
Star Wars Galaxies Update 12 Patch Notes Released

While attention might be shifting towards Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Galaxies is still going strong and SOE yesterday released an extensive set of patch notes for Update 12, focusing primarily on Engineering Traders. These include an obscene number of new droids for you to play with. Some are now craftable by Engineers, there are droids for battle and some (but not all) even have decals, allowing you to change how your mechanical companions will look.

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Star Wars Galaxies Legends Celebrates 8 Glorious Years with Special Events and Updates

Dive into the eighth anniversary celebrations of SWG Legends! Discover badge collections, gift paintings, and the exciting future that awaits in deep space.

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Star Wars Galaxies: Revolutionizing MMORPGs - A Comprehensive Retrospective

Explore the lasting impact of Star Wars Galaxies on MMORPGs, from player-driven worlds to innovative gameplay, in our in-depth retrospective.

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Celebrating 18 Years of Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan

Delve into the 18th anniversary of 'Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan.' Explore its impact, the allure of Mustafar, and the legacy it left in Star Wars gaming.

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