
The year end planning of Sony , Part 2

French website PS3Gen.fr has new information about the full list of games for 2009. They have European dates and prices for one part of PS3, PS2 an PSP games. They have information about PS3 bundles to.

In this list, we can see Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves, EyePet, Ratchet & Clank : A Crack in Time, Singstar : Michael jackson, etc...

For PSP, we can see MotorStorm Artic Edge, Gran Turismo, Jak & Daxter : The Lost Frontier, Little Big Planet,Socom: Fireteam Bravo 3, etc...

To know in detail the list, dates and prices of PS3 and PSP games, click on the link below.

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Admiral_Benson5431d ago

Infamous going platinum in November!?

Damn, that was quick!!

KingAlaBala5431d ago

Uncharted 2! xD i cant wait! i didnt feel like this since the release of Halo 3!!!

EvilGost5431d ago

Singstar : Mickael Jackson reconfirmed


bringing out Singstar: Michael Jackson is one of the smartest business moves i've seen in a long time, watch the sales of that one go through the roof!

FamilyGuy5430d ago

I'm actually interested in a signstar game...
It just seems like it'd be great during family get-togethers and small parties, people like karaoke and everyone knows MJs classics.

5431d ago Replies(9)
djreplay5431d ago

I want to see GT5 this year but MAG can wait imo

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar16h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder11h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing691h ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor1d 3h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde22h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast22h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows21h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20h ago
Hotpot19h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear2121h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning7717h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger17h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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Unheard of: Best PS2 Fishing Games

Take it to the sea and start the fishing. Take a look at the best fishing games you can play on the PS2 today.

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CrimsonWing693d ago

Well, I appreciate this article since I enjoy fishing games, so there’s that.