
Limitless possiblity (and possible limits) in Crytek's sci-fi shooter

Crysis hangs its success on DirectX 10 supergraphics, holy-s*** moments involving absolute-zero alien death machines, and possibly too-high technology -- but it hangs its hat on permutations. Pile custom weapon loadouts (no matter how nonsensical) on top of nanosuit configurations on top of everything-breaks physics, then add a layer of ice and toss it all into zero-g, and we've got n-factorial questions.... What happens when x + y is divided by z? What happens when you introduce w?

If Crysis is a collection of details from which complexity violently erupts, where's the limit? The Crytek crew pauses to bring Crysis' high concepts back to the ground, and to explain what could happen -- and what probably won't.

DeadlyFire6225d ago

A Glitch In the System
Accidents happen. Famously, Crysis' giant alien walker was never really meant to tear up trees looking for human targets. It just sorta worked out that way.

"Every once in a while, the A.I. looks like it is doing a new exciting behavior when, in fact, there is a bug in the code," Yerli says. "That often spawns interesting design discussions, and the bug may end up getting a proper implementation and become a feature. We recently had one of the aliens writhing itself around on the floor after being shot by the player. It was a bug in the physics system, but [it] actually added a lot of character to the alien. Whether we turn this bug into a feature remains to be decided."

Looks to me like the first signs of AI inteligence. :O It isn't even told what to do but it does it right.

neogeo6225d ago

Maybe that poor alien does not want to die!


Can You Run Crysis In VR? You Can, Thanks To A New Mod

A Crysis VR mod is now available for download, allowing users to experience the first entry in the series in VR

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Rynxie405d ago (Edited 405d ago )

No one cares. The whole can it run Crysis is old, dead and stupid. It's also irrelevant, considering only less than one percent of pc owners, own a high-end PC. Second, I believe Crysis wasn't even optimized properly.

TheColbertinator405d ago

Crysis blew my mind back then and still kinda does.

bunt-custardly405d ago

Let's hope the modders can get the other Crysis games working in VR as they use the same Cryengine.


10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

GF365: "There are some games with extraordinary visuals that impress us to this day. Here are old games with outstanding graphics."

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ShwaaMan476d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya476d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney476d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled476d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist475d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin476d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled476d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE476d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi476d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE476d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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Can It Run Crysis? The Only Steam Deck Question That Matters

Digital Foundry: "When Alex Battaglia got his hands on a Steam Deck, this was inevitable, right? So can the Steam Deck really run Crysis? And if so, what type of optimised settings produce the best performance? What's the best balance of features and battery life... and what about 60fps?"

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