance

GamerForever5371d ago

...Sony has a ping pong ball in its court and microsoft have a basketball ball in their court. Now which one would do more damage to a glass window...hmmm lets think for a while here.

PS is gonna fail this generation no matter what they try and do to revieve their business now cause there a bit late.

ZombieAutopsy5371d ago

remember within those ten years theyll start making money off the ps3 and you can bet with the price garunteed to drop at least 2 more times in its life their will be tons of them sold. I see the ps3 selling as many units as the Ps1 or Ps2 before its done with especially because one day (maybe 5 years from now) itll be around 200$ and when u get a blu-ray player/gaming console in one for that price its hard to say no not to mention theyll have an army of exclusives by then.

batterystrength5371d ago

A ping-pong ball packed with Nitro is going to do much more damage than a basketball full of (very) hot air. ;)

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darthv7221h ago

I knew all of those things. I'll add one that many dont know (if you are a hardware person you do). you CAN actually swap bluray drives between systems. The drives themselves are interchangeable but the board that interfaces is not. So anyone who has a dead optical drive can just get a replacement and swap the interface board and be back to reading discs in no time. I've had to do this myself on both a 20gb B01 as well as a 40gb L01 unit.

you can also replace the spinning hdd with an SSD for improved (not life changing) performance as well as quieter and cooler system reliability. The physical spinning drives draw more current and generate heat as a result. Using an SSD means no moving parts and thus will have less current draw and reduced fan noise from not having to spin as much as usual to offset any heat generated by the spinning hdd.

shinoff21833h ago

I never even thought of that. If I can ever track down a reasonable true backward compatibility one the first thing I'll do is ssd it up.

Skuletor14h ago

Took my PS3 out the other week and plugged it in, it has the Red Light of Death. RIP

Knightofelemia12h ago

Still one of my favorite Playstations next to the Playstations that came before it and after it.

shinoff21833h ago(Edited 3h ago)

You missed some great games then. Especially the variety. Ps3 lacked compared to before and after.

It had great games but it lacked compared to every other ps system. The variety went out the window. Game budgets got higher that's when developers stopped taking chances. Indies weren't quite going full speed like the ps4 generation. It's my least favorite of all the Playstation. Also jrpgs disappeared like a mf, there were some but sht compared to previous gens.


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