
MMORPG - Stargate Worlds Has One Week to Raise Cash

MMORPG.com writes: "The next week and a half may finally bring resolution to the curious case of Stargate Worlds. According to a former employee who has recently left the company, Firesky has until August 1st to raise capital or MGM will pull the license.

At this time, the company's last hope appears to be a group of doctors who are considering an $8 million investment into the company. This cash infusion would keep the company alive, allow it to pay off back wages and launch Stargate Worlds. However, our anonymous source does not believe that the deal will get done..."

divideby05400d ago

all the investors need to do is play the game...that will make up their mind

ExcelKnight5400d ago

One has to wonder what type of decision they'd take, though.

The only people who might still be interested in an eleventh hour save of the game are huge Stargate fans who are pretty rich.

Chriswsm5399d ago

I was in the beta and when that stopped a few months back I didnt think it was even close to release. Cant see how the money would magically make it ready unless they got the Asgard to help with programming.

They didnt even have a invert mouse Y axis implemented as far as I recall.

Sad to say it but I dont think SGW will see the light of day.


Through The Blue Portal - Why Don’t We Have More Stargate Games?

With the exception of the third-person shooter, Stargate: Resistance, and a cancelled MMO by the name of Stargate: Worlds, gamers haven’t had much opportunity to explore the rich Stargate universe within the medium of gaming.

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Barry321711349d ago

Great article. I also love Stargate, and really wish we had more games from this awesome IP. I was in the Alpha for Stargate Worlds. It was really ambitious, had a ton of things they wanted to do, and even with the bugs in the Alpha grouping up was fun and exploring the worlds they had open at the time was great. Lots of bugs, but that’s to be expected of an Alpha. Had fun reporting all of the bugs as well, some hilarious and others game breaking. Then, all of a sudden, we got an email thanking us for our time, but it was over and gone. Bam! Oh well... What could’ve been...

lalalala1344d ago

We need a AAA studio to pick one of these up, because there's lots of opportunity because every world can be different. I mean even if Ubisoft picked it up, they could outsource several of the worlds to their different studios and it would still work.


Stargate Worlds, the MMO that never was

Back in 2008, I had a chance to play Stargate Worlds, a MMORPG based on the Stargate franchise, while the game was never released here are my thoughts on the game and what it had.

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Alexious2398d ago

This could have been amazing. Loved Stargate back in the day.

supremeaaron2398d ago

It was a game with a lot of potential. As a Stargate fan, the story just sounded great.

Yui_Suzumiya2398d ago

I think I remember hearing about this back in the day

chris2352398d ago

stargate was a very cheap tv show. no wonder an mmo with this setting never saw the light of day.

Tankbusta402398d ago

Pseudo Intellectual right here folks!!!

2398d ago
Tankbusta402398d ago

Its really too bad.

StarGate needs a new series!

Xenophon_York2398d ago

Such a shame. Maybe one day a developer will give this franchise the attention required to do it justice. Endless possibilities.


6 Games We Saw in Action That Never Came Out

Kotaku: "It’s frankly ridiculous how close some games are to finished when they are cancelled - or, conversely, how vaporous they can be when they’re first shown."

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3106d ago

I'm still completely bummed out about Prey 2 being cancelled. I still have sliver of hope that it is secretly being developed for current gen consoles though. I won't give up dammit!!.

Kyosuke_Sanada3106d ago

I can't describe the disappointment I felt after the cancellation of 8 days and Coded Arms Assault......