
RPGamer: Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics Impressions

RPGamer writes: "Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics is a unique game with a funny name. This game is a turn-based tactical RPG with combat unlike anything else on the DS right now. Battles take place on a grid, much like many other titles in this sub-genre, but once units move next to another and attack, things start to look much different."


GamePro: Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics Review

Why is it that you can't have a strategy-RPG without some grand-scale war going down? Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics is one of the newest additions to the popular genre, and it's more of the kingdom-clashing we've come to love. The impetus for battle this time revolves around mysterious weapons called "Vaettir Arms" that house the souls of powerful heroes past within them. There's a bit of flavor to the proceedings from some of the references to European countries in the text, but for the most part, it's a pretty familiar war story.

Handhelds_FTW5291d ago

Damn it, there goes my hopes of this being on par with Dragon Force.


RPGamer: Hero's Saga: Laevatein Tactics Review

Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics is a long way from perfect. The battles are not swift, even by the standards of tactical games. Getting the characters and weapons the player wants is a remarkably random endeavor, also. Despite these flaws, the game as a pure tactical scenario actually manages to rise above more prominent choices on the DS such as the Luminous Arc series, delivering a unique and enjoyable tactical experience that should engross devotees of the genre.


Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics Review at CheatCC

CheatCC says, "While Hero's Saga Laevatein Tactics has a few good things going for it in the gameplay department, the extremely cheap one-hit-kills super moves take much of the enjoyment out of the game. Add this to the terrible A.I., the cookie-cutter RPG storyline and characters, and the host of better SRPGs already available on the DS and there's just not much of a reason to pick up HSLT."