
Mygamer: Tales of Monkey Island Review

Monkey Island is an amazing purchase. From the spot on comic humor, to the amazing voice acting, everything adds up to a worthy investment. For those that played the old games, there are enough in jokes to make this game feel like the long lost continuation of a beloved series, and for those new they are downplayed enough that you won't feel like anything is going over your head. Although the single choice pricing structure on this release is a little odd it is still worth every cent, as long as the other games hold up to this amazing standard.


A Look Back: Tales of Monkey Island Episode 1 (PC) Review [Triple Entente Radio]

Dan McKenney – Back in the day, LucasArts's Monkey Island games were distinctly known for their charm, wit, and graphics. When the genre began to slow down and its popularity decreased, so did the production of Monkey Island games, with the latest entry in the series being released back in 2000. However, with Telltale's recent revival of the point-and-click adventure games, LucasArts has decided that perhaps it's time to bring back Monkey Island, and give Telltale the reigns to create a five-episode Monkey Island adventure series. So, will playing Episode One be like finding buried treasure, or should Telltale walk the plank? Read on to find out.

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El33tonline Review: Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal

El33tonline writes:

"Tales of Monkey Island is divided into five chapters, each continuing the story from the previous chapter and each perfect to play in one sitting of between two to four hours. The first episode is titled ‘The Launch of the Screaming Narwhal’ and sees Guybrush Threepwood, the famous Mighty Pirate, facing his arch nemesis, the evil demon pirate Le Chuck, once again. Threepwood is seeking to rid the world of Le Chuck for good and save his wife Elaine, who has become Le Chuck’s hostage."

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