
Microsoft previews new controller

Microsoft has allowed the public to get their hands on its new hands-free games controller for the first time.

The US firm showed off the "Natal" technology, designed for use with its Xbox 360 console, at the European games convention gamescom in Germany.

The controller uses a microphone combined with visual and infrared cameras to control the onscreen action.

It was first unveiled at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles in June this year, but had not been on public display until now.

Kudo Tsunoda, Xbox 360's general manager and creative director of Natal, said that as consoles evolved from being a dedicated games machine into "living room entertainment", it was important to develop a new control interface.

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Gamer_Politics5402d ago

Natal will be huge in the mainstream market with all its support

PS3PCFTW5402d ago

n64 rampak

on the flipside, microsoft can manipulate the numbers and create the illusion that their products are doing quite well. Theyve done it with hddvd, the zune, and of course the 360.

the problem is, who will believe what msft says anymore ?

ActionBastard5402d ago

I'd agree if it weren't for the Wii and the 360 not really being a "mainstream" console. It's trying, don't get me wrong, but that doesn't necessarily mean success...or that people will even care. Natal's approach is respectable and I am glad it exists, but personally speaking, I JUST warmed up to my Wii (Thanks Punch-Out! and SMG). To now think about expression and gesture/motion control is kinda off putting. Nothing they've shown has really been that impressive (excluding Milo), so right now I'm betting on the guys copying Nintendo more directly (Sony). Why? It opens their library up to a plethora of 3rd party Wii games that could pop on the PS3 (De Blob, Zak and Wiki, Mad World, Red Steel 2, yadda, yadda, yadda). Natal is a niche in a niche right now.

Saaking5402d ago

Why is it going to be huge? If it's too expensive casuals will not buy it. It has to be around 49.99 bundles with some minigames to sell and MS it's been rumored it might cost up to $199. If that's true the Casuals it's targeted at will not pay attention. So again, why will Natal be so huge when it's got limited uses and a high price?

Montrealien5402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

forget the bundle, expect a total media blitz and relaunch of the 360, something along the lines of what Nintendo did with the gamecube when they relaunched it.

and btw, how many no hands "hands on" will we be reading as this Natal thing picks up steam? lol

SoulBrotha32925402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

Natal is the next big thing in gaming..n every1 is acting like burnout n tht dodgeball game is the only games out for Natal.. There will be more for th casual, hardcore gamers. N for the cost..MS loves the customers and will make it bundle for maybe $300. Seperate maybe $150..Natal is controller free gaming..IS THT NOT THE FUTURE OR A STEP IN THE NEXT GEN..I bet if this was sonys idea..the sony fans would be doing the same thing as the xbox 360 fans ar doing..right or wrong?

P.S give a brotha some bubbles lol

Saaking5402d ago

Yes, if MS know anything it's how to advertise; however, if I don't see Natal being as big as you expect. Too many factors and besides, the 360 is seen as a hardcore console by casuals. When you think Xbox you think Halo and Gears not Viva Pinata and Natal. There are too many things going against Natal for it to be as successful as MS hopes.

Montrealien5402d ago

I work on the retail side of gaming an have dealt with thousands of videogame customers in the past few years and I can tell you one thing, the people that shop for games and the people that talk about them online in gaming forums and sites like N4G could not be any more different.

So for every person that thinks of Halo or Gears when they think of the Xbox brand, there are 4 that dont give a f*ck and are just looking for a good game and if the Xbox is rebranded succesfully, Halo and gears will just be part of the whole Xbox equation.

JokesOnYou5402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

I swear n4g is like an alternate reality, most of what is said on here either does not apply to the majority of gamers or sounds like its backwards compared to what reality is day to day.

Natal is very interesting....everyone who's had hands on with it came away impressed. Theres alot of potential there and not just for casual games, which frankly I'm not interested in, but if they could intergrate it in a intuitive way for a AAA title sort of like Mass Efffect 3 with a cool touchscreen heads up display that would be the shiii, like something right out of a movie.= The whole concept of Natal seems to invite alot of creative ideas that we've all thought of before but could never do with a standard controller alone, this is why I think Natal gets so much attention, its sparked alot of interest even on non-gaming related networks like CNN, and late night talk shows, of course that also means that it will be hated on twice as much by the sony fanatics as you see above/below. lol


DevastationEve5402d ago

Oh lookie! It's the ps3 fanboy jihadists taking the time to express their disdain for all things Microsoft.

Jeez guys, once again you're fighting a war that I remember being stupid 4 years ago when it started!

Anyway, it just goes to show you how much they fear Natal.

But fanboys are sooo short-sighted! It's good for the industry. If it wasn't then ps3 and wii were wrong for trying.

dcbronco5401d ago

Natal is capable of everything the Wii is and more. Have you actually watched the 3DV Systems video of the camera before Microsoft came along.

LizardLicker5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )

Why would anyone think someone is afraid of natal?

Personally, I don't see anything revolutionary in natal everything they are presenting has been done in past one way or another, nothing new for gaming.

Ok maybe I'm controller type of person but why "use your whole body for virtual ping-pong" if you can play real ping pong, or using your whole body for fps to stand in place turning around holding imaginary gun and looking dumb if you can just go and play paintball or airsoft. I really don't get it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5401d ago
wxer5402d ago

now thats big



divideby05402d ago

as excited as I am for the Natal tek, it will be like our Wii...
used for noncompetitve gamming and used when a crowd comes over for some yuks.
sure it will be fun navagating through menus without a controller and playing a RPG, but for online shooters and sport games it will not be used

Saaking5402d ago

Natal has too many problems to be as successful as MS hopes.

1. At this point it lags too much. Sony knew this and that's why they decided to add controllers. MS can't add controller otherwise it would defeat the purpose of the controller-LESS experience.

2. MS said this was going to be expensive so don't expect it to be less than $99. Tell me, what casual would buy something that expensive? Casuals are natal's target so it should be priced like the PSeye.

3. Limited game: Natal is limited to very few genres and most of them are just casual mini-games. A lot of the stuff you guys hope for (Interacting with NPCs in RPGs) is still too advanced right now and it probably won't happen till next gen.

4. Third Party Support: For a peripheral such as this companies have to rely on their first party support. MS has very LITTLE first party so they can't compete with the amount of games Sony can output. I doubt third party devs are just going to jump on with Natal and PS Motion. Both Sony and MS have to rely on first party. And why the hell does that guy wear sunglasses indoor? Makes him look like an idiot.

That's some basic problems with Natal that I see. I don't understand why you guys think it'll be this Big hit. Sure, with proper advertisement it'll sell Well, but it won't have a big an impact as you think.

NaiNaiNai5402d ago

but the new playstation Eyetoy will succeed right?

N4G king5401d ago (Edited 5401d ago )


the playstation eye and the playstation eye toy
is not new
those has been around the since ps2 days

you might be talking about the wand


its not a big deal

sony is just making the wand
to expand the PSeye experience

but Microsoft is depending on natal to win this gen over the wii

so the wand is just another peripheral added to an old thing that the playsatiton already have

but natal is a big thing for Microsoft to win this gen
i mean they are trying......right ?

Sev5402d ago

I personally think Natal is going to fail hard. That's not me being a fanboy. I should be receiving my Xbox 360 next week.

Xbox 360 has been for the hardcore gamer, and now they are switching gears to bring in the casual consumer. I don't think the casual market will ever look at the Xbox 360 as casual. Because of this, I don't see people running to get Natal anytime soon for casual use. Especially because everyone knows Wii is the way to go for casual play.

Montrealien5402d ago

yeah, kinda like the PS3 right? I guess the PS3 and the 360 will be fighting for second place for many many years. Nintendo have officially reclaimed the gaming throne.

With that said, I respect Microsoft's effort though, they have been giving it all they got since they launched of the Xbox. Attacking the xasual market like I think they will be doing in the next year or so is a testement to that. In the end all this really means to all of us is that 3 great home consoles will be fighting for our dollars and that way we will all win. What a great time to be a gamer, so much choice.

Saaking5402d ago

I agree. I don't see why Natal is supposed to be huge yet PS3 motion controls are totally forgotten. I'd rather MS focuses on one thing. Right now there's not that many upcoming exclusives even for the hardcore gamer and I don't like that. And, even though they lack games for the core, they still decide to focus on the casuals instead of working on new IPs. The casual market belongs to Nintendo and neither MS nor Sony will take that.

Cajun Chicken5402d ago

I really don't see how they'll implement Natal for real gamers, it'll be for casuals like the demos in E3, not a bad thing, but depends HOW casual the games will be.
I'll be amazed to see what they come up with though if developers do make real games for it, but I prefer having something physically in my hands which is why I'm more favorable to the potential of the PS Motion controls, especially the way they suggested to use the wand possibly in games like Ratchet and Clank and Sony have been hinting the wands are for gamers.

Milo doesn't amaze me either, it just seems to be an enhancement to Eliza ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... ) and probably works in a very similar way with gathered information also, Eyepet is already doing the drawing and taking the image into the TV part which was the real wow factor for Milo for me.

thor5402d ago

It's not just that - there are numerous reasons why Natal and the new Sony controller will fail to capture the masses' attentions.

- Lack of developer support. It's just like the PS3's sixaxis - a few games will be made exclusively for it (Super Rub-a-Dub), but the rest that do support it will have tacked-on motion sensing. (Have you TRIED playing Motorstorm or Wipeout with motion controls?) The Wii has pretty much EVERY game with motion sensing, because there is no choice, whereas with the 360 there is that option so who'd design their serious game around a gimmick nobody will want to use?
- It doesn't come with the system. No matter if they bundle it - if they do they are effectively launching a seperate system. Furthermore, the market for Natal is limited by the number of people who have 360s. When the Wii launched, you bought a Wii, played Wii sports, had fun. Now you're buying into a 360 and a peripheral. Guitar Hero may be popular as well - but it's not as popular as the Wii itself.
- It won't live up to expectations. We've all seen the infamous Milo demo - apparently Microsoft has managed to engineer an AI so advanced it has jumped decades ahead of anybody else. Well, actually no. Milo has been mocapped and had his voice recorded by an actor. The "intelligence" he has will be little more than "press this button, he does this" only in a gesture-based way. It certainly won't suit every purpose. As much as they want to advertise it as being able to play burnout, I can't see anyone in their right mind using it for that. If the controller is available, for 99% of applications it'll be the better option.
- Wii came first. I'm pretty sure that everybody's played a Wii by now. The initial delight of playing it wears off after a while and you're then looking for more traditional qualities in games that you play. Longetivity, depth, ease of use. Wii sports has none of these and is relegated to the status of party game that you get out only occasionally.
- I already have a motion-sensing controller. It manages to detect even very subtle movements, even in my fingertips! It's so advanced, that rather than having to move my WHOLE ARM in a ridiculous motion to get it to realise I'm trying to accelerate, I need only adjust the position of my finger slightly. Yes, that's right, it's a regular controller with buttons. In essence, all the code, technology, smoke and mirrors of Natal is doing is transforming a certain action that I perform into a virtual button press - yes or no - I've done it, or I haven't. When it does actually take my actions in an analogue way, I could have achieved virtually the same thing using an analogue stick or a mouse. So it's unneeded for most genres of games that we play.

JokesOnYou5402d ago (Edited 5402d ago )

Especially about developer support, but wouldn't you agree that everything you just said boils down to >>IF<< micro+developer can actually make a game that truly shows off some groundbreaking gameplay for a AAA game that hardcore and casual gamers alike can enjoy. Its certainly possible imo, but will they is the question, or will they just push out a bunch of uninspired casual gimmicky type games? I don't know. Also since Natal debuted at E3 some notable devs have expressed interest and according to some they've already been working on projects/games.

Personally I just can't wait to see the first couple of launch games with Natal, then I will know for myself Natal will offer something I'm interested in= Add new life into hardcore games, if its the casual BS, then I'll ignore it just like I ignore the wii. (btw I consider myself a gamer, not just hardcore, I like all kinds of games, just not a big fan of the wii shovelware, imo of course)


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Kinect Technical Specifications & Xbox 360 Requirements Revealed

The most notable reveal would perhaps by the requirements of the Xbox 360 console itself. While Microsoft has insisted since the original unveiling of Kinect at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in 2009, then known as Project NATAL, that the device would be compatible with all Xbox 360 consoles, the revelation of a dedicated port included on the newly redesigned Xbox 360 model has sparked rumours of incompatibility, which were quickly debunked.

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5091d ago Replies(12)
lzim5091d ago

odd, i was led to believe it lacked an internal processor and so also needed a core to itself, if not 1-2 processing threads.

Wikkid6665091d ago

The article says nothing about whether the processor is internal or it uses the 360s.

darthv725090d ago

Also, the notion of a dedicated port really lends nothing to the idea of older units being incompatible. I believe the kinect port is a custom usb port (think the original xbox controller ports) but one that will feed power and data.

Older models will require a splitter that will run off a single usb port (prob the back one) that will work for the data but not the power. That is why they keep saying it will have an external power for those systems.

As for the processor, combo of both makes sense. Using 360 cpu/gpu power to help calculate the finished product on screen along with the cpu in the kinect.

Remember people...this is not a cheap usb web cam (like the original live vision).

Inside_out5091d ago (Edited 5091d ago )

They say they are using 10-15% of one 360 P4 cores. I know that the Kinect we see today is a watered down version of the patented tech they bought and own. Maybe one day the " real " tech will be cost effective. It still is very impressive tech even without a super computer running it.

wicked5091d ago

No, the previous artical said they removed a processor, but I would guess that it had more than 1 to start with. So it will have some form of processor still within it. Arm9 or Cortex M3, all dirt cheap now but powerful.

IdleLeeSiuLung5091d ago

Does it matter? They showed Forza Kinect that looked amazing working with Kinect real time!

callahan095091d ago

Are you just talking about how the graphics are able to look amazing while working with Kinect? If that's what you're talking about, ok. The game itself, though, well... I think I'll stick with the real Forza, with an Xbox 360 control pad. The limited-control Kinect Forza they showed doesn't look like it's worth any attention, in my opinion. Why would anyone want to control a car like that, with hands held out and holding onto nothing, with no control over acceleration or braking? Just seems totally pointless to me.

CrawFail5091d ago

lol real time? I don't quite think it was real time.

Bigpappy5090d ago

You guy know that the motion tech is from prime sense right? Please go to their web site primesense.com,and have a look at what they say the tech can do. It can read fingers well enough to type with each finger and can be used while sitting. No one ever said it has to scan the entire body to work. What we have seen from kinect so far is not all it is capable of.

Reading these specs and trying to compare them to PSeye is pointless, because they are different types of cameras and provide completely differnt types of info to the consoles (Kinect is a 3D camera and provides 3D images. PSeye is a 2D camera and provides 2D images). Per Primsense, the camera is capable of providing video at 60fps, but the 3D is 30fps. The specs for 2 players active is for full body scans. There are no specs given for people sitting and just using their hands.

This tech is obviously a work in progress and has yet to be fleshed out. I suggest all you N4G Kinect experts, research before you post you doom and gloom so you atleast have solid facts for you skepticism. You can also relax and see what M$ does with the tech insteat of pretending to know more that the people developing the tech.

IdleLeeSiuLung5089d ago

The game was available for people to try on the show floor at E3 so yes it was real time. Wetter you like it for Forza or not wasn't my point.

That is up to the developer to figure out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5089d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5089d ago
Apolloeye5091d ago

So pretty much the same spec as the PS Eye, although I thought the eye went up to 120 Hertz...

Theonik5091d ago

The eye goes to 60Hz i think. Regardless the eye should be capable to do any Kinect shown so far with less lag. (they revolve on a 2D axis and only use the depth tracking to separate players.) I am really disappointed by the tech and how it is utilised thus far.

shoddy5091d ago

More or less powerful we need to see the product.
So far it seem the pseye can do anything kinect can do.
2d 3d I not yet see the advantage.

IHateYouFanboys5090d ago

no, the PSEye cannot do 3D tracking. Kinect can.

the PSEye does 2D motion recognition, Kinect does 3D motion tracking. they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things.

Sheikh Yerbouti5090d ago

Going from alkaline to lithium was a significant step for batteries, but at the end of the day it is just a battery. PSEye and Kinect are kind of the same way. At the end of the day it is a game camera - with camera games.

IHateYouFanboys5090d ago

@Sheikh Yerbouti: your example is not really on the same scale of difference as PSEye/Kinect.

a better example using batteries would be the jump from standard batteries to rechargable batteries. theyre both doing the same thing - being batteries - but one of them does things that the other one cannot possibly do, which is be recharged and used again. it does everything the standard battery does, and more.

Kinect does everything the PSEye does (2D motion recognition), and more (3D motion tracking). no amount of software updates can change the hardware in the PSEye, and the hardware is not capable of 3D motion tracking as it lacks infra-red.

IaMs125090d ago

Yes i see your point but how you guys feel about the PS3 can be said the same way.

The PS3 may produce better graphics and be more powerful then the Xbox360, but by the end of they day its still only a console. Also inferior to PC :)

PirosThe4th5090d ago

... PSeye can do 3d as you say... even eyetoy... they used shadows and other stuff to recognize it.
Move is also 3d...

Sheikh Yerbouti5090d ago

Lithium batteries are rechargeable batteries.

Kinect isn't a true 3D camera - it can't render a picture of your butt if you are always facing front. It makes an approximate 3D model using visual cues. The PSEye can do the same, although it will be cruder.

Plus, just because the technology is different, doesn't necessarily mean gameplay will be.

Yes, you're right. Similarly Kinect will have some good games, different from PSEye, only if Microsoft makes them. But they haven't made games too different from the PSEye.

Theonik5090d ago

Which is what i meant from the start. None of the games they have shown so far could not have been on the PS Eye.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5090d ago
Xwow20085091d ago

"Tracks up to 6 people, including 2 active players"
I think now its official that just 2 ppl can play at the same time.

Godmars2905090d ago

Love that you're quoting something and you're getting disagrees.

Sheikh Yerbouti5090d ago (Edited 5090d ago )

Only room for two anyway when you think about it...
but it can keep track of six people during a game in regards to facial recognition. I think that's impressive.

I would love to have Kinect built into my laptop, so only I can get in even without a password. Why is Microsoft wasting this on the XBox again?

Ilikegames765090d ago

still couldn't play it sitting down. Honestly, some guys are so easily impressed by copy cat technology.

blackpanther255090d ago

i was at the engadget show and kudo showed its 3d tracking and when two people where on screen......one person would be red while the other would be green.......but as soon as a third person steped into the camera view two people automatically turned gray and it couldnt read their movements well.

what i took away from that event is that the kinect is pretty kool but for right now it can only work with two people(they could still be working on it)

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Kinect Re-Appears on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon & Miranda Cosgrove

Xbox Evolved:

"Microsoft is holding no breaks in making sure the general public knows all about Kinect. What cooler spot to also show it than with Jimmy Fallon? "

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Coded-Dude5098d ago

although i usually watch fallon. i'll have to catch an internet clip of it later.

ProA0075098d ago

it's nothing you have to see. trust me. zzzzzzz

tokoshix5098d ago

I'm sure it's just the usual marketing stuff, so nothing really interesting. Pretty much learned everything about the device at E3.

Tony P5098d ago

The more I see this targeted at non-gamers, the sadder I get.

I want a Kinect game I can be *proud* to own as a gamer. One day.

sonarus5098d ago

I saw it full of lag. The girls was standing there and her character just started twitching out of control.

Plus you can clearly see the game is full of Lag. Regardless though i don't care...its a piece of tech directed to casual gamers so kudos to MS for this. Unfortunately i don't fall into the casual crowd so this does not interest me one bit.

What does interest me though is a cheaper 360 slim with a hard drive and wifi capablities for 50 or maybe 100 bucks cheaper

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5098d ago
Blaze9295098d ago

was pretty funny. same demos they showed at E3 though. Nothing new. But they sure are marketing it quick.

AridSpider5098d ago

Yeah they did the same thing the day after they announced Natal last year with Good Morning America and Fallon back when it was called Natal. No doubt this thing will sell I suspect. Will it succeed technically though is the question

ProA0075098d ago

well they did say they are launching this like the launch of a new xbox.

AridSpider5098d ago

Well they price has not been 'confirmed' yet by anyone....

AridSpider5098d ago

wow first that girl's co-worker hosts the Kinect event and now she's her playing it. I see the audience Microsoft is definitely going after with Bieber, Cosgrove and McCurdy - teenage pop audiences.

Cueil5098d ago

it's that female crowd that they would love to hook into...

JasonXE5098d ago

She's kind of hot.


Boring show.

SpaceSquirrel5098d ago

Interesting. They did the same last year as well.

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Hey Microsoft, Where Are The Core Games For Kinect?

Meodia writes, "So about a year ago when Project Natal was first starting off, many Xbox 360 and even other gamers were worried about the future of their console. A local shovelware dumping ground didn't sound quite appealing and Natal looked like it would serve extra servings of it. But Microsoft reassured us, holding our hands and telling us that everything would be alright. Since then, nothing has changed. After that "conference" at E3, we were shown nothing but how to please little girls."

xHarvey5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Kinectimals. Raising a tiger isn't hardcore? lol

ipwnall5102d ago

Bubbles to you sir.

I'm extremely aggravated about this Kinect business. I mean, look at the image in the article. Those are the games for Kinect's future. Do we want to be playing those?

B-Real2065102d ago

They told you to wait till gamescom and now you will wait.

005102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

But you won't be when that tiger mauls you.

ShinMaster5102d ago

"Wait till E3" they said.
Well E3 has come and this is the result.

Moonboots5102d ago

LOL! +bub for funny on that one!

PS: I love you Skittles! Don't eat me!!!!

BiggCMan5102d ago Show
HolyOrangeCows5102d ago

"Wait until E3"
"Wait until Gamescon"
"Wait until release"
"Wait until next E3"
"Wait until...."

So if we want core games, the best option is the waiting game?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
Alcon Caper5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

hey ms remember this list from tgs 09?

Activision Blizzard, Bethesda Softworks, Capcom Co. Ltd, Disney Interactive, Electronic Arts, Konami, MTV Games, Namco Bandai, Sega, Square Enix, THQ Inc. and Ubisoft


Imperator5102d ago

Behind closed doors being shown to paid celebrities who could care less about gaming.... if there's even any at all.

Mr Logic5102d ago

It needs buttons. There is only a limited a limited amount of things you can accomplish through gesture recognition.

Inane_Asylum5102d ago

I heard Kevin Butler say buttons existed in the future...

...I believe him...

Moonboots5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Obviously Kinect is a casual device designed for those gamers first and foremost and that is the message MS wanted to send at E3 much to the angst of the core. And they have been saying all year that is what to expect.

I am going to give it some time because I don't think MS are going to ignore their core for long. And in the mean time enjoy my controller on games like Gears 3, Reach, Fable 3, Kingdoms, Black Ops, etc etc on the 360.. Not even going to mention my plate for the other systems I own.. There is just no time to play it all. (heaven?)

Redempteur5102d ago

Don't you see ? hardcore games are coming ..just now they annonced .. BURGER KING !!


neverming .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5102d ago
Arnon5102d ago

It's funny because after the Microsoft conference, we actually saw some. In fact, I'm surprised that they showed off the shovelware they did, and then an hour later Sonic Freedom Riders and Child of Eden were shown off and completely destroyed what Microsoft displayed.

Imperator5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Child of Eden is a multiplat, and do you have any gameplay vids of Sonic (I honestly want to see how it works).

@Orange Juice, Ah, I see. Looks kinda simple though. wouldn't really call it a core game.

@Arnon, if that's the case then Kinect really does have the edge in that game... but that's just one game. MS needs to show a LOT more.

Orange Juice5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )


There you go

EDIT Now that I watch the gameplay closely its most likely a game for kids. I couldnt see an adult "hardcore" gamer playing this game for an extended period of time.

Erotic Sheep5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Eyetoy Antigrav says hi..

Arnon5102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Child of Eden is multiplat, but it's exclusive to Kinect in regards to motion controls. The developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi does not have a dev kit for Move.


HaVoK3085102d ago

If core gamers are anything like me they could careless about them.

pimpmaster5102d ago

gotta agree, MS is exactly like nintendo 2 years ago. hey, what ever happened to that dumb ass vitality sensor.

gynecologistcobra5102d ago

Like Nintendo two years ago? As in, raking up a fuck ton of cash?

pimpmaster5102d ago

as in having nothing to offer for the hardcore audience. and only for casuals

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