
Ghostbusters PS3 resolution fixed

Mike Jackson from CVG writes:

"A patch for the PS3 version of Ghostbusters has just been release, most significantly increasing the games resolution to match that of the 360, following the internet uproar. Making all that noise seemed to work.

Here's the official word..."

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Stryfeno25363d ago

Lol...So Lens of Truth was right.

AssassinHD5363d ago

A broken watch is right twice a day.

54percent5363d ago

Oh dear, they can fix the PS3 but not me *sniff*

Stryfeno25363d ago

Hahahaaa...Look at all the disagrees. I'm see the droids are still in denial. Enjoy your patch suckers. LMAO.

jack_burt0n5363d ago

Wow thats impressive. still pretty shocking the trophies were broke but i will pick this up now.

kapedkrusader5363d ago

...after originally claiming to lead the game on the PS3 and take advantage of the cell and then giving us PS3 owners a game that looked worse the the 360 version. Man, that was a kick in the balls. I'm still a bit bitter and unimpressed with the demo. I'll pick this game up at the bargain bin.

jack_burt0n5363d ago

I agree but some things were blown out of proportion there was less screentearing on ps3 and the physics were better, it was also in dev for such a long time doubt they could have started on ps3. The low rez textures were pretty poor but as you said its worth £20 :)

Gamertags5363d ago

That is how most games are. Generally better on the 360. You should know that by now mate.

nycredude5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )


Don't listen to any of these idiots. There were some difference in the two versions. Some good some bad but unless you plan on playing both next to each other to compare you won't notice.

If you are a Ghostbusters fan this game is as good as it gets and is complete fan service. By it and play it and enjoy.

@gamertags Nice try trolling. It's not 2007 anymore. Multiplats are pretty even now with small difference that, if you notice, then you are playing the game wrong. I play games to enjoy them irregardless of what console it's on, not to pick out all the minor differences in different versions.

Sarcasm5363d ago

Interesting, I didn't know resolution can be increased via patch.

raztad5363d ago


That's no longer true. Recent games are more or less identical, sometimes the xbox get the "edge" but to the naked eye that "edge" is nonexistent. Batman:AA is a proof multiplat games (even using UE3 engine) can excel on the PS3.

I need to acknowledge third party developers hard work to learn the Ps3 hardware. PS3 arch is definitely harder to develop for, but I think they are getting familiar with it.

Good to know Ghostbusters visuals are getting improved. Probably devels didnt have enough time/know-how to push the PS3 hard enough.

Ju5363d ago

@Sarcasm The assets might have been the same on the disk, but they could for example rework the memory handling completely to free up the space to increase the back buffer size and thus increase the overall resolution. That's just code and does not really affect the data, thus possible to patch.

lordgodalming5363d ago

Already beaten this twice. Now I've got a reason for a third go.

Honestly, I didn't see this coming. I don't know why the graphical and trophy problems were there to begin with, but I'll give some props to the developers for owning up to it and fixing their blunders.

chewmandinga5363d ago

whats wrong with the trophies like?

joydestroy5363d ago

thank you thank you thank you!!! i will be picking this up now as well.

Carl14125363d ago

I didn't think there was that much wrong with the graphics in the first place to be honest, but good to know that Terminal Reality and Atari can admit they made a mistake and do something about it.

Fixing the trophies is good though finally i can get the last few i need :)

Ri0tSquad5363d ago

Had no idea this was possible.

Anon19745363d ago

I've currently playing through it on my PS3 and I was having a blast. If you're a Ghostbusters fan, you owe it to yourself to give this game a try.

As for all the noise about resolution and what not, I didn't pay much attention to that. The game played great, looked good and the dialog has been spot on. Never had any freezing issues yet.

When I looked at buying this game, I saw all the fuss that was being made by a couple of sites, but overall reviewers were saying at was excellent. Just check the metacritic scores. Those reviewers didn't play some other game, they obviously thought that the game was worth your money even if one version did have a lower resolution. I'll take reviewers opinion's of Lens of Truth comparisons any day. Just because one version might have some shadows or something that stand out versus the other version, that in no way is going to affect my enjoyment of a title.

And now it's fixed. Issue resolved. Do you think LOT will do another comparison now?

lokiroo4205363d ago

I wonder if sony stepped in and had a talk with them?

IdleLeeSiuLung5363d ago

All that noise finally did the work, but this shouldn't have happened in the first place, but at least terminal reality came clean and fixed it.

Other companies would probably just leave it as is....

CrazedFiend5363d ago

Why did they purposely release a substandard multi-plat game on the PS3 when the OBVIOUSLY had the ability and know-how to make the games more equal


how many other developers have done this in the past and not been corrected?

It's not the PS3 making the PS3 look bad. There's just been a whole lot of lazy going around.

PS3PCFTW5363d ago

pack it in the coffin and throw it in the dumpster. 54% ;D

Jaces5363d ago

I'm sure to get this, after a nice price drop.

Good to see them at the very least fix the resolution.

TheReaper425362d ago

Lesson learned here is..

If we yell loud enough, they'll get things fixed. In this case, lots of internet uproar.

vhero5362d ago

Making noise probably didnt do anything people were just too impatient and jumped on the ps3 hate wagon as usual.

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archemides5185363d ago

MAN like i even have the SPACE to install this again

PhDInParapsychology5363d ago

What about a patch for the 360 version??????? I need my last 2 achievements!

lordgodalming5363d ago

The 360 patch arrived nearly two weeks ago. I don't know exactly what issues it fixed.


Pennywise5363d ago

Just another reason to not buy/play game at launch. I am really reconsidering when I buy games. Patches get released to improve games about a month or two after release.

Sarcasm5363d ago

And some games end up being cheaper or have some kind of special.

ElementX5363d ago (Edited 5363d ago )

What about the PS3? Sony "fixed" the price and made "cosmetic" changes after a product launch. Plus they get Firmware updates every couple of months. Why not wait until the PS3 is perfect before buying one?

I could mention 360 but it doesn't have any cosmetic changes, only a lower price and it still needs improvements because they get RROD.

See the sense of that logic?

sure disagree, I know consoles are different than games, however I was
just giving an example.

Well you buy a PS3 right off the bat then they bring back rumble. You got to play the games since launch, but you missed out on rumble, it was still a great experience.

With games, you buy them right away, have fun playing them, and after a patch comes out, it makes the game better so you play again with all the improvements. There's no need to wait until patches come out. Only exception would be SOCOM :)

You buy a game/console right away, you get all the benefits and fun you get from them without having to wait. When firmware/patches come out, they improve things, but you had the first chance to play

Sarcasm5363d ago

It's obviously different for a games console. But the concept still somewhat applies.

People buying a PS3 today vs three years ago, sure are lucky. An entire back catalog of games and hard hitting new ones just around the corner.

There comes a certain point where waiting too long is pointless.

So I don't know what you're getting at ElementX.

And we were talking about games, that's all. Kinda like how I wish I didn't buy Battlefield BC for $60 when today it's $15-$20 everywhere.

I also bought Mass Effect for $15 last week, a two year old game, but still ended up amazing the heck out of me.

If a game is quality, it won't matter when you buy it (unless it's 15 years and there's a PS5 out) but talking realistically here.

My point? Don't buy everything you want right away.

Pennywise5363d ago

Element X - everything gets cheaper over time. Sony's PS3 model was A-Ok, but they still gave us the slim.

MS has a console with an absurd failure rate, yet they dont revise the model to fix this. They just made it cheaper. So I dont know why you are calling Sony out.

I am just saying, game experiences improve with patches and with the way devs think it is okay to release an unfinished product makes it hard to justify a full price tag on day one when 90% of the time you can expect a patch.

And you wonder why people disagree with you.

Sarcasm5363d ago

"I am just saying, game experiences improve with patches and with the way devs think it is okay to release an unfinished product makes it hard to justify a full price tag on day one when 90% of the time you can expect a patch."

Amen to that Pennywise. This is one of the negative things to come out of this generation from all different developers.

I work in a high pressure environment. If we have a probe card that is a priority 1, it doesn't matter to the managers or executives if it still needs 24 hours to fix. They want it out by midnight, and unfortunately we rush it out by midnight.

Then a month or two later, that same probe card gets returned for service.

I blame it on the executives and company's sales representative for making promises the company cant keep.

I'd imagine the video game publishers are the same.

"We want Ghostbusters launched by this date."
"But sir, our QA team still have a long way to go"
"Just patch it later!!!"

Sarcasm5363d ago

Ok you're point is a bit more clear now Element.

Basically the initial enjoyment is worth the admission.

And yes I agree. I have no buyer's remorse for paying full price for games like Killzone 2, COD4, Gears 1, Uncharted etc. etc.

But my point is, if you can get the same game cheaper. It's all the more sweeter. Just like my Mass Effect deal.

ElementX5363d ago

Sorry I had initial problems articulating ;)

ChozenWoan5363d ago

an actual discussion on N4G that didn't end up in flames! O.O

Bubs to all.

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