
Nintendo banning online hackers in The Conduit

Hackers have been a pretty big concern for regular online players in The Conduit. One of the first exploits allowed a user to obtain infinite health/ammo, and that occurred only a few days after the game launch. Unfortunately, things haven't gotten much better since then.

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EvilTwin5397d ago

Good. One of the reasons I put Conduit aside a few weeks ago is because of people who I was putting five or six head shots on who klled me with one.

It was tolerable until I got to the gold triangle ranking. Once your rank is high enough, you end up playing with a lot of the cheaters (who got their high rankings by hacking).


Splatoon 2 Shows Off What Wii Shooters Should Have Been

There’s a consensus about Splatoon 1 that cannot be disputed: motion controls are the way to play. The Wii U Gamepad had its many problems on the system as a whole, but along with the way in which the touch screen was implemented in the first game like I mentioned in my last piece, using the Gamepad’s gyroscope was deemed a superior way to play compared to traditional joystick control.

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Great Games Of Last Generation: The Conduit

Rustyshell.com: The Conduit strived to be the quality FPS experience Wii owners were missing out on, with quality graphics and a robust online multiplayer component.

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The Bin: The Conduit

Hardcore Gamer: The Conduit was an interesting first-person shooter that sneaked its way onto the Wii amid a deluge of shovelware and "family" games.

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