
Quick Warhawk Impressions

Kotaku posted Brian Crecente's first impression of his 20 min. romp with this highly anticipated game. Brian says "Thanks to some last minute shenanigans I only got 20 minutes or so with Warhawk today on the Playstation 3 debug during the first of what I hope will be many Warhawk Wednesdays."

Apparently once a week the devs of Warhawk are hosting a bunch of journalists in the game, letting them try out the multiplayer. Unfortunately, the game has no offline play, and no instructions, so everyone in the game is still trying to figure out controls, the map, the objectives, all that sort of stuff.

Robotz Rule6233d ago

Ahh man!,I was really hoping for a Blu-Ray disc format!,but oh well.....as long as it delivers and it's fun,it is well worth the purchase:)

Diselage6233d ago

I didn't see that downloadable thing, i guess this isn't quite the game i thought it was going to be. First impression though is still looking decent though.

masterg6233d ago

It is the game you thought it would be.
The PS3 is going another direction with down-loadable games.
Its a full online game at half the price of a normal game.
I personally would rather pay half when I know 90% of the time I´d be playing only anyway.

Little Big Planet is also a down-loadable game. Set to arrive late 2007. Then released on blu-ray some time in 2008.

BlackIceJoe6233d ago

I hope that some how offline multiplayer can be added this game would be great with it even if you can only play against a couple people I still think that would be fun. Plus I do not play that many games online so I will most likely have to pass on this one awesome game if offline multiplayer is not added.

nix6233d ago (Edited 6233d ago )

i know this game is awesome.. but with no offline multiplayer or single player, i'm heart-broken.

but IMO this is where the CELL plays a vital role. online multi-player. we all know that CELL can talk to other CELLs and organise work... so everytime someone logs on to the network the "network" becomes more powerful thus computing more calculations. could this be the reason that R:FOM was able to support 40 players...? and we all know sony network already has more than 1 million subscribers.

EDIT: oh.. well. thanks nevertheless! (:

WilliamRLBaker6233d ago

I used to play delta force 1-2-3 and 4 and they supported more players i do believe.
The reason resistance supports 40 players *and it does lag, not much, but some people have talked bout it and its because of their own crappy connections* is because they use high quality servers and really good broadband connections...fiber optic...ect

A high quality server, and a super high quality connection for that server often makes all the difference in online games.

UrbanJabroni6233d ago

"we all know that CELL can talk to other CELLs and organise work... so everytime someone logs on to the network the "network" becomes more powerful thus computing more calculations"

no. Again, there is virtually no latency in the Cell or any other architecture...gigahertz means billions of instructions every second. Billions. So take the time it takes to compute the data necessary for output, add the time it takes to traverse a network (KILObytes per second), compute on another cell, traverse the network again and then calculate the new values, and several seconds _at least_ of gameplay will have already been completed.

Despite Kutaragi's inane comments, pretty much anyone with even a basic education in CS or EE can confirm that it makes _no_ sense to distribute processing _for games_ over a network. Sure, giant calculations where time is no issue, such as that seen with the distributed research, there is plenty of advantage.

With the millions and millions of calculations on multiple threads that it takes to draw a frame in a game, latency of a network makes distributed computing pointless.

Rybnik6233d ago

I know this doesn't really affect gameplay all that much, but does anyone know if there are maps with a different time of day, cause ever since this became online multiplayer only I've only seen the same dusk footage.

power of Green 6233d ago

I'v been trying to figure out why PS3 games look so drab?. Oh well its not like its a graphical game anyways; seems light enough to have some fun though animations are kind of last get.

nix6233d ago

i was thinking the same about the new HALO 3 videos and snaps!!! and specially the new halo2 and halo3 comparison screen! i mean same map???

ok.. i'm just talking like the POG above me - so if you guys think that i sound like a fool.... i owe it to you, dear ol' POG! q:

omfg_1116233d ago

you are so fixed on graphics?
you call yourself a gamer?

in my opinion a real gamer is more fixed on the gameplay! and i think wahrhak gameplay is more than fun.

and if u become nice graphisc too its a good think.

if u ask me... go play GoW it has AWESOME graphics ... and a gameplaytime for about 6 hours... have fun!

if it is that what u want... u got it! :)

spacetoilet6233d ago

She's an X-bot. Has tried to calm down lately but still clearly full of crap. Last gen? Er....ok.

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Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1113d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991113d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


Remembering Warhawk – one of the PS3’s first multiplayer must-haves

TSA writes: "For many PS3 owners and members of the TSA community, Warhawk was our first foray into the mesmerising world of online multiplayer. Now, after more than a decade of dogfights, the skies over Eucadia are clear, the game’s two warring factions having called an eternal ceasefire. To put it in less poetic terms, Sony finally pulled the plug on January 31st with the online servers no longer accessible."

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ArchangelMike1895d ago

I hope we do get a next-gen Warhawk, that would be awesome. Warhawk was so underrated for it's time.

SegaSaturn6691894d ago

This game...my god. What a masterpiece.

mkis0071894d ago

I really enjoyed warhawk on ps3. Hope it isn't dead because of Starhawks average reception.

Knushwood Butt1894d ago

Time just flew by when playing this, and I always had that, 'just one more game, then I quit for the day.' urge.

Spent entire days playing it. Not healthy, but endless fun.

PoSTedUP1894d ago

after a very long hard days work i would come home and drink a few coors light 24 ounces while playing this game on my vita through PSnow, for hours and hours. it made me happy. it is one of those experiences i will never forget.

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Sony Plays Nice, Renews Life of Servers for Warhawk and More Until January 2019

Back in September 2018 Sony broke the news that online servers for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sounds & Shapes, Warhawk, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25th. Sony has now given them an extended lease on life.

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TheColbertinator2025d ago

Warhawk had a good run in the early PS3 days

jukins2023d ago

It's still very active considering its age. The primary reason I had and will reactivate my psnow subscription

tucidic2023d ago

Wyatt . if you think Benjamin `s rep0rt is unimaginable... on friday I got Mitsubishi Evo after I been earnin $8977 recently and-even more than, ten thousand this past munth . it's by-far the most-financialy rewarding I have ever done . I started this eight months/ago and straight away started making a nice minimum $72.. per/hr .
try here .......... http://tiny.cc/9ygp0y

bouzebbal2023d ago

I wish killzone was extended as well

2023d ago Replies(1)
Majin-vegeta2025d ago (Edited 2025d ago )

Guess I can now plat all stars😁

porkChop2024d ago

A Warhawk remaster or remake would be nice, but we know Sony isn't going to bother.


I only diagree because please dont say that. We have had zero games like this so far. No MAG, SOCOM, TWISTED METAL etc...

TheSaint2023d ago

I'd kill or die for a MAG 2 on PS4.

Babadook72024d ago

Yup. Remaster or better yet. A remake.

FunAndGun2024d ago

Please, for the love of all things gaming, make a Warhawk remaster. I logged on for Warhawk day last year, and promptly got destroyed by ground and air. Some hardcore players still playing today. Warhawk is my favorite MP game ever made, hands down!

Sevir2024d ago

Honestly, Warhawk and the original Resistance was pure multiplayer bliss on PS3 in it's first few years on the market. If they did a ground up remake of Warhawk for PS4 I'd be so happy. In similar to how they did Wipeout Omega collection on PS4

Concertoine2024d ago

I miss the simplicity of early 7th gen shooters.

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